Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lesson on Sunday "Make the Exercise of Faith your first Priority!!" Richard G. Scott

When Adam and Ever were in the Garden of Eden, All that they needed for daily sustenance was abundantly given to them.  They had no difficulties, challenges, or pain.  Because they had never experienced hard times, they did not know they could be happy.  They had never felt turmoil, so they could not feel peace.  Eventually Adam and Eve transgressed the command to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. By so doing they were no longer in a state of innocence.  They began to experience principles of opposition.  They began to encounter sickness that weakened their health.  They began to feel sadness as well as joy.  Their choice made it possible for each of us to come to this earth to be tried and tested.  We are blessed with agency, which is our ability to make decisions and to become accountable for those decisions.  The Fall made possible in our lives feelings of both happiness and sadness.  We are able to understand peace because we feel turmoil. 
"For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things"  2 Nephi 2:11
Despite all of the negative challenges we have in life, we MUST take time to actively exercise our faith.  
We MUST believe in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Elder Scott gives us 4 things that we need to become really good at!!
1.  Prayer
We need to tell Him everything, EVERYTHING, that concerns us.  He really is interested in the most important as well as the most mundane.  Parents--you need to help safeguard your children by arming them morning and night with the power of family prayer.
2.  Scripture Study
Don't yield to Satan's lie that you don't have time to study the scriptures.  
3.  Family Home Evening
Be cautious not to make family home evening just an afterthought of a busy day.  FHE is a precious time to bear testimony in a safe learn teaching, planning, and organizational skills; to strengthen family bonds' to develop family traditions, to talk to each other; and more important, to have a marvelous time together!!
4.  Temple Attendance
The templ is one of the best places to come to understand the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Seek HIM there.  
There four tools are fundamental habits for securing your life in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Remember our Savior is the Prince of Peace.  Peace in this mortal life comes from His atoning sacrifice.  When we are consistently praying, studying, having FHE and attending the temple regularly, we are actively responding to His invitation to "COME UNTO HIM."
Wish you could have been there on Sunday with us.  We had some great comments and inspiring discussion going on.  We missed you.  
Thanks Carol!!

"What would a Holy Woman do?" Challenge for 2015

I found this amazing book!!  Wendy Watson Nelson--wife of Russell M. Nelson.  
"What would a Holy Woman do???"
In Relief Society this year, we as a presidency are encouraging all sister in our ward to become more HOLY!!
Definition of HOLY--
A work of gradual development, purity or integrity of moral character, freedom from sin, 
purity of heart, moral goodness, BUT NOT PERFECT!!
It is a matter of individual conscience!!
Ask yourselves each day..."What would a holy woman do?"
For example, how would a holy woman start her day?  What would be on her "to do" list?  How would a holy woman approach a difficult assignment or a new overwhelming project?  How would she read to a child, or exercise?  How would she talk with a friend, or shop, or play, pr pray, or do laundry?  How would a holy woman respond to her own success or failure?  How would a holy woman use her time and energy and money?  How would she prepare to partake of the sacrament each Sunday?  What would she read, or say, or listen to, or watch, or wear?
We are asking you to take a 3 day challenge...
We have some little pamphlets available in the roll at church.  And if you can't be there please call one of us and we will get you one.
For 3 days would you be willing to try this:  Choose one thing a day for three days---a different thing each day or the same thing--you can't do this wrong.  Then write what you learned.
Think to yourselves, "What would a Holy Woman do in this situation?"  
It's amazing how it changes your mindset!!  
It's amazing how it changes your list of things to do...
Just try it!!
To become more holy we need help from our Heavenly Father.  We CAN'T do it alone.
Read D&C 46 and decide for yourself what you need to do to gain holiness in your life.  Find a weakness and then ask for the spiritual gift that can change that weakness into a strength.
You will also find those listings of spiritual gifts in Moroni 10 and also in 1 Corinthians 12.
Ye must practice holiness before me, continually...D&C 46:33
But to give us encouragement read D&C 60:7--The Lord clearly lets us know that He can make us holy.  YEA!!  We can do this.  We don't have to be perfect to become holy.  BUt the Lord expects us to practice holiness in our lives.  The spiritual gifs that we sincerely ask for will help us to become more holy.
SINCERELY ASK FOR!!  We need to really want to change!!
The gift (singular) of the Holy Ghost gives you access to the gifts (plural) of the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost can deliver the spiritual gifts to you upon your diligent, even desperate, seeking.
You know your own personal weaknesses.  You know the temptations that keep tripping you uip.  We all do.  Pray for what will counteract those weaknesses.
*If you're negative, pray for hope and optimism.
*If you have a temper, pray for mildness or understanding.
*If you struggle to keep a clean house, pray for self-discipline.
*If you are easily discouraged, pray for persistence.
*IF your anzious, pray for peace.
*If you're easily hurt by others, pray for faith.
PLEASE take the challenge, write down what you learn along the way and then continue to improve on your HOLINESS in 2015.  We encourage you to become more HOLY!!
We love you so much!!  And we pray for your happiness and success...
Deb, Kathy, Carisa and Emily

Another thought for the day...I'm on fire!!

