All the articles in the Ensign are great, but this one really hit home to me!!
"Are we already living in the time of the curse? Perhaps!!!"
Elder Hafen explains to us (in pretty plain terms) just how the world (that's us!) has gotten ourselves into the situation we are in now. It's the collapse of the family and marriage."WHAT are your greatest concerns? a newspaper reporter asked President Gordon B. Hinckley in June 1995, as he turned 85. "I am concerned about family life in the Church. We have wonderful people, but we have too many whose families are falling apart...I think this is my most serious concern"
"There is no other single force causing as much measurable hardship and human misery in this country as the collapse of marriage. It hurts children, it reduces mothers' financial security, and it has landed with particular devastation on those who can bear it least: the nation's underclass...(Time magazine writer)
Here are some facts he brings out in the article:
Today, 40 percent of U.S. births are to unmarried parents. In 1960 that number was 5 percent. About 50 percent of today's teens now consider out-of-wedlock childbearing a "worthwhile lifestyle." The percentage of children in single-parent families since 1960 has increased fourfold, from 8 percent to 31 percent. Over half of today's U.S. marriages are preceded by unmarried cohabitation. What was highly abnormal in the 1960's is the new normal.
*Juvenile crime has increased sixfold.
*Child neglect and all forms of child abuse have quintupled.
*Psychological disorders among children have all worsened, from drug abuse to eating disorders, depression among children has increased 1,000 percent. And...
*Domestic violence against women has increased, and poverty has shifted increasingly to children.
How serious are these problems? As President Hinckley said in 1995, these issues were his "most serious concern." And the trends that troubled him then are now measurably worse!!!
PLEASE, read this article. (Page 50) It is a great one. It is the first of a two part series. The next one will be in the September issue.
The "Proclamation to the World" was issued in 1995!!
Two months after the question was asked of President Hinckley...