Thursday, December 18, 2014

What role do angels play in our lives today?

At Christmastime, angels are everywhere---from artwork and songs to ornaments, wrapping paper, and many other cultural artifacts, from the sacred to the profane, the classy to the kitschy.  But what do angels really mean to most people?  
Because of the scriptures, modern revelation, and a multitude of witnesses, Latter-day Saints declare that angels are most definitely real, and we understand that their ministry points us to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and can bring the Holy Ghost into our lives.
Why are angels depicted with wings?
Though we know through the Prophet Joseph Smith that "an angel of God never has wings, most depictions of them show them with wings, and some scriptures describe them as having wings.  Why?  Wings represent "power, to move, to act."  Prophets who described angels as having wings (see, for instance, Isaiah 6:2) may have referred to wings in order to communicate these ideas figuratively.
Want to know more???  Read in this month's Ensign
ANGELS We Have Heard
Page 40
By David A. Edwards

Monday, December 15, 2014


He who has not Christmas in his heart...

will never find it under the tree!!!

Roy L. Smith


Then the Who's, young and old, would sit down to a feast.  And they'd feast! And they'd feast! And they'd FEAST! 
 The Holiday season is a special time of the year.  As families, friends, and neighbors gather to celebrate special events and express best wishes for the coming year, food will likely play a major role.  A bout of food-borne illness could easily ruin festivities and travel plans.  The following suggestions will help keep the up-coming holidays memorable for all the right reasons.
Safe food temps...
Poultry-->165 degrees
Fish, Pork, Red Meat-->155 degrees
Hot Food Storage-->135 degrees
Cold Food Storage--<40 degrees
Always make sure you disinfect contaminated areas where you prepare the food.  Wash cutting board and counters using soap and hot water immediately after spills or cutting meats or poultry!!  Wash fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly before preparation.  Always wash your hands before preparing food and after handling raw meats, fish or poultry!!
Bacteria can reproduce rapidly when foods are left at room temperature.  Foods should be kept either hot or cold.  Hot foods should stay hot on the stove and cold food should be refrigerated.  
Break up items that are in big bulk.  Smaller containers insure better safety!!
Leaving food out to graze all day is really not safe!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thought for the day!!

Just a thought!!!

The Answer TO ALL THE Hard Questions...

When faced with hard question, only one ultimately matters!!
The questions life sends our way are not always easy to answer.  Some of the personal challenges we have---a child's death, for example, the betrayal of a friend, or an unfortunate financial reversal---are often not easy to reconcile, and we need the compassionate support of those around us.  Sometime the most difficult struggle in these situations is to recognize that our Heavenly Father loves us and is not punishing us, though the reason for the trial, if there even is a reason, escapes us for now.
What do we do when doubt seeps into our hearts?  Are there really answers to those hard questions?
YES!!  There are.  In fact, all the answers---all the right answers---depend on the answer to just one question: 
Do I Trust God Above Everyone Else?
IF you want the rest of the story...Read in the December Ensign--page 17
How do we doubt our doubts instead of our faith?
Read on...

We have a new sister!!

Shalyce Wilson and her husband, Keith have moved into 1478 S. 625 West where the Christensen's moved out of.  YEA!!!  (Not YEA that the Christensen's moved, but YEA that we have the Wilson's!!!)  We are so glad she is here.  They have 3 cute little kids, Karter who is 6, Mason who is 4 and Elly who is 1.  They are also expecting a new baby in February.  Please, if you would like....take a treat.  It's always hard to move into a new ward.  We've all been there!!!  WELCOME!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