-Jim Rohn-

Thought for the day...

This is our theme for the year!!
"What would a Holy Woman do??"
I'll explain!!

We have new sisters!!!

Sorry to say..but we have lost a few of our sisters in our ward.  Lost as they have moved, not lost as they are missing and can't be found!!   Cheryl Walser, Melissa Adams, Sandy Brown, Kaylyn Thompson and Lori Wille't.  SO hate to see them go.  We get quite attached and then they move on.  BUT...we have some new sisters and they are awesome!!
Raydean Whipple and her husband Kevin have moved into 1512 South 625 West.  We are so happy they're in our ward.  They have 4 children  Thomas--14, Kambree--8, Kathryn--6, and Eli--18 months.  Welcome!!
Mandee Black and her husband Jared have moved into 1476 South 625 West.  YEAH!!!  They are happy to be here and we are happy to have them.  They have 3 children.  Shaylee--12, Terin--9, and Rindon--4.  Please take the time to go by and welcome them to our ward.  They are GREAT additions!!
We also have a sister--Lisa Nielson that has lived in our ward for several months.  Just didn't know she was there.  She is single and works at Smith's.  She is really trying to get to know us and fit in.  Her address is 453 Bristlecone.  Please let her know we need her and are excited to have her here.
Also in Sunset Ridge we have Kiley Trapnell and her husband Brett.  Their addres is 1547 South 625 West.  They have 2 cute little girls.  Brylie--3, and Oakley--1.  They have been attending the college married stake but are now ready to graduate to a home ward.  PLEASE welcome them and let them know we are so glad they have decided to come be with us.

How to be totaly miserable--John Bytheway!!

Don't Laugh!!
Miserable people don't laugh.  It might break their concentration!  They have important world issues to worry about.  Happy people giggle, guffaw, chortle, snicket, and even snort.  (Snorters cover their mouths in surprise and embarrassment, and then laugh even harder.)  If laughter is the best medicine, these people have free refills at the funny pharmacy.  Have you ever laughed so hard that your stomach was sore the next day?  There's an exercise program idea in there somewhere; "Laugh Your Way to Washboard Abs!!"  Laughing and smiling are related, and laughing is just smiling out loud.  Miserable people think life is too serious to laugh about, while happy people know that life's so serious they have to laugh to survive.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Before Our Journey's Through..

If you want to read an inspirational article in the Ensign this month, it's on page 60.  Maybe I'm extra sensitive to elderly people because I have parents that are getting there and I'm not getting any younger myself.  But this article really hit me.  I so admire these wonderful people that are such great examples to us all.  I only pray that I can be just like them when I grow up!!!

This article is written by Richard Romney talking about his dad.  That's Mr. Romney in the picture above.  He says:  I never have to worry about where to find my 92-year-old father, Paul Romney, on a Sunday afternoon.  He's in his ward in Salt Lake City, Utah, tidying up the chapel.  It takes him a little over an hour. 

