Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

January Calendar!!

Hope you can read this.  At least you can see the dates and what's on them.  
If you can't read the message from the First Presidency, I will type it for you...
President Henry B. Eyring
Happiness for those we love...
"From accounts in the Book of Mormon and for many of us, from our own experience, we know that the gift of happiness is well marked.  We also know that maintaining happiness is not easy unless, as with the Nephites after the Savior's visit.  'the love of God' dwells in our hearts."
Also at the bottom, this is the quote..
"This beautiful gospel is so simple a child can grasp it, yet so profound and complex , that it will take a lifetime--even an eternity---of study and discovery to fully understand it.  But sometimes we take the beautiful lily of God's truth and gild it with layer upon layer of man-made good ideas, programs, and expectations.  Each one, by itself, might be helpful and appropriate for a certain time and circumstance, but when they are laid on top of each other, they can create a mountain of sediment that becomes so think and heavy that we risk losing sight of that precious flower we once loved so dearly."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Oh, and by the way...thank you Kathy for doing the calendar each month.  It's a lot of work putting it together and finding great quotes to help and inspire us!!

January Activity...

Come put packets together for new babies born here in the Cedar hospital.  We have a non-profit organization called "Great Beginnings" that has been in existence for the past 8-10 years.  We have the new parents of the new babies watch a video that stresses the importance of reading to their children every day from the day they are born.  It's amazing the effects it has on the children.  How prepared they are entering school and their success in life.  And it also provides quiet and quality time with the parents.  Bonding time!!!  So we put together packets to give to them before they leave the hospital.  It has information in it that will help parents understand this very concept.  And it also has 4 books that they can take home and start reading today.  Most of them, after seeing the video, open the packet at the hospital and start there.  It's awesome!!  So we are going to be putting the packets together for our service project.  We will be meeting at the church first and then riding together over to the warehouse where the books are stored.  We may even have a potluck.  So plan on it
January 20th
Meet at church
We may have you bring your favorite treat???  Don't know yet!!  Still planning!!  But please mark that date on your calendar!!

Goals for our Relief Society for the 2016 year..

1.  To develop and gain a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ, and then be truly converted.
2.  Have more meaningful night activities.
3.  To help instill a love for service.
4.  Develop a love for the Prophet, First Presidency and the Apostles.
We have a plan in place to help accomplish these goals.  We hope you will come and join with us and be a part of our success.  We pray that we will be inspired as a presidency to help all of us achieve this together.  

New lessons for the New Year!!

The lessons for the upcoming year on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays will be from President Howard W. Hunter.
He lived an amazing life and his teachings are ones that will be wonderful to study.  Just looking over the content of the manual, some of the lessons will be...
The Atonement, Tithing, The scriptures, True greatness, Come back and feast, the Sacrament, marriage, Being honest, Commitment, Faith and Testimony, Following the teaching of Jesus Christ, just to name a few.
Please come and join us.  We miss you if you're not there.  We have a great sisterhood in our ward and want you to be a part of it.  With all of us, we aren't complete.

December 9th...A Christmas Celebration!!

The Christmas Party was a huge success too.  We had over 150 people come and had great food.  Actually we ran out but that's what we hope for every year.  Kathy and Dennis Hansen and Mandy and Jared Black were the committee chairs and they did a great job.  There were other families that helped and it was a lot of fun.  Just fun to get together and visit and see our neighbors.  Thanks to all who helped and to all who came.

Super Saturday was a huge success!!

Our November 7th Super Saturday was so fun.  We had tons of crafts and tons of ladies come.  If the crafts weren't a motivator, then the soup and bread sticks were.  It was a great day.  Sorry if you missed it.  Great fun!!  No pictures because I was at the hospital with my dad.  Sorry.  But we will do better in the future!! This could be sisters in our ward, but it's not!!

New sisters in the ward...