COLD AND FLU Q&A--Susan Peck, RN Southwest Utah Public Health Foundation

What you need to KNOW...  (I think it's always good to be reminded!!)
Every year we see our share of colds and flu in Southwest Utah.  It's difficult to predict how severe cold and flu season will be or which illnesses will circulate, but here is some basic information that should help keep you and your family healthier this year.
1.  When exactly is cold and flu season? 
Flu season typically starts in the fall, peaks in February, then drops off in the spring.
2.  How are these illnesses spread?
Usually through droplets from coughing and sneezing, and germs left on hard surfaces like toys, counter-tops and door handles.  You can get sick if you get caught in the line of fire of a sneeze or touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching an infected surface.
3.  What's the difference between a cold and the flu?
Both are viruses, but typically the flu is worse, with rapid onset of symptoms that include fever, body aches, headache, sore throat, fatigue, and dry cough.  The flu can keep you bedridden for several days to a couple of weeks.  The common cold is usually milder with congestion, runny nose and wet cough, and it's unlikely to cause more serious complications like the flu can.
4.  What is the stomach flu?
 There really is no "stomach flu".  These are gastrointestinal illnesses that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.  Often it's a case of food poisoning and it's not uncommon to see an increase in cases during the holidays when people gather to eat!!!
5.  How can colds and flu be prevented?
Get the annual flu vaccine.  Practice frequent and thorough hand washing.  Keep your hands away from your face and avoid contact with sick people.  If you do get sick, stay home from work or school and cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm.
6.  Can I still get a flu shot?
7.  What can I do if I get a cold or the flu?
Same as always---get lots of fluids, proper nutrition and lots of rest.  Treat symptoms.  You don't need to go to the doctor unless symptoms are severe.  The flu can be treated with anti-viral medication at a doctor's discretion, but most people recover at home.  Antibiotics are USELESS against a cold or the flu!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Reality of CHRISTMAS!!

Great advice given to us by Bishop Gary E. Stevenson for this Christmas Season. 
December Ensign--The Reality of Christmas, pg 23
This Christmas--mend a quarrel, seek out a forgotten friend, dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust, write a letter, give a soft answer, encourage youth, manifest your loyalty in word and deed, keep a promise, forgo a grudge, forgive an enemy, apologize, try to understand., examine your demands on others, think first of someone else, be kind, be gentle, laugh a little more, express your gratitude, welcome a stranger, gladden the heart of a child, take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth, speak your love and then speak it again.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

FInding the Savior...

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency,
(How to see the Christ in Christmas, New Era, Dec. 2013, pg 48)
"Sometimes the most precious and sacred things are right in front of us, in plain sight, but we cannot or will not see them...
"I promise that if we unclutter our lives a little bit and in sincerity and humility seek the pure and gentle Christ with our hearts, we will see Him, we will find Him--on Christmas and throughout the year."


This is really great advice...
Keep Christ in your Christmas!!

Great Lesson today by Carisa

Being happy NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Are you ever a little over stressed, overwhelmed, feeling like you can't keep up, feeling like life is out of control?  Well, you should have been in Relief Society with us today.  
Carisa gave a great lesson on being happy not matter what is happening in your life.  
I'll be happy when......
I get a new house,
when I have more more money,
when I get my new or better job,
when I get married,
when I have children,
when I have no more children in the house,
when life calms down,
when I have toys like my neighbors,
when I lose weight,
The Lord has given us everything we need to be happy in this life.  
The choice is up to us, whether we choose to be happy and find joy or not!!! 
2 Nephi 2:25
(Men are that they might have joy!!! )
Trying to keep up with the Jones's does no one any good.
October, 2011 Conference Talk by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Forget me NOT!!
He lists 5 things we need to NOT FORGET!!
1.  Patience with ourselves
2.  Good Sacrifice vs foolish sacrifice
3. To be happy now
4.  The why of the gospel
5.  That Heavenly Father LOVES YOU!!!
Please, if you haven't already read this article or haven't read it lately, read it and remind yourself just how important it is to be kind!!! to you.... 
We can't always live for what the future will bring.  You need to enjoy your journey!!!
And, no one is responsible for someone else's happiness.  Your happiness comes from within you!!!
Carisa showed a great Mormon Message!!!
"You Never Know" 
Go to:

Yes, I'm still here!!!

