Thursday, June 26, 2014

Singing in Church on Sunday!! As sisters in Zion!!

We want ALL of the sisters to sing together.  We don't care if you can't sing.  We just want you up there with us.  Please don't make me drag you up!!  Just kidding but maybe not!!  Please come and sing with us.  Everyone knows it and it's easy to sing.
Thanks for your support!!!
See you there!!!

Lesson on Sunday--June 22nd--Tanleigh WIlks

Chapter 12--The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood...
"The blessings of the Lord are offered to the Saints and to the world through the ministrations of those who hold his holy priesthood, who represent him."
This lesson couldn't have come at a better time.  With all that is going on in the church and the contraversary about certain women wanting to hold the priesthood.  I felt that Tanleigh did an excellent job in expressing the feelings of President Joseph Fielding Smith.  Tanleigh got a new calling and we are so sad to see her go but she will be teaching the youth in our ward and they couldn't have choosen a better person for the job. 
One of the main messages was that the priesthood benefits all of us.  We don't hold the priesthood as women but we receive all the blessings that come from it.  We hold power to receive revelation for our families and we bear children.  We have our very own roles as women and mothers on this earth. Men are not the priesthood, they hold the priesthood.  And only through righteous living are they able to have and maintain that blessing of being able to use and bless others with it.  Those men that hold the Holy Priesthood can offer all blessings that come from priesthood power to each of us and to the world.  
"What a glorious thing it is to know that the Lord has offered to each of us the fullness of the priesthood, and has promised us that if we will receive this priesthood and magnify our callings, we shall gain an everlasting inheritance with him in his kingdom!!"
I suggest you read this lesson if you didn't have the chance to come to church on Sunday.  It really does help us all understand the Oath and Covenant of this great power we have here on earth at this great time in history.  We are so blessed!!!   

Another new sister!! Jodi Simmons

Jodi and her 4 kids have moved into Sunset Ridge this past week.  She is such a fun person and we are so excited to have her with us.  Her kids are Kade 11, Zackery 8, Samuel 5, and Sarah 3.  YEA!!  Kids.  Please welcome her into our ward.  Look forward to getting to know her. 

Neighborhood Social---coming up.

Remember to mark your calendar. 
July 2nd
for the neighborhood social which will be in the cul-da-sac--(Deer Trail Circle) right in front of Hartley's and Us.  It will be great.  Bring a salad if your last name starts with letters A-J.  Dessert if your last name starts with letters K-Z.  Meat will be provided.  Potatoes and condiments will be provided too.  Don't want to miss it.  6:30 p.m.  Bring a Chair for all those who would like to sit!!!  Come eat and visit with your neighbors!!

24th of July float!! Yes, we are doing one for our ward!!

We have been asked to do a 24th of July float for the parade.  We are going to need lots of help.  Please, if you are willing to help let one of the Relief Society Presidency know.  We have done them in the past and have had a great time.  Lots of work but fun!!!  THANKS FOR YOUR WILLINGNESS!!!

New lady to meet!!

We are so grateful for our new ladies in our Relief Society.  Her name is Vanessa Duncan.  Her and her husband Caleb are living in Dan and JoAnn Jones's basement.  She is so cute and I hope you take the time to get to know her.  Great addition to our ward.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Protection from Pornography---a Christ-Focused Home

Great lesson by Carol Farnsworth
Protection from Pornography--a Christ-Focused Home--Linda S. Reeves,
Second Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency. 
 If you missed this lesson, I am sorry.  It was so great.  Very informative and a great eye opener!!
Just a few stats---
47% of families in the U.S. reported that pornography is a problem in their home.
Average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old.
Every second $3,075,000 is spent on pornography on the internet.
One third of Porn viewers are women
56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
Porn sites get more visitors than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined!!!
Very alarming statistics!!
It is a PLAGUE in our society today.  Our church is on top of this problem and we need to get on board with it. 
Things we can do as parents to protect our families--
1.  Read scriptures with our children
2.  Have consistant Family Home Evenings
3.  Study "For the Strength of Youth" with our children
4.  Be pro-active
5.  Pray with our children
Then if--we probably should say when pornography or other challenges do strike our families, we can petition the Lord for help and expect great guidance from the Spirit, knowing that we have done what our Father has asked us to do.
Please go to the Ensign and read this article. 
May, Conference edition  Page 15.  It gives us great examples and insights as to how we can help our families be strong and stay strong against the adversary!!!
Thanks Carol for always inspiring us and helping us understand what the brethren want us to know. 