Boy...missing a couple of months in our ward makes a huge difference.  Especially when it comes to move-ins and move-outs.
We have 6 new sisters which means we lost a few too.
Melinda Painter and her family have moved into one of the town homes next to Sara Randall.  Their house number is 1229.  Her husband's name is Jamie and they have 3 kids.  Brendan 8, kailey 5, and RaeAnn 1. Melinda is very shy and really wants to come to church so she said if you see her, don't talk to her!!!  She's funny!!  They could sure use some fellowshipping!!  Cookies would be great!!
Kortny Bagy has moved onto Pinecone in a basement apartment.  439 is the house number.  Brice is her husband and Taylie and Hurley are their kids.  We welcome them too.
Sharyl Morgado has been to our ward several times before because she is the mother of Carisa Wood.  But she is officially in our ward now.  Sister Cowley, that lived in the apartment next to the LaMarca's moved to the care center and so Sharyl moved in.  We are thrilled to have her in our ward!!
We lost cute Sister Brianna St. Andre.  They moved up north.  But we gained a wonderful family there.  The Corry's.  Brittney and Daniel.  Their address is 1530 Sunset.  They moved in and she had a baby the very next week.  They have a 2 year old, Hanson and a brand new baby girl.  YEAH!!!  So glad to have them.
We also have Laura Martinez!!  She moved into 1535.  She is a single mom with 3 kids.  Ruby 9, Christopher 7, and I'm not sure what the baby's name is.  She is 3.
Bonnie Jorgenson has moved into her parents house on Mountain View Dr.  Her mom and dad were the Bank's.  She has a son named Stetson who is 20 years old that is living there also.  She is a cute lady.  Her address is 517 Mountain View Dr,  Please drop by.  She would love the visit.  She really wants to get to know her neighbors.
WELCOME TO OUR WARD!!!  Hope we can make them feel comfortable.  One thing in this life we can always plan on is change.  And in our ward, it's BIG!!!

I've been slothful!!!

I'm so sorry that it's been a couple of months since I sat down and updated our blog.  Life just gets in the way sometimes!!  But Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas has all come and gone!!  WOW!!  And I hope this new year brings you happiness and prosperity!!  But I am going to put a few updates, even if they have passed.  JUST SO YOU KNOW!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Celebration of Life---Mike Tong

We had another one of our ward members die this past week.  His funeral was today at our church.  He lived right next to Alice Tuckett on Bristlecone Dr.  He will be missed by many.  He was a 37 year fire fighter and was honored by his family and many of his friends today.
Thank you so much if you participated in preparing food for the family.  I know they really appreciated it.  We will be thinking of the Tong family.  It's sure hard to lose a dad!!!  And a grandpa!!


November 7, 2015
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Cultural Hall
Here are just a few, well, maybe almost all of the things we will be offering to make...if you are interested just contact one of the Relief Society Presidency to find out more information.  We can tell you prices....(there are a few more things we don't have pictures for.
 Pumpkin Patch
 President Hinckley on board
 Proclamation on Canvas
 Stocking for things we do for Christ this year..
 Gift boxes
 This is to measure your kids growth!!
 Free Bee
 Sunday Sacrament Activities

 Demo on nails
 Christmas labels
 Ladies jewelry
 Girls Jewelry
 Puzzles on Sticks
 Cupcake Demo
Puzzles on Sticks 
We will be serving lunch too.  Make plans to be there.  
We have all of this outside the Relief Society Room from now til we do it.
So come to church and see what you want to do.  Lots of fun things to choose from!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Living with Real Intent...another eye opener for me!!

What does "With Real Intent" mean?
Bro. Ridd learned the importance of real intent when he was a young seminary student.  (I think this story could include us all!!)  His teacher challenged the class to read the Book of Mormon.  To keep track of our progress, he created a chart with our names down one side and the books in the Book of Mormon across the top.  Each time we read a book, he placed a star by our name.  "Spurred by a sense of embarrassment and my innate competitive spirit, I started reading.  Every time I got a star, I felt good."
He didn't finish first in his class and he didn't gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon.  He did get stars though. 
He said, "Looking back, I can see that the Lord was totally fair with me.  Why should I have expected to find anything other than what i was look for?  REAL INTENT means doing the right thing for the right reasons.  I was reading the right book for the wrong reasons. 
Living with real intent means understanding the "WHY"--the motives behind our actions.  Socrates said,
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Read it...Page 12

November Super Saturday!!!

November 7th
At the Church!!
Lunch served
Lots of ideas to keep our kids reverent in Sacrament Meeting. 
Fun Books
More to come.....
Times will be announced when we get closer.

The ideas will be shown outside the doors of the Relief Society Room starting the week after conference.
You can sign up there!!!

How do I know if I know...

