What you need to KNOW... (I think it's always good to be reminded!!)
Every year we see our share of colds and flu in Southwest Utah. It's difficult to predict how severe cold and flu season will be or which illnesses will circulate, but here is some basic information that should help keep you and your family healthier this year.
1. When exactly is cold and flu season?
Flu season typically starts in the fall, peaks in February, then drops off in the spring.
2. How are these illnesses spread?
Usually through droplets from coughing and sneezing, and germs left on hard surfaces like toys, counter-tops and door handles. You can get sick if you get caught in the line of fire of a sneeze or touch your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching an infected surface.
3. What's the difference between a cold and the flu?
Both are viruses, but typically the flu is worse, with rapid onset of symptoms that include fever, body aches, headache, sore throat, fatigue, and dry cough. The flu can keep you bedridden for several days to a couple of weeks. The common cold is usually milder with congestion, runny nose and wet cough, and it's unlikely to cause more serious complications like the flu can.
4. What is the stomach flu?
There really is no "stomach flu". These are gastrointestinal illnesses that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Often it's a case of food poisoning and it's not uncommon to see an increase in cases during the holidays when people gather to eat!!!
5. How can colds and flu be prevented?
Get the annual flu vaccine. Practice frequent and thorough hand washing. Keep your hands away from your face and avoid contact with sick people. If you do get sick, stay home from work or school and cover your coughs and sneezes with your arm.
6. Can I still get a flu shot?
7. What can I do if I get a cold or the flu?
Same as always---get lots of fluids, proper nutrition and lots of rest. Treat symptoms. You don't need to go to the doctor unless symptoms are severe. The flu can be treated with anti-viral medication at a doctor's discretion, but most people recover at home. Antibiotics are USELESS against a cold or the flu!!
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