Sorry, we all had a busy week last week.  With our fun party on Wednesday and then Brother DeMille's funeral on Thursday, I didn't have much time to sit and write.  I missed it.  So, with that said, I wanted to share with you a few pictures.  Thanks so much to all that helped in any way with our great party.  Food, time, prep, clean-up, etc....  It takes may hands to have success.  As a Relief Society Presidency we hope that you enjoyed being there and enjoyed the food.  We (Carisa, Kathy and I) thought it was very good.  Yea for FOOD!!  The program was so fun and thanks to all that participated.  They were such good sports and did so well!!  Hope you felt the spirit of the evening.  Remembering the birth of Christ, especially this time of year, is a privilege for all of us to experience.  I felt that the music had such meaning,  Great messages to be shared.  Here are a few pictures....

I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.  I was in the kitchen way too much!!  Ha, ha!!
Thanks so much for coming!!  It was a great time!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thought for the day!!

I don't know about you, but worrying seems to come with being a mom!!  This is a great reminder!!

Stay in the Boat and Hold On!!

Stay in the Boat and Hold On!! 
By M. Russell Ballard  Pg. 89, 
November Ensign
Our lesson was given by Carol Farnsworth.  Great as always!! 
If you want a great pep talk, read this!! 
A few highlights...
Rafting down the Colorado the 3 main rules that you need to abide by are:
1.  Stay in the Boat!!
2.  Wear a life jacket!!
3.  Hold on with both hands!!
Elder Ballard compares this to us and the gospel. 
"The Lord in His goodness has provided help, including a boat, essential supplies such as life jackets, and experienced river guides who give guidance and safety insturctions to help us make our way down the river of life to our final destination."
I don't know about you, but there are so many times that I feel that I am riding the rapids of life!!  And sometimes it gets almost more than you can bear!!  That's why we need to STAY IN THE BOAT.  We need to anchor ourselves to the Lord and NOT let go!!!
Elder Ballard counsels us that we need to remember this in times of good and bad.  Why turn to the Lord when things are going great??? 
Answers to staying in the boat---.
They are all the "simple but hard to do" things!!!
Scriptures, prayer, fasting, living and loving the doctrine of Christ. 
We need not get all involved in the FLUFF as someone once said to me!!!
Stick to the fundamental principles!!
Ask questions but remember that our search should lead us to become kind, gentle, loving, forgiving, patient, and dedicated disciples. 
LOVE THIS TALK!!  You've got to read it!!!

It's almost here!!

Don't forget our party on the 3rd of December.  If you haven't already RSVP'ed then do so today!!  Contact me!!  It's going to be a great night!!  You won't want to miss it.  6:30--Dinner

Also Dec 9th --Family party!!  7:00 p.m.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Forgotten Carols

Remember our Adult Christmas Party on the 3rd of December.  If you are planning on attending we need an RSVP!!  Most everyone handed me theirs yesterday at church which was so helpful.  Please contact me ASAP so we can get the food ordered.  You have a choice of meat and potato so give me a call.  
It will be at the church at 6:30 on Wednesday, December 3rd.  Hope to see everyone there!!!
Also, remember the Family party on the 9th.  That's for everyone who wants to have a few activities and see Santa!! 

New Baby Boys!!!

(Pictured--not Crew or Asher, just a cute little baby!!)
We have 2 new baby Boys in our ward.
Vanessa and Caleb Duncan had their first baby boy on October 7th.
James Crew Duncan
He weighed in at 7 lbs and was 19.5 inches
Also...Sarah and Talon Kartchner had their first little baby boy too. November 9th.
Asher Holland Kartchner
He weighed in at 5 lbs. 15 ozs.
We love new babies!!  
We also love to see sweet new moms and dads and all they learn these first few months.   

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thought for the day!!

Just keep swimming, as Dory would say!!!

Things to remember...

*Stake Night of Music this week, Thursday, 13th, at 7:00 at the Stake Center
*December 15th-20th--D.I. Drive.  Our ward will probably come pick your stuff up for you and take it to D.I.  The Stake is just asking everyone to take it there.  But I think we are doing it as a ward service project.  More details to come!!
*Adult Ward Christmas Party--December 3rd, 6:30, Very nice dinner and program.  Please RSVP!!  You can call someone you know in the ward that is in leadership, RS, Primary, YW, Bishopric, let us know that you are coming.  We need a count so we can plan on dinner.  The program is "The Forgotten Carols"  It should be a very nice evening.  GET A BABYSITTER NOW!!
*December 9th will be the family Santa Christmas Party.  7:00 at the church.  There will be a few activities and treats.  And Santa, of course!!   See you there.
*Happy Thanksgiving on the 27th..