How do I know if I know???
If you want to strengthen your testimony and have a new perspective on things you need to read this book.  I gave my lesson last week about it. 
Our lesson was on Sister Cheryl A. Esplin of the Primary General Presidency.  Her talk was called "Filling our homes with Light and Truth,"  She made a quote that really stuck out to me..."Many of us have been baptized and have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, whose role is to reveal and teach the truth of all things.  However, with the privilege of that gift comes the responsibility to SEEK TRUTH, to LIVE THE TRUTH we know, and to SHARE and DEFEND the truth.
And this quote got me thinking about the book by John Bytheway. 
But before I share a few thoughts about the book, here is a great object lesson...
She had this presented to her at a training meeting.  The Young Women leader held up 2 cans of soda.  In one she held a can that was empty and in the other hand a can that was unopened and full of soda.  First, she squeezed the empty can; it began to bend and then collapsed under the pressure.  Next, with her other hand, she squeezed the unopened can.  It held firm.  It didn't bend or collapse like the empty can---because it was full.  We can liken this demonstration to our individual lives to to our homes and families.  When filled with the Spirit and with gospel truth, we have the power to withstand the outside forces of the world that surround and push against us.  However, if we are not filled spiritually , we don't have the inner strength to resist the outside pressures and can collapse when forces push against us. 

We all know Satan---and he does everything in his power to dilute, distort, and destroy the truth of the gospel and to keep us separated from that truth!!  He discourages us!!  Makes us feel unworthy!!  Makes us doubt!!  And those are just a few!!!

What are the biggest problems facing the members of the Church today?  Immorality?  Pornography?  Drugs?  Worldliness?  Idleness?  No!!  Those are secondary problems.  Those temptations lose much of their power if we solve the real problem.  The real problem is WEAK TESTIMONIES!!!
What the members of the Church need, more than anything else, are strong testimonies of Jesus Christ and the gospel He restored.  They need to know.  And they need to know that they know!!!
The first syllable of the word testimony is "test"!!!  and yes, there is a test in acquiring the knowledge you seek!!  SEEK!!  But whatever youdo, please don't be discouraged on this quest!  The Lord wants to send His Spirit to you---He wants you to know!!  But He also wants you to act in faith and to move forward even when you don't know.  SO the important thing is that you KEEP TRYING!!
I could go on and on.  This book is so encouraging.  It makes us all think that we can get there someday!!
One more idea...Is a testimony an all-or-nothing proposition?  No..  There are different levels of testimony and our testimonies can grow or dwindle based on our experiences, our circumstances, and our choices.
A testimony is a mixture of things we know, things we feel, things we believe, things we hope for, and maybe even things we doubt!!!  Perhaps this is why the man seeking a blessing for his son told the Savior, :Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."  (Mark 9:24)  This man, like many of us, believed some things for sure, but he also had some doubts, or some "unbelief."  Most important, he wanted help, and he went to the Savior---he wanted to believe more!!!  If you have some doubts, or some "unbelief", we should got o the Savior too!!!
Love the book.  It gave me such a different outlook on things.  If you read it, I hope it does the same for you!!!
Get Sister Esplin's talk...One of the last quotes is "Don't bury your testimony in the ground!!"  Read it!! 

Upcoming Events to look forward to...

October 21st is a date you will want to schedule on your calendar!!!  It is our annual HALLOWEEN Get-together at the Emery's house.  And if you haven't been in the past, you will definitely NOT want to miss it. We have food and ALL kinds of decorations that are amazing.  It's just a down right fun night.
Emery's house
512 West 1420 South
(Blue Bird Circle)
You never know what you will come across while you're there!!  Eeeek!!!

More new move-ins!!!

