Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Activity TONIGHT!! Wednesday, July 29th!!

We are having a clothing exchange tonight at my house.  Bring all your clothes you don't need or want anymore.  We are also going to be eating!!  BBQ!!  So bring a salad or dessert, whatever you want.  BUT COME!!  It will be great fun.
533 West 1380 South
See you there!! 

Lesson on Sunday!! Training on the Sabbath and the Home.

We missed you if you couldn't be with us.  The bishop conducted a training that came from our First Presidency and the 12.
Quote from Elder Bednar:  The basic reason for teaching in the Church is to make available the Priesthood ordinances that make it possible for a man and a woman to be sealed together and then to have their children sealed to them in the holy temples.  END OF STORY!!  EXCLAMATION POINT! PERIOD!!

That is our purpose!!

Elder Bednar talked about multi-generational families.  They give great strength to the kingdom.

He gave a great analogy of a seedling growing into a mature tree...
The mature tree then sends out seeds to plant more trees.  The older and dead trees then nurture the ground to help the young trees grow..It soon becomes a forest of good nurtured trees...

Teachers and leaders in the church are there to help with teaching and training our children BUT teaching of children is still the responsibility of parents.  Learning and living the Savior's gospel in the home is essential in creating and maintaining multi-generational families. 

Having home discussions about gospel principles is so important.

President Grimm in the training that they gave to us talked about coming home after all of his meetings on Sunday---Kicking his shores off, taking his tie off, getting into his PJs, eating a meal on the couch while watching programs he had taped, and talking to his wife.

The brethren initiated the consolidated meeting schedule on the Sabbath to give us more time with our families.  He used to fill his schedule on Sunday with things that have to do with administrating rather than ministering.  We are not to neglect our responsibilities and callings but we need to do less administrating and more ministering.

The Sabbath is a sign of the covenants we have made at baptism and in the temple. 


WHAT SIGN ARE WE WANTING TO SEND TO THE SAVIOR ABOUT HOW WE HONOR THE SABBATH.  There doesn't need to be a list of things we can and cannot do on the sabbath!!  It is the sign between you and your Heavenly Father!!!

Great training!!  It's a personal thing.  Between you and the Lord.    

And another new family in the ward!!!

Charity and Kasey Twitchell have moved into a home on Bristlecone.  Their address is 302 W. Bristlecone Dr.  They are an awesome family!!  They have 2 children...Makinley who is 10 and Creed who is 13.   Please take a minute to welcome them.  We are being blessed with great families moving into our ward.  It makes us happy to see us grow.  The more the merrier I always say.  We are so excited to have them!! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

We have another new family!!!

David and Teresa Cowley moved into the Roundy home on Bristlecone.  We are so excited to have them in our ward.  They have 3 cute little boys.  Asher 8, Quree 5, and Finn 17 months.  They are so happy to be here and we shared with them just how awesome our ward is.  Please take a minute and drop by to let them know just how awesome we are.

Great Lesson on Sunday---Thanks Kathy

Kathy gave a great lesson from an article in the April 1994 New Era.  It was written by Neal A. Maxwell
Entitled--True Believers!!
Here are a few quotes:
True Believers are settled in their views of Christ.
True believers gladly perform their duties in the kingdom.  
True believers are humble...
True believers are willing to do what Christ wants
True believers have a balanced contentment.
They truly pray
They have both right conduct and right reasons for that conduct.
They rejoice in the success of others.
They remember that forgetting is part of forgiving.
They are innocent as to sin, but not naive.  They are kind, but candid.
True believes are HAPPY. They are serious about how they live life, but are also of good cheer.  Their humor is the humor of hope and modesty, not the hollow laughter of sarcasm and despair.  
This article is so good.  Read it!!  You will love it too!!

July 29th Activity!!! BBQ and more...

Do you have some clothes laying around the house that you no longer need or use???  It can be your children's, your husband's or even yours!!
We are going to be having a clothing exchange evening along with a BBQ on 
July 29th
6:30 p.m.
My House
533 West 1380 South
(Deer Trail Circle)
We will be providing hamburgers for the grill. A drink and chips.
We would ask if you, along with your clothing that you would like to donate or exchange,
and your last name starts with A-J, please bring a salad to share.
If your last name starts with K-Z, please bring a dessert to share.
And if you don't have any clothes that you aren't in the need of getting rid of,
 just come anyway.  

Change of plans!!

Yea!!  We do have an activity this month!!
Ice Cream Social
July 15th
At the Emery's
512 W. 1420 S.
(Blue Bird Circle)
7 p.m.
Come and hang out and visit!! 
Should be so fun!!
See you there!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Special training from the Brethren!! Observance of the Sabbath and The Sacrament...