*No temple night for the ladies for November or December!!  We will start up again in January!!  Looking forward to that. 

Lesson Chapter 21--Proclaiming the Gospel to the World-Pg.263

Kathy taught the lesson today. 
She did such a great job, as always, and the subject is always worth talking about. 
Opening Statement:
"We have tasted the fruits of the gospel and know they are good, and we desire that all men shall receive the same blessings and the same spirit that have been poured out so abundantly upon us."
Presdient Joseph Fielding Smith
As Presdient Smith served his mission to England in 1899, just shortly after he was married to Louie, they both embraced the call and faced it with faith and courage.  Don't get me wrong...they were sad at the thought of being separated for two years, but he made this comment--"I am in the hands of our Heavenly Father and he will watch over me and protect me if I do his will.  And he will be with you (Louie) while I am away and watch over you and protect you in all things. 
He was so willing to follow the will of the Lord!!
It was amazing but while he served "he did not make one convert, did not have opportunity to perform one baptism, although he did confirm one convert."  BUT...he knew that even though he was unable to see many results of his labors, he found comfort in knowing that he was doing the Lord's will and that he was helping prepare people who might receive the gospel later in their lives.
That what we do sisters...we keep living the gospel and doing the best we can to represent the Lord in all we do!!  Whether anyone joins the church because of our efforts, or not, we love and support and continue to be kind to our neightbors and friends.  That's what the Lord would have us do. 
President Smith was exposed to chicken pox along with several of his companions.  While confined to quarantine in a hospital he makes the observation:  "We have made friends with the nurses and others who visited us during our imprisonment.  Many times we have had talks with them about the gospel; also left with them books to read.  When we left the hospital we sang a hymn or two, which among other things impressed those who listened, for we left them with tears in their eyes.  I think we have made an impression at the hospital for good, especially with the nurses, who confess that we are not the people they thought we were and that they will now defend us at all times."
One other thing that really stood out to me was this comment.
"How will I feel, or you, when called before the judgment seat if someone shall point his finger at me, or you, and say that 'if it had not been for the actions of this man or this group I would have received the truth, but I was blinded because they, professing to have the light, did not live it."'
The Lord says if we labor all our days and save but one soul, how great will be our joy with him; on the other hand how great will be our sorrow and our condemnation if through our acts we have led one soul away from this truth.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Great Success!!--Salad Recipe

WOW!!  We had a great time last night!!  Thanks so much for coming.  Great food, great crafts and great visiting.  There were lots of you that wanted the recipe to the salad so here it is...

Strawberry Salad
2 heads romaine lettuce
1 cup shredded swiss cheese
1 cup strawberrries
1 large can mandarin oranges
Cooked bacon
1 bag spinach
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
3/4 cup pecans, candied
Red onion, sliced
1/2 cup strawberry syrup
1 tsp. salt
1.2 cup sugar
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
3/4 cup oil
Pour over salad just before serving.
Just so you know...I make the salad with the things that my family likes.  I may put more of one thing and not so much another.  You make it the way you want. 
Again...thanks for coming.  We had a great time...
If there are any other recipes that you would like, just ask!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thought for the day!!!


Family Party with Santa

"Family Christmas Party"

Tuesday, December 9th
7:00 P.M.
Treats and Santa
Mom's and Dad's and kids are invited!!
This is a great time to get a picture with Santa

.The Forgotten Carols--Our Adult Christmas Party..

"The Forgotten Carols"

December 3rd
6:30 p.m.
Nice Dinner and Program
We have lots of talent, come and see!!!
Get a babysitter EARLY!!!

Tomorrow is the big day---Come to the church

Yes, we are doing our craft night.  Just to let you know that if you didn't sign up for anything you can still come and quilt.  Or just eat or just visit or just whatever.  5-8:30.  Dinner at 6.  Demo's start at 5.  See you there!!! 
p.s.  Our Night Activities ladies, Carisa, Trixie, Corrine, and many more have worked soooooo hard on this.  Please come and support them.  They are amazing ladies!!!  We appreciate all their time and effort.  Thanks to the 19th ward too.  It's always fun to be with them. 