Maxcine Jensen moved into the last apartment on the left hand side of 625.  She is a delight to have in our ward.  She is a single sister that would love to meet all of you.  Really!!  She would.  She is outgoing and full of life.  Please say hi!!  1549 is her apartment #.  She loves to sew and actually is starting up her own business.  If you need help, give her a call!!
And our newest addition the the Painter family.  Melinda and Jamie.  They have 3 children.  Brendan 8, Kailey 5, and RaeAnn 1.  They have bought a home right close to the Randall's on Pinecone Dr.  Their house # is 1229.  I know they would love some treats or something like that!! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Was it something I ATE??? Facts & Myths about Food Poisoning

 I love the Southwest Health Magazine that comes to all of us every 3 months.   I especially liked this article because one of the myth's happened to me this last week.  Just thought you would like to know a few facts about food poisoning.
Guess what...There are no real medical diseases called "Food Poisoning" or "stomach flu."  There is no disease called "the 24 hour flu/"  These are just common terms to describe a myriad of illnesses that all have very similar symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, maybe with stomach pain, fever and body aches.  This cluster of illnesses is sometimes called enteric diseases because they affect your intestines.  They are also sometimes called foodborne diseases.  They are not related to influenza, and the seasonal flu shot does not protect against these diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Myth 1--It had to be something I ate--Fact:  Bacteria, viruses and parasites that are spread through food can be spread other ways too.
Myth 2--I know I got sick from the chicken because I started feeling sick right after I ate it.  Fact:  Many diseases spread through food strike days or weeks after you eat it.
Most of the time, the last thing you ate wasn't what made you sick.  Many foodborne diseases don't start to produce the toxins that make you sick until after they are in your intestines.  Then, it can take some time (days of weeks, sometimes) before enough of the toxin is built up to cause the symptoms.
Myth 3--I had a different disease than somone else I know who was sick because I was much more ill.  Fact:  Germs can affect people in different ways.  The same bug can result in different illnesses in different people.  Age can play a factor.  The very young and the elderly, pregnant women, and people who have weak immune systems.
Myth 4--IT couldn't have been the mashed potatoes (or turkey or gravy) because everyone ate that but I was the only one who got sick.  Fact:  Sometimes only one person gets sick after eating a shared food item that was contaminated.  Most of the time you can't tell what it was that made you sick.  Remember---It might not have even been the food that made you sick.  You might have gotten it some other way.  Sometimes more than one person can eat the same contaminated food and only one person will get sick.  Maybe the person who got sick was fighting off a different illness or was feeling stressed or tired, so his or her germ0fighting immune system wasn't up to par.  Maybe the people who didn't get sick actually were sick with a bout or tow of diarrhea but didn't think to mention it.  Or maybe there was a pocket of food that was more heavily contaminated, and the person who got sick drew the "unlucky" card.
Myth 5--I was the only one who ate the enchilada so it had to be that.  Fact:  Most of the time, you can't tell what it was that made you sick.
Bottom line:  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after using the restroom and before every meal.  Cook food all the way, especially chicken, hamburger, eggs and other foods of animal origin.  Do not consume raw milk or products made from raw milk.  And...keep hot food hot and cold foods cold!!  Stor foods immediately after the meal is finished, or within two hours.   

Rae Stout Banks dies...

We lost a member of our ward on August 24th.  Most of us as members of the Indian Hills Ward didn't know her.  She has been home bound for several years.  She was such a nice lady and I know her family is going to miss her a lot.  If you remember Joy Woolsey, that lived in our ward for several years.  It's her mom..
Thank you to those that helped with the funeral.  The family was so gracious and thanks us over and over. 

The Temple and the Natural order of Marriage, Bruce C. Hafen, Part 2

I love his opening statement....When a confused culture confuses us about what marriage means, we may give up on ourselves and each other much too soon.  But there is HOPE!!  The temple's eternal pattern can help us overcome the modern chaos.  He talks about the marriage of Adam and Eve. 
"The temple is the knot that ties heaven and earth together!!"
What a great idea!!
And then he goes on to talk about bringing our own heart to the alter.   Bringing our own broken hearts and contrite spirits to our marriages.  
A temple worker whose wife passed away after she had suffered a debilitating illness for several years told me, "I thought I knew what love was---we'd had over 50 blessed years together.  But only in trying to care for her in these last few years did I discover what love really is."
Some of us go to the temple today the way Adam and Eve first offered sacrifices--"I know not, save the Lord commanded me,"  Simply because we are commanded, without knowing why.  Simple obedience is certainly better than not performing the ordinances at all.  But the Lord, who sent the angel, must have wanted them to know why---and I believe He wants US to know why.
He ends with the Marriage and Authentic Joy.  
Please read this article.  These comments are just the tip of the iceberg.  It is so good.  I so love to have such great men share with us such great insights!!