He leans on his walker as he goes up the aisle.  Then he leans on the benches as he moves from row to row, picking up stray papers, arranging hymnbooks, and gathering cereal or breadcrumbs that have fallen on the carpet.  It is a task he has been doing EVERY SUNDAY, with few exceptions, SINCE HE WAS ORDAINED A DEACON IN 1934.  1934 ladies--how many years???
 81 years!!! 
Talk about an example.  He's 92 years old.  As old as our very own Alice Tuckett!!  
And what is his comment about why he does it...
"I do it to show that I love the Lord.  Having a clean chapel helps us to worship Him."
As a deacon, Mr. Romney learned that his duties included caring for the temporal needs of the ward.  "I figured one way to do that was to tidy up after meetings.  So I just started doing it, and I've been doing it ever since."  
It has never been an official assignment or calling, although occasionally he has come on Saturdays to help others assigned to clean the meetinghouse.  
Richard's comments:  My father's example has shown me that no matter our circumstances, we can always find a way to serve.  It has taught me about reverence and preparing to worship  And it has helped me to see that there is much we all can learn from those who are ahead of us on their journey through this life.
Meet Larry and Elizabeth Morgan.  Neighbors of Richard.  They are 97 and 94 years old.  
When Larry was 72 years old he was called as a counselor in the bishopric.  At that time there were 79 widows in their neighborhood and by assignment from the bishop, Larry and Elizabeth visited every one of them. AMAZING!!!
For more than 40 years, on fast Sundays, all of their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren have gathered in the evening to end their fast.  "We wanted our family to enjoy being together, and everyone likes to eat," he says.  Today...Elizabeth has dementia but knows the family is near.  To each person present, she repeats over and over again, "I love you."  About two years ago, Larry fell and damaged his spine.  As a result, he can not longer walk.  "I don't waste time asking, Why me?" he says.  "I received a priesthood belssing.  I was told I will walk again, even though it will not be in this life.  Because of the Atonement and the Resurrection, I know that it will happen.  I've learned that our Father in Heaven is in charge.  When we accept His will, then we can count on His help."
I love these people.  They give me such hope and determination to finish out this life doing what the Lord would want us to do.
I know that there are many that say in their aging years:  I've done it all.  I have paid my dues.  I don't need to serve anymore.  Let someone else do it.  
Not these great people.  I LOVE THIS ARTICLE!!
Please read it.  It's inspiring!!

Change of plans!!!

Just to let you know...The Birthday party will be held on March 25th instead of the 11th.  We decided that with the Stake Relief Society weekend on March 7th and 8th we would enjoy it much more if we put a little space between the two.  Spread out the JOY!!  So please make that correction on your calendar and please plan to attend.  The committee is going great guns on this and they are really going all out.  It will be a great event that you won't want to miss!!! 
Party, Party, Party!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Rochelle's lesson--Freedom of Choice, an Eternal Principle--Chapeter 3

I was out of town last week and felt so bad to miss Rochelle's lesson.  They are always so inspiring and uplifting!!  I really hate to miss.  I just want to share a story that was told during her lesson.

Taken our of a talk given in the last General Conference By D. Todd Christofferson--The story is told of a man who simply would not work.  He wanted to be taken care of in every need.  To his way of thinking, the Church or the government, or both, owed him a living because he had paid his taxes and his tithing.  He had nothing to eat but refused to work to care for himself.  Out of desperation and disgust, those who had tried to help him decided that since he would not lift a finger to sustain himself, they might as well just take him to the cemetery and let him pass on.  On the way to the cemetery, one man said, "We can't do this.  I have some corn I will give him."  SO they explained this to the man, and he asked, "Have the husks been removed?"  They responded--No.  "Well then," he said, "drive on!!"

We are agents unto ourselves, and the Lord expects us to do good things of our own free will.  Sometimes the Lord hopefully waits on his children to act on their own, and when they do not, they lost the greater prize, and the Lord will either drop the entire matter and let them suffer the consequences or else he will have to spell it out in greater detail.  Usually, I fear, the more he has to spell it out, the smaller is our reward.  "We should be "Anxiously engaged" in good causes and leave the world a better place for having lived in it.

At a young age, Ezra learned that he and his family would have more to eat if they chose to take care of their garden.  He learned that if he wanted the family to be successful in their dairy business, he had to decide to get out of bed early every day to milk the cows.  He saw that when he made the choice to work hard, local farmers hired him to thin their beets and pitch their hay.  He saw that trials come even to the faithful, but he also saw that individuals and families could decide to respond to trials in a way that would help them be happy and successful."
For young Ezra, some consequences of good decisions could be measured in buckets of milk, on trucks loaded with hay, and with generous pay for a day of hard work.  Others were harder to measure but more lasting.  For example, as he observed his parents, he saw the joy, peace, and strength that come when family members choose to be faithful to one another and the Lord.  He learned that the law of the harvest---"whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"--applies to spiritual pursuits as well as physical labor."  With this experience as a foundation, President Benson frequently reminded Latter-day Saints and others of the importance of agency--the freedom to choose the course they should follow.

This life is a probation: a probation in which you and I prove our mettle, a probation that has eternal consequences for each of us.  And now is our time and season---as every generation has had their--to learn our duties and to do them.  We use our agency to make decisions that determine out happiness now and throughout eternity!!
Wow--that's quite a statement.  Makes you really stop and think about the choices we make each day.  
Great lesson--Thanks again to Rochelle.  We have the best teachers ever!!