Yes, Lord, I will follow thee, Elder Eduardo Gavarret

Great Lesson on Sunday ...
One of our new talks from our last General Conference. 
 Rochelle taught it.  YEA!! 
This talk was delivered (for the very first time in Conference) in Elder Gavarret's native language.  He was pretty excited to be able to be one of the first.
He starts out his talk sharing a story of his mission days.  It was the year 1975, and he was serving in the Uruguay-Paraguay Mission.  During his first month in the mission, the zone leader held an activity to demonstrate a gospel principle.  Each missionary in the zone was blindfolded, and were told that they were to follow a path leading to the cultural hall.  They were to follow the voice of one particular leader, a voice they heard before starting to walk.  However,  they were warned that during the journey, they would hear several voices that would try to confuse them and get them to stray from the path.
After some minutes of hearing noises, talking, and --in the midst of it all---a voice that siad "Follow me,"  he felt confident that he was following the right voice.  When they arrived at the cultural hall of the chapel, he was asked to take off his blindfold.  When he did, he realized that there were two groupls and that he was in the group that had followed the wrong voice.
He expressed that this experience has stayed with him to this day.  He told himself that "Never, ever again will I follow the wrong voice.
The Lord invites us using various verbs:  "Come unto me," "Follow me," "Walk with me!"  In each case it is not a passive invitation.  It is an invitation to act.   It is addressed to all mankind by the one who is the Prophet of prophets, the Teacher of teachers, the Son of God, the Messiah.
We had some great discussion!!  Thanks to Rochelle!!!  We love our teachers!!!!  They're the BEST!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thought for the day...


Planning ahead...

If you've GOT TALENT--Come share this Wednesday at the church.  6:30 and call Berenice to sign up!  Also bring 2 dozen treats with you.  Finger treats.  SEE YOU THERE!!!
November is also our turn to clean the building.  If you are interested in doing that please contact Sister Bradfield.  I'm sure she would love the help!!!  There is also a sign-up sheet in RS. 
November 5th--Our Wonderful, Whimsical, Wednesday, 5-8:30, Dinner at 6:00.  If you have questions, call one of the RS Presidency!!!
For our Ward CHRISTMAS party this year we are going to do 2!!!  One for the adults and one for the kids.  The adult party will be on Wednesday, December 2nd.  6:30 at the church.  Nice dinner and visiting.  Should be very enjoyable.  Please plan to attend and for those of you that need a babysitter!!  GET ONE EARLY!!
Then there will be another Family CHRISTMAS party on Tuesday, Dec. 9th, 7:00 p.m.  This one is for the youth and kids.  Mom's and dad's will come too.  They will have a small program and then Santa will be coming.  This is the time for family pictures with Santa.  FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Then December is all yours!!! 
That's all I have for the calendar right now.  If anything else comes up,  you will be the first to know!!!

Great lesson today--Grateful in any Circumstance--President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Carol gave another great lesson today.  She always brings the Spirit into anything she prepares and presents to us.  Thank you so much, Carol!!!
Grateful in any Circumstance--Pg 70 of the last April General Conference..Amazing talk.  Carol made the comment that it was a life changing experience preparing this for us.  Anyone who reads it can have the same opportunity to have it affect their lives also. 
President Uchtdorf starts out the talk by discussing not gratitude but grief.  We all experience it in our lives.  He makes the statement:
"Sooner or later, I believe that all of us experience times when the very fabric of our world tears at the seams, leaving us feeling alone, frustrated, and adrift. It can happen to anyone.  No one is immune." 
So how can we be grateful in times like this?????
Why does God command us to be grateful????
Our Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness. 
One point that I hadn't thought of before is this..."Perhaps focusing on what we are grateful FOR is the wrong approach. Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation?  I am suggesting that instead of being thankful FOR things, we focus on being thankful IN our circumstances---whatever they may be."
We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do AFTER our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is.  How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?"
Carol gave a great quote---Think about this---
If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to are richer than 75% of this world
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If you woke up this morning with more health than are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If you can attend a church or synagogue meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If your parents are still alive and still are very rare, even in the United States.
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the are blessed because you can offer a healing touch.
If you can read, you have a double blessing in that, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the wolrd that cannot read at all!!!
Another great point that I felt President Uchtdorf wanted us to know is that being grateful in times of distress does not mean that WE ARE PLEASED WITH OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges.
Great it--page 70 in the May 2014 Ensign!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love President Hinckley!!!