Walk, Talk and Visit Teach!!! September Activity

It's our annual Walk, Talk and Visit Teach.  If you want to get your visiting teaching done all at once and with one visit, this is it!!!!  And you can exercise at the same time.  We will have some HEALTHY snacks and will be sharing the evening with the 19th ward.  SO FUN!!!
September 23rd.
At the Pavilion
Please encourage your visiting teaching partners and ladies to be there.  
It will be a great evening!!!

New ladies in the Ward!!!

We have some new people in our ward.  It's always a new face and we're so glad to have them. 
The Hall family moved into where the Snedeger's moved out.  1477 So 625 West.  Laura and David with 3 kids.  Mary 13, Joshua 11, and Felicity 6.  Welcome!!
Also we have Carol Cooley.  She is a sweet older lady that lives in the side apartment that's attached to the LaMarca's house.  553 West Greens Lake Dr.  She is 92 years old and is a delight to talk to.  Take a minute and drop by.  She would LOVE IT!! She needs friends.  Young and Old!!
Maxcine Jensen has just moved into Sunset Ridge, #1549.  Last apartment on the left.  We are so excited to get to know her.
And just to let you know, Tasha and Amos have moved into Sunset Ridge too.  Their address is 1528.  We are glad for them to have their own place.   

Want to Serve!!!

The church has a new website called  It is a clearinghouse for service.  You can sign up as a volunteer and also you can post projects that need service.  SIGN UP!!  It is a great way to serve in the community and a great way to get to know people from all walks of life.  It will be advertised more in the next couple of weeks.  Just go to and register. 
This is only available here in Utah in the Southern Region of our state.  It is on a trial basis.  It is up and active as of now for Cedar and St. George only.  It is offered in many others states though.  Do yourself a favor and SERVE!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Proclamation on the Family, August Ensign, Bruce C. Hafen

 All the articles in the Ensign are great, but this one really hit home to me!!  
"Are we already living in the time of the curse?  Perhaps!!!"
Elder Hafen explains to us (in pretty plain terms) just how the world (that's us!) has gotten ourselves into the situation we are in now. It's the collapse of the family and marriage.
"WHAT are your greatest concerns? a newspaper reporter asked President Gordon B. Hinckley in June 1995, as he turned 85.  "I am concerned about family life in the Church.  We have wonderful people, but we have too many whose families are falling apart...I think this is my most serious concern
"There is no other single force causing as much measurable hardship and human misery in this country as the collapse of marriage.  It hurts children, it reduces mothers' financial security, and it has landed with particular devastation on those who can bear it least: the nation's underclass...(Time magazine writer)
Here are some facts he brings out in the article:
Today, 40 percent of U.S. births are to unmarried parents.  In 1960 that number was 5 percent.  About 50 percent of today's teens now consider out-of-wedlock childbearing a "worthwhile lifestyle."  The percentage of children in single-parent families since 1960 has increased fourfold, from 8 percent to 31 percent.  Over half of today's U.S. marriages are preceded by unmarried cohabitation.  What was highly abnormal in the 1960's is the new normal.
*Juvenile crime has increased sixfold.
*Child neglect and all forms of child abuse have quintupled.
*Psychological disorders among children have all worsened, from drug abuse to eating disorders, depression among children has increased 1,000 percent.  And...
*Domestic violence against women has increased, and poverty has shifted increasingly to children.
How serious are these problems?  As President Hinckley said in 1995, these issues were his "most serious concern."  And the trends that troubled him then are now measurably worse!!!
PLEASE, read this article. (Page 50) It is a great one.  It is the first of a two part series.  The next one will be in the September issue.
The "Proclamation to the World" was issued in 1995!!  
Two months after the question was asked of President Hinckley...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Chapter 16, Elderly in the church

We have some of the most lovely elderly sisters in our Relief Society!!  I look to them for their grace, their dedication and their willingness to serve whenever asked.  This lesson gave some great ideas for the elderly but also for all of us.  I'm just going to list a few.
1.  Work in the temple and attend often.  That's great advice for all of us. 
2.  Collect and write family histories.  Same here!!
3.  Become involved in missionary service....Ditto
4.  Provide leadership by building family togetherness.  We all need to work on this. 
5.  Accept and fulfill Church callings...You're NEVER to old to serve!!  You don't retire from the church!!
6.  Plan for your financial future!  EEEK!!
7.  Render Christlike service.  Get out there and serve.  It's amazing what it can do for you!!
8.  Stay physically fit, healthy, and active!!  Yipee!!  I love this one. 
Great advice for all of us!!  
I look to my mother for advice and council everyday.  I'm so blessed to still have her here.  
The elderly have much to offer.  Please take the time to let them give.  Go VISIT!!