Visiting Teaching...Please REPORT!!

We are really trying to make a push to have each partnership take the time to report your visiting teachingto your VISITING TEACHING SUPERVISORS!!
We have a list of partnerships, districts, and supervisors with their phone numbers in the roll that goes around each week in Relief Society. I am going to also add it to this post.  But we do have slips with a picture and phone number of your supervisor also available.  If you can't get to church just call one of the presidency and we will get you one to put on your fridge.  It's just a great reminder for you to remember!!  
We have Corrine Emery, Sara Randall, Alice Tuckett and Berenice Liebhardt.
These dedicated sisters are just trying to do their callings and with your help it will be a much better experience!!!  Just so you know, 3 out of the 4 sisters have land lines.  I know you can't just text time but they really want you to call them.  Alice and Berenice have answer machines and you can text Sara.  As you already call from you is much easier than many calls from them.  And if they can't get you they report it not done. 
That's a big bummer, especially if you did such a good deed and then it goes unreported.
Disctict 1--Corrine Emery--867-6384
Trixie and Lavona
Lynn and Corrine
Jodi and Vanessa
Kathy E. and Sandy H.
Melissa and Gen
Jackie and Zelda
Mary Ann and Rochelle
Teresa and Thelma

District 2--Sara Randall--435-531-2733
Stephanie and Cari
Judy and Jordynn
Michelle and Erin
Holli and Shalyce
Sara and Sarah
Denise and Mildred
Crystal and Hollie
Carisa and Nellie

District 3--Alice Tuckett--865-9655
Alice and Sandi B.
Terri and Sheredith
Sandra and Jerrolyn
Emily and JayLynn
Kim and Katie
Mandee and Raydean

District 4--Berenice Lieghardt--586-9705
Carol and Shari
Kathy H. and Tracie
Carma Lee and Veronica
Linda and Amber
Lynetter and Aubrey
Kathy W. and Cassie

There they are!!  PLEASE, please, please try and report your Visiting Teaching.  It's hard for these ladies to find you home or find you at all.  

Thought for the day...

Things going on in February

It's our ZUMBA night this week!!  Yipee!!

February 11th at 6:30 at the Church
Oh, please come and laugh and have a great time.  
We will have dancing and exercise and food and laughter and music!!!
Just come and visit if you don't want to dance.  
JayLynn Cook will be instructing us!!
Dress as you like..retro if you want!!
John Travolta here we come!!!

Its' our Ladies night out at the Temple on the 18th of February.  Please put it on your calendars and come.  We really enjoy spending time together as sister in the gospel.  It's a time when we can serve do good for others. 
And please don't forget our Birthday Party which will be on March the 11th.  We get to combine with the 19th ward which is always fun!!  Party, party, party!!


Gaining (and I would like to add--keeping) a testimony is like building a fire.  Just as we have to add wood to keep a fire burning, we must pray, repent, serve others, study the scriptures, and keep the commandments to help our testimonies grow and keep growing!!  The following scriptures are great to read.  They teach us ways to continue to build our testimonies.  This would be a great activity to do with your kids our your husband.  It's in the front of the Ensign this month..
Mosiah 2:17, Alma 5:46, Alma 32:27, 3 Nephi 15:10, John 5:39
I truly believe that we have to continue for the rest of our lives to do things everyday that will feed our testimonies.  It's so easy to let them fade or even be lost if we don't earnestly strive to do the things we know we need to do to keep it going.  Life is hard and sometimes doing these very things found in these scriptures seem to even be harder.  I'm too busy, I'm too tired, I have too many kids, I work, I can't find the time, I, I, I...We all have our I's!!!  But we also need to remember just how important it is to do the right thing!!  And we all know what that is!!  Just keep going and try your best!!  That fire is one of the most important things we can leave this life with.  Actually it's one of the only things we leave with!!

6 ways to Strengthen Family Love

 What are the most important things you could do to strengthen the love in your family?  The six below are among the best.  Find more about strengthening your family at 

1...Learn together--During scripture time and everyday teaching moments, discover the gospel together!!
 2...Pray together--As you call on Heavenly Father, you will find that He loves each of you!!
 3.  Hold Family Home Evening--Set aside a time each week when you can count on being together!!
 4.  Make Wise MEDIA Choices--Ensure that what enters your home is edifying!!
 5.  Serve side by side--Grow closer together through service, such as helping a neighbor, sharing the gospel, or doing family history       
 6.  Express LOVE daily--In word and deed, show Christlike kindness!!
 Great info.from the February 2015 Ensign