Monday, February 29, 2016

It's creeping up!!!

Our March Relief Society Birthday Party!!
March 16th
6:30 p.m.
Cultural Hall
Our "PURSE-onal" Timeout!!!
We have our committee hard at work with invites and ideas.  I promise it will be a good time for everyone.  Please put it on your calendar!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Thought for the day...

Heeding to the Prophet's Voice!! Great lesson on Sunday!!!

The decisions we make in this life lead to our destiny in the next life.In Lewis Carroll's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice finds herself coming to a crossroads with two paths before her, each stretching onward but in opposite directions.  She is confronted by the Cheshire Cat, of whom she asks, "which path shall I take?"  
The cat answers:  
"That depends where you want to go.  If you do not know where you want to go,
 it doesn't really matter which path you take?" 
 Unlike Alice, each of you knows where you want to go.  It does matter which way you go, for the path you follow in this life leads to the path you will follow in the next.  
Our Heavenly Father has given to each of us the power to think and reason and decide.  
Each of us has the responsibility to choose.  You may ask, "Are decisions really that important?"  I say to you, decisions determine destiny.  You can't make eternal decisions without eternal consequences.
May I provide a simple formula by which you can measure the choices which confront you.  
It's easy to remember:
"You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right."
Courage is required to think right, chooses right, and do right, for such a course will rarely, if ever, be the easiest to follow.  Eternal life in the kingdom of our Father is your goal, and self-discipline will surely be required if you are to achieve it.
You are precious in the sight of your Heavenly Father.  He hears your prayers.  He extends to you His peace and His love.  Stay close to Him and to His Son, and you will not walk alone.
Prophets are a Great blessing
Today we have apostles, seers, and revelators, who are watchmen on the tower!!  Messengers of supernal healing truth.  God speaks to us through them.  They are profoundly aware of the different circumstances we members are living in.  They are in this world but not of this world.  They point the way, and they offer help for our difficulties, not through the wisdom of this world but from an eternal Source.
President Deiter F. Uchdtorf
"Is is our responsibility not only to listen to the prophet, but also to act upon his word that we may claim the blessings of the ordinances and covenants of the restored gospel."
A Clear Voice
Elder M. Russell Ballard
"I cannot stress enough the importance of listening to and following the prophet and the apostles.  In today's world, where 24 hours a day television and radio commentators spew forth conflicting opinions, where marketers compete for everything from your money to your vote, there is one clear, unpolluted, unbiased voice that you can always count on.  And that is the voice of the living prophet and the apostles.  Their only motive is 'the everlasting welfare of your souls'"
Elder Ballard shares a story of a 17-year-old girl who, after hearing the counsel of the fifteenth President of the Church Gordon B. Hinckley, (1910-2008) to only wear modest pair of earrings, "came home from the fireside, took off the second set of earrings, and said to her parents, 'If President Hinckley says we should only wear one set of earrings, that's good enough for me'"
Wearing two pairs of earrings may or may not have eternal consequences for this young woman, but her willingness to obey the prophet will!!!
Hope and Safety
Elder Quinton L. Cook
"Prophets are not speaking just to our own day; they give us counsel that will bless us and our children in the future and through the eternities.  If we follow the prophet, we can look to the future with great optimism."

Thanks Kathy for the great lesson.  We missed YOU if you weren't there!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Thought for the day...

Some days I just can't get anything right!!!

Valentine's Party at the Church

It's a Valentines Party at the church!!
Thursday, February 4th
6:30 p.m.
Everyone's invited--Please come and bring a neighbor!!
(If you signed up to bring a dessert, please do so!!!)
Sponsored by the High Priests

Sunday's lesson--Pornography

We were lucky enough to have Pres./Judge Tom Higbee come and teach us about the problems and concerns we have with pornography in our society today.  It was a great lesson and I wish ALL of you could have been there to hear it.  Whether you are parents trying to protect your kids or grandparents trying to help your kids help your grand kids, it was a great lesson.  I am going to just give a few comments and things that we were taught!!  And I'm going to add a couple of things that I think are very important to know too.