Monday, October 20, 2014

New Sisters in the Ward

Sarah Kartchner and her husband Talon have moved into our ward.  Super cute people!!  She is expecting a baby very soon.  A little boy which will be named Asher Holland.  We are so excited to have her in our Relief Society.  They live on Pinecone--1193

Also living there with them is another cute couple--The Harris's.  Aubrey and Kip Harris.  They have a cute little boy named A.J.  Actually Talon and Kip are cousins.  So it's worked out really well to have them live there together.  We are so glad to have them in our ward!!!

Lisa Aronhalt and her husband Chava, and their 2 little boys are living at 1194 Pinecone.  Haven is 3 and Suarin is 6 months old.   We so love these move-ins.  She is working at Home Depot and being a mom.  She also has her mom and dad living with them.  Janet and Don Randall.  They have just been baptized into the church and are learning the ropes.  We are glad they're our newest members of the ward.

Elaine and Steve Espinoza (Stephanie Carpenter's parents) have moved into the basement of Stephanie's house.  They will be living here for awhile.  They are Snowbirds and will be traveling somewhat.  We are glad they are here.  Welcome to all!!! 

Sisters to pray for...

Lynette is doing much better.  She will be headed up to Huntsman Cancer Center soon.  She will likely have to have a few treatments but they're not sure of anything just yet.  We will know more.  She is so grateful for all the prayers in her behalf.  She knows the power of fasting and prayer and is so humble because of all of you in the ward doing this for her.  She has felt it every step of the way.  Please continue to pray for her.
Also cute Thelma Kesl is having a few problems.  If you feel so inclined, take food.  She lives in the Blue house on Mountain View.  510 is the house #.  She doesn't have much energy to do anything.  I know she would NEVER ask for help so that's where we come in!!!  She is such a sweet lady and we could be an instrument in showing her husband Jack just how the gospel works.  Thanks for your efforts.  We know you are always doing good deeds!!

One more thought...


Great Advice!!!

Thought for the Day...

If you want to talk to God--pray.
If you want God to talk to you--Read your Scriptures

Announcements for this week

1.  Reminder of our Wonderful, Whimsical Wednesday--Nove 5th, 5-8:30 with a nursery from 5-7:30.  Dinner at 6:00.  Demos at 5 and 7.  Wreaths are only at 5.  Any questions--Call Me!!  590-5917.  There will also be quilting for those who don't want to do a craft!!
2.   There is a Marriage Class that is starting tomorrow.  Tuesday 21st.  It is at the Canyon View Stake Center.  It will be a 7 week course.  If you need a little marriage boost, this is for you!!  7:00 p.m.
3.  Ward Night of Music--Wednesday, October 29th at 6:30.  It's at our church and if you have a talent to share please contact Berenice Liebhardt--586-9705.
4.  Ladies---We have over 800 miles on "Our walk to Zion"!!  Way to go.  We will probably make it by the first of November.  You are all AWESOME!!
5.  No Temple trip in November for the Ladies!!
6.  Family History Fair--This Tuesday.  6:30-8:30 at the Stake Center.  Families are invited

Great lesson, Rochelle, Chapter 19, In the World but NOT of the World!!