Conference on Protecting Children and Families from Pornography

Letter from LDS family Services...Please read!!

Honoring President Packer

I loved President Packer for many reasons but the one that stands out to me is the fact that he told it how it was!!  He was not afraid to speak the truth.  He was not afraid to say what he knew to be right!!  And in today's world we need more of that!!
He was always striving to improve! He spoke of the living Apostles, including himself, as "ordinary people" who might wonder why they should be called to this holy office.  "There are many qualifications that I lack.  There is so much in my effort to serve that is wanting.  There is only one single thing, one qualification that can explain it.  Like Peter and all of those who have since been ordained, I have that witness."  "I know that God is our Father.  He introduced His Son, Jesus Christ, to Joseph Smith.  I declare to you that I know that Jesus is the Christ.  I know that He lives...He made His Atonement.  Of Him I bear witness."
"It had become critically important," he remembered, "to establish this intention between me and the Lord so that I knew that He knew which way I had committed my agency.  I went before Him and said, 'I'm not neutral, and you can do with me what you want.  If you need my vote, it's there.  I don't care what you do with me because I give it to you---everything, all I own, all I am.'"
Those who loved and honored Boyd K. Packer will have every confidence that the Lord has accepted his offering, an offering magnified through a lifetime of sacred service....

Monday, August 10, 2015

Happy Birthday Berenice!! 90 years!!

Berenice's family had a fun birthday party for her on the 1st of August at the church.  She was so excited to have her family here with her.  What a lovely lady she is.  What a great example of dedication and commitment she is for all of us to follow.  You can just tell that she lives what she believes.  And she believes with all her heart.  Thanks Berenice for being such a faithful sister in our ward.  We love you so much!!!

It was a great Stake Conference!!!

I thought that the talks would focus this time on Sabbath Day Observance.  Not so...  I felt that most of them were about encouragement.  President Grimm gave a great talk on not letting Satan tell us that we are no good.  He is the father of all lies.  What a great talk.  I love talks about hanging in there, because we are all in this battle together.  We can do it!!  Tough, yup!!  I know that I felt better after hearing what was said there.  It's always great to get a little shot in the arm.  It's makes us all want to do better!!
Great music.  The choir was awesome.  They sang "Come, come, ye saints" at the beginning of the meeting and I had goosebumps all through the whole thing.  We have such a great Stake with wonderful Stake leaders that work hard at keeping us on the right track!!  I so appreciate their time and effort.  It was a great meeting!!

Cedar City Utah Temple Dedication and Groundbreaking

It was a wonderful day for the groundbreaking.  I really can't believe that we are going to have a temple here in Cedar City.  I was born and raised here and I never dreamed of this.  The grounds where it will sit has a beautiful view of the Enoch Valley.  It already has a peace that dwells there.  I'm also so excited that we will have an opportunity to work inside these sacred walls.  It's going to take lots of us to step up and do the Lord's work here in Cedar City.  It's been said that temples should be the center of our worship and here we get to have one right here for us to dedicate our time and efforts to.  Happy Day--All is well!!
Look forward to the dedication!!!

Another new family!!! YEA!!

We're sad to see the Bradfield's leave, but SOOOOOO happy to have the Po'uha in our ward!!
Aarron and Brisha with their 4 cute kids.  Aiden 9, Ian 8, Owen 5, and Iradessa 3.  They moved into Sunset Ridge #1514.  Please take a minute and drop by.  I'm sure they would love it.  Yea, another great family!!


It's our annual NEIGHBORHOOD BBQ!!!  
Wednesday, August 12th
6:00 p.m.
Deer Trail Cul-de-sac
(In front of Hartley's and Johnson's)
Please come.  
You can meet all the new people in our ward and also your neighbors!!
Invite everyone
And, if your last name starts with A-J bring a dessert.  
K-Z, bring a salad!!
Burgers will be provided!!
It's looks yummy, huh?????

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Activity TONIGHT!! Wednesday, July 29th!!