We have been well taught from the First Presidency and the 12, about the concerns they have for us about keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and taking the Sacrament with a true broken heart and contrite spirit.  They made this the focus for the training which took place just before our General Conference in April. 
They feel that if we will all take this subject seriously and will teach our families to do the same that Spirituality will increase throughout the church.  These brethren are so educated and inspired to teach us and to help us during our journey here on this earth.  They are afraid for us.  They know the world.  They know what we are facing.  They are our biggest supporters and know what we need. 
The sacrament is an ordinance that we can participate in every week.  We can renew our promises to our Heavenly Father each and every week.  We can promise to improve and try to do better.  What a blessing it is to be able to have this sacred ordinance available to us each week.  They promise us that if we will follow the Lord's plan for us, we will be happy!!  Attending our meetings, especially Sacrament Meeting gives us this great opportunity. 

What did we do in the pre-moral world? Church meetings?? Seminary? Question #2

Prophets of the Restoration have declared that priesthood authority and Church organization existed in the pre-mortal courts of the Father.  Joseph Smith taught--The Priesthood is an everlasting principle, and existed with God from eternity, and will to eternity, without beginning of days or end of years.  The keys have to be brought from heaven whenever the Gospel is sent.
The prophet clearly states that priesthood is eternal, and that through the eternal channel comes the knowledge and instruction necessary to prepare the spirit children of God for eventual exaltation.  Just as the Church is the Kingdom of God on earth, there is a kingdom of God in heaven--a church organization of some sort that, by the power of the priesthood, administers the work of preparation and salvation within that sphere.  President Joseph Fielding Smith taught:
It is reasonable to believe that there was a Church organization there.  The heavenly beings were living in a perfectly arranged society.  Every person knew his place.  Priesthood,, without question, had been conferred and the leaders were chosen to officiate.  Ordinances pertaining to that pre-existence were required and the love of God prevailed. Even before they were born, the children of God received their first lessons in the world of the spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord--D&C 138:33-34.  What were those--first lessons?  The gospel of Jesus Christ, of course!  The same gospel and principles of salvation taught on earth and in the postmoral world of spirits.
Great things to think about!!!

Upcoming events!!

We don't have many upcoming events scheduled for right now.  We have the float we need to be working on for the 24th parade.  We also will be having a ward party soon too.  We will be getting you the details soon.  Stay tuned!!!

Just to let you know...

Cute Sister Corrine Emery went through the temple for the first time this last month.  She is one of the cutest ladies I know.  We are so blessed to have her in our Ward and Relief Society.  It was a great privilege to attend the temple with her and see the joy of being sealed to her husband and children.  She, along with several others ladies in our ward are such great examples of NEVER GIVING UP no matter what.  Age doesn't or shouldn't make any difference as to our commitment to the gospel and to the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father.  We love you Corrine.  Great example to us all!!

Holy Cow!! It's been forever!! We have new people!!!

I'm so sorry about not getting on this blog for so long.  I have been out of town for several weeks and the whole month of June got by me!!! BAD!!  But I'm back.
We have had some real changes in our ward!!  Some move ins and move outs.
The Farrells are gone!! And we're sad about that.  The Greer's are here!!  And we're happy about that.
They are an awesome family with 6 darling kids.
I think I already talked about them on the blog.
We have Nick and Lise Jones that moved into the Bybee's place.  1522 in Sunset.  We lost the Bybee's but they are happy to be in St. George by their family.
Nick and Lisa have 3 cute kids with one on the way in October.  Maddison 6, Mckenzie 4, and Coby, 2.  Yea for our new families.  We love it.
JJ and Brittany Wilson have moved into a home on Mt. View.  House # 388.  They are a way cute couple with no kids.  Just newly married.  They are both going to school.  Drop by and welcome them if you get a minute.
Then there are the LaMarca's.  They moved into the house at the top of 550 and Greens Lake.  We are so happy to have them here.  Mandy and Roger and their  5 kids.  Alyssa 10, Mason 7, Braden 5, Kayd 3, and Asher 1.  What a fun family.  Roger works over at SUU.  They are new to the area.
We are so grateful for these families moving into our ward.  We have prayed that we could have good strong families come and our prayers are being answered.
We also have Brandi Wolfe who moved into where Sandy Brown moved out of on Bristlecone Dr.  Her house number is 446.  Glad she is here.
Leslie Steward moved into the Solomon's.  610 W. 1525 South Circle.  She has 2 children, Nash 4, and Omni 3.
Now you know...we love them all and are so excited to get to know them better.  Please take a minute and welcome them.  We have all been there.  New and wishing we knew someone!!!