"While we are in the world, we are not of the world.  We are expected to overcome the world and to live as becometh saints"
President Smith admonished member of the Church to be different from the rest of the world. 
He often spoke about:
Keeping the Sabbath day holy,
Obeying the Word of WIsdom
Respecting the Name of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Dressing modestly
Keeping the Law of Chastity
We are living in an evil and wicked world.  We have greater light than the world has, and the Lord expects more of us than he does of them!!!
If we are living the religion which the Lord has revealed and which we have received, we do not belong to the world.  And we need to remember that the blessings promised to the faithful are far greater than the temporary pleasures of the world!!!
"A member of the Church once said that he could not quite understand when he paid his tithing and kept the Word of Wisdom, was prayerful, and tried to be obedient to all the commandments the Lord had given him, and yet he had to struggle to make a living; while his neighbor violated the Sabbath day, I suppose he smoked and drank; he had what the world would call a good time, he paid no attention to the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and yet he prospered. You know, we have a great many members of the Church that ponder that over in their hearts and wonder why.  Why this man seems to be blessed with all the good things of the earth--incidentally, many of the bad things that he think are good---and yet so many members of the Church are struggling, laboring diligently to try to make their way through the world.
The answer is simple...  We are in their world.  This is their world.  So, as President Smith says--as this is their world we are living in, they prosper, but, my good brethren and sisters, their world is coming to its end...The day will come when we will not have this world.  It will be changed.  We will get a better world.  We will get one that is righteous, becuase when Christ comes, he will cleanse the earth.
If we search diligently, pray always, be believing, and walk uprightly, we have the Lord's promise that all things shall work together for our good.  This is NOT a promise that we shall be free from the trials and problems of life, for this probationary state is designed to give us experience and difficult and conflicting situations. 
The Latter-day Saints are as a city set on a hill that cannot be hid, and like the candle that gives light to all who are in the house.  It is our duty to let our light shine as an example in righteousness, not only to the people among whom we live, but to the peoples of the whole earth!!



Details for the Wreaths--Wonderful, Whimsical Wednesday


Here is the list of supplies for the wreaths:

2 rolls of 21 in x 10 yards Deco Mesh
For smaller width mesh or burlap you'll need approx. 75 feet (25 yards).  This is for the bulk or fullness of your wreath.  If you want to purchase yardage burlap, I bought 3 yards and cut it in 6 inch strips and sewed it end to end.
1-18 inch wire wreath form, At Joann's and Wal-Mart 
Desired accessories to match, wood letter (pre painted desired color).
Ribbon, silk flowers and leaves, ornaments, bells, toys... ANYTHING really!!!  Check Dollar Store
Hot glue gun

And just so you know...Wal-Mart wires are a lot cheeper than Joann's unless you have a coupon. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Found this after our lesson today!!!

Stay in the Boat and hold on!!!

This was one of my favorite talks given in General Conference this last week.  Hope you have your favorites too!!!

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Wonderful Whimsical Wednesday--November 5, 2014

Wonderful Whimsical Wednesday
November 5, 2014
19th and Indian Hills Wards Craft Night
5:00 p.m.--Come start your crafts early and craft until 8:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.--Dinner:  Soup, Salad, Rolls and Dessert
7:00 p.m.--Chocolate Dipping, gift bag, table runner
*Nursery will be available from 5-7:30.
Candy Making/Chocolate Dipping
Wreaths (Bring your own supplies and make one if you'd like
Table Runners
Service Project
We will be working on two quilts to be donated!!!!
Gift Bag, make and take--(1 per sister) FREE!!
 Christmas Tree Blocks--Cost:  $4.00
 Floral earrings--Cost: $2.25, Framed earring holder--Cost: $15.00 or less?

 Grinch Tic-Tac Holder--Cost: $1.50
 Countdown to Christmas Boxes:  Cost $8.00
 Countdown to Christmas bags/envelopes--Cost: $3.50
 Countdown to Christmas boxes--Cost: $8.00
 Indoor Snowball Fight--Cost: $8.50
 Etched Casserole Dish--Cost: $3.50  Bring your own dish
 Bookmark--Cost: $1.50--One per sister
 Bracelet--Cost:  $3.50
 Wreath Demos--Time: 5:00 p.m.
 Wreath Demo--Time: 5:00 p.m.
Christmas Luminaries--Cost: $2.00
You need to sign up ASAP!!  (Hopefully by this coming Sunday!!)  They will be on display right outside the Relief Society Room.  You will be contacted for your money after that.