We are having a clothing exchange tonight at my house.  Bring all your clothes you don't need or want anymore.  We are also going to be eating!!  BBQ!!  So bring a salad or dessert, whatever you want.  BUT COME!!  It will be great fun.
533 West 1380 South
See you there!! 

Lesson on Sunday!! Training on the Sabbath and the Home.

We missed you if you couldn't be with us.  The bishop conducted a training that came from our First Presidency and the 12.
Quote from Elder Bednar:  The basic reason for teaching in the Church is to make available the Priesthood ordinances that make it possible for a man and a woman to be sealed together and then to have their children sealed to them in the holy temples.  END OF STORY!!  EXCLAMATION POINT! PERIOD!!

That is our purpose!!

Elder Bednar talked about multi-generational families.  They give great strength to the kingdom.

He gave a great analogy of a seedling growing into a mature tree...
The mature tree then sends out seeds to plant more trees.  The older and dead trees then nurture the ground to help the young trees grow..It soon becomes a forest of good nurtured trees...

Teachers and leaders in the church are there to help with teaching and training our children BUT teaching of children is still the responsibility of parents.  Learning and living the Savior's gospel in the home is essential in creating and maintaining multi-generational families. 

Having home discussions about gospel principles is so important.

President Grimm in the training that they gave to us talked about coming home after all of his meetings on Sunday---Kicking his shores off, taking his tie off, getting into his PJs, eating a meal on the couch while watching programs he had taped, and talking to his wife.

The brethren initiated the consolidated meeting schedule on the Sabbath to give us more time with our families.  He used to fill his schedule on Sunday with things that have to do with administrating rather than ministering.  We are not to neglect our responsibilities and callings but we need to do less administrating and more ministering.

The Sabbath is a sign of the covenants we have made at baptism and in the temple. 


WHAT SIGN ARE WE WANTING TO SEND TO THE SAVIOR ABOUT HOW WE HONOR THE SABBATH.  There doesn't need to be a list of things we can and cannot do on the sabbath!!  It is the sign between you and your Heavenly Father!!!

Great training!!  It's a personal thing.  Between you and the Lord.    

And another new family in the ward!!!

Charity and Kasey Twitchell have moved into a home on Bristlecone.  Their address is 302 W. Bristlecone Dr.  They are an awesome family!!  They have 2 children...Makinley who is 10 and Creed who is 13.   Please take a minute to welcome them.  We are being blessed with great families moving into our ward.  It makes us happy to see us grow.  The more the merrier I always say.  We are so excited to have them!! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

We have another new family!!!

David and Teresa Cowley moved into the Roundy home on Bristlecone.  We are so excited to have them in our ward.  They have 3 cute little boys.  Asher 8, Quree 5, and Finn 17 months.  They are so happy to be here and we shared with them just how awesome our ward is.  Please take a minute and drop by to let them know just how awesome we are.

Great Lesson on Sunday---Thanks Kathy

Kathy gave a great lesson from an article in the April 1994 New Era.  It was written by Neal A. Maxwell
Entitled--True Believers!!
Here are a few quotes:
True Believers are settled in their views of Christ.
True believers gladly perform their duties in the kingdom.  
True believers are humble...
True believers are willing to do what Christ wants
True believers have a balanced contentment.
They truly pray
They have both right conduct and right reasons for that conduct.
They rejoice in the success of others.
They remember that forgetting is part of forgiving.
They are innocent as to sin, but not naive.  They are kind, but candid.
True believes are HAPPY. They are serious about how they live life, but are also of good cheer.  Their humor is the humor of hope and modesty, not the hollow laughter of sarcasm and despair.  
This article is so good.  Read it!!  You will love it too!!

July 29th Activity!!! BBQ and more...

Do you have some clothes laying around the house that you no longer need or use???  It can be your children's, your husband's or even yours!!
We are going to be having a clothing exchange evening along with a BBQ on 
July 29th
6:30 p.m.
My House
533 West 1380 South
(Deer Trail Circle)
We will be providing hamburgers for the grill. A drink and chips.
We would ask if you, along with your clothing that you would like to donate or exchange,
and your last name starts with A-J, please bring a salad to share.
If your last name starts with K-Z, please bring a dessert to share.
And if you don't have any clothes that you aren't in the need of getting rid of,
 just come anyway.