Definition of Pornography:
(True to the Faith (2004), 117-18)--Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings.  It is distributed through many media, including magazines, books, television, movies, music, and the Internet.  It is as harmful to the spirit as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are to the body.  Using pornographic material in any way is a violation of a commandment of God:  "Thou shalt no...commit adultery, nor do anything like unto it"  D&C 59:6.  It can lead to other serious sins.  Members of the church should AVOID PORNOGRAPHY in any form and should oppose its production, distribution, and use.  Pornography is tragically addictive.  Like other addictions, it leads people to experiment and to seek more powerful stimulations.  If you experiment with it and allow yourself to remain caught in its trap, it will destroy you, degrading your mind, heart, and spirit.  It will rob you of self-respect and of your sense of the beauties of life.  It will tear you down and lead you to evil thoughts and possibly evil actions.  It will cause terrible damage to your family relationships.  Because of the addictive nature of pornography and the harm it can cause to body and spirit, servants of God have repeatedly warned us to shun it.  If you are caught in the trap of pornography, stop immediately and seek help.  Through repentance, you can receive forgiveness and hope in the gospel.  Go to your bishop or branch president for counsel on how to overcome your problem, and seek healing through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Ask the Lord to give you the strength to overcome this terrible addiction.

Pornography is a major problem today.  How on earth do we get caught in this awful trap.  It's sad but many do.

President Higbee taught that to some, they thinks it's not a big deal.  But it is a big deal. It's different for everyone.  And men and women are different in the way they see things too.  30% of women are involved in pornography in our world today.  SO it's not just a man's problem.  As a parent, you cannot ignore it.  If you don't talk about it with you children, someone else will!!  You need to have open dialog with them and help them understand the pitfalls that come from this huge problem.

Pornography alters the brain!!!
Once addiction sets in, the user has a whole new set of problems, because addiction damages the part of the brain that helps you think things through to make good choices--the brain's limit setting system.  For more than 10 years, studies have shown that drug addictions can cause the brain's frontal lobes to start shrinking.  While "frontal lobe" sounds really technical, basically it's the part of the brain that controls logical problem solving and decision making.  But recent studies have found that it's not just drugs that cause that kind of damage--the same problems show up with other kinds o addictions, such as overeating, internet addictions, and pornography.  And here's the really scary part: the more pornography a person looks at, the more severe the damage to their brain becomes and the more difficult it is to break free.

That's the bad news--here's the good news

Neuroplasticity works both ways.  That means that the damage to the brain can be undone when someone gets away from unhealthy behaviors.

We read Alma 50:1-6.  It's a great scripture about fortifying our homes.  The Book of Mormon is full of preparations for war.  We are not asked to fight on a battle field in our day, but battling Satan's tools is our challenge.  Moroni is fortifying the lands of the Nephites--and it is a great parallel for us as parents to help us in our homes.  They dug up heaps of earth around the city.  Then they topped that with timbers, and on top of the timbers they added a frame of pickets that were very strong and high.  Then they build towers of strength and security on top of that.  "Thus Moroni did prepare strongholds against the coming of their enemies, round about every city in all the land."
Message:  We cannot be lax in preparing our homes as a safe and protected place for our children to live in. We need to go to great lengths to fortify our homes.  Do what it takes!!!
This is a great article you can read if you just type in the title.  It gives ways it leaks in and things you can do to prevent it.  I just wanted to list some and then have you go to the article to find how to stop the leak!!
1.  Mobile Devices.  2.  YouTube ads and related videos.  #.  Shopping Catalogs.  4.  Preview and deleted scenes in your DVD collection.  5.  Netflix  6.  TV commercials.  7.  Kids' friends and schoolmates
8.  Mobile Game ads.  9.  Music and Album Art.  10.  Video games.  11.  Books.  12.  Apps like snapchat, gaggle and more.  Please take the time to read this article.  It's a great help for those of us that are trying to safeguard our homes.
It's an individual decision on how you're going to help your family and yourself.  The repentance process is real.  It is NEVER TOO LATE!!  Get help if you feel you are falling into Satan's trap.  There's always a way out.  The Lord offers us tender mercies at every stage of our lives.  The Atonement is the key.  We need to realize that we can be forgiven and move away from such harmful habits.

Great lesson!!  Thanks to President Higbee for be willing to come and teach us.