Neighborhood Social

On July 2nd, 6:30 p.m.
which is a Wednesday,
 is going to be our Neighborhood Social.  We are excited about it and hope you put it on your calendar.  It is going to be in front of my house in Deer Trail Circle.  Right out in the middle of the street.  We put the grills out and BBQ away.  The hamburgers will be provided and here is the plan.  Everyone with their last names starting with A-J please bring a salad.  Everyone with last names starting with K-Z please bring dessert.  That way we should come out pretty even.  Hope you and your family will plan to attend.  Good food and good company will be had by ALL!!
Don't miss it!!!

Please add Deanna Heap to your ward list

Deanna Heap is going to be here for the next several months so please add her to your ward list.  She is Rochelle's mom and is staying with Cassie for the time being.  Her phone # is:  801-633-5669 and her address is 1183 Pinecone.  Cassie has moved from Sunset.  We love and welcome her.  She feels like one of us anyway.  A member of Rochelle's family is a member of ours!!

Pajama Party!!!'s this Friday night!!  I've been holding my breath for this one.  Remember, come to the Emery's at 7:30 p.m. in your PJ"s.  Pizza, games, movie, popcorn, treats.  AWESOME!!  The committee has put a lot of work into this.  Come support!!  See you there!!

As Sister in Zion!!!

We have the great opportunity of singing in Sacrament Meeting on the 5th Sunday of this month--June.  That is in 2 weeks.  We want EVERYONE!! and I want to reemphasize EVERYONE!!! to come and participate with us.  Please come sing.  The song is "As Sisters in Zion" which everyone knows and it's going to be great.  The young women are going to be singing with us and so we should have every sister up there from our ward.  AWESOME!!!  Please plan on singing.  We will have music for you!  We want to be a united front.  That's our motto for this year...  Thanks for your willingness and conviction to the cause. 
We may not sound like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir but we will sure give it a shot!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thought for the day...

When things aren't  (+) adding up in your life, start (-) subtracting!!!

How to be totally miserable--Part 8


All of us carry excess baggage around from time to time, but the wisest ones among us don't carry it for very long.  They get rid of it...Often the things we carry are petty, even stupid.  If you are still upset after all these years because Aunt Clara didn't come to your wedding reception, why don't you grow up?  Forget it!!!
-Boyd K. Packer-
Okay, everyone out there who needs to be forgiven for something, raise your hand...Humm, it appears the voting is unanimous.  But if you want to be miserable, don't ever forgive others.  Hold on to a grudge.  Grudges sour your mood and ruin your day.  Days turn into months and months into years.  Carrying a grudge for all that time wastes a lot of energy that could be used for living life to the fullest.  You can't hold on to happiness unless you let go of grudges, so to be miserable, don't bury the hatchet.  Be mad at everyone and everything, and soon enough the grudges will bury you.

THE CALL TO Be Christlike!!!

If you want to read an article that will inspire you and help you want to be more this months article by Jeffrey R. Holland--THE CALL TO Be Christlike!!  Page 28..  I can tell you that I enjoyed every word.  I love to picture him saying it.  He has such power in his voice.  I love the apostles and their amazing council to us all!!

Great lesson by Rochelle!! Priesthood...

Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith...
Just a few highlights:
1.  Preisthood keys are the power and authority to direct the Lord's work on the earth
2.  The Lord has sent holy messengers from His presence to restore the keys of the priesthood.
3.  The President of the Church holds the keys over all the Church
4.  We should honor those to whom the President of the Church has delegated keys of authority.
5.  The united voice of those who hold the keys of the kingdom will always guide us where the Lord
      wants us to be.

This is such a great lesson..On page 151 of your lessons from Presidents of the Church.

Also there is a GREAT article in the June Ensign about the Priesthood!!  It written by Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President.  Please read it.  It is an amazing article and explains just how the priesthood benefits all of us.  Here are just a few quotes:
*Elder Dallin H. Oaks--"Men are not the priesthood--but the priesthood is the means whereby the Lord acts through men to save souls.  To me, she says, that is a wake-up call as well as an invitation to all of us to study, ponder, and come to better understand the priesthood.
*Elder Robert D. Hales--Can you imagine how dark and empty morality would be if there were no priesthood?  If the power of the priesthood were not upon the earth, the adversary would have freedom to roam and reign without restraint.  There would be no gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and enlighten us, no prophets to speak in the name of the Lord; no temples where we could make sacred, eternal covenants; no authority to bless or baptize, to heal or comfort... There would be no light, no hope---only darkness.  WOW--something to think about. 
READ IT!!  Page 36...Great insight into understanding the priesthood better!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

New lady to meet!!

We have a new family that moved in on Pinecone.  They are great and hopefully you've seen them at church.  It's Andy and Victoria Fields.  Please take a minute if you do see them and welcome them to our ward.  We have great people they need to meet.  And they are so excited to be here.  We love new families.                                                                

Ladies Night Out!! June 20th

It's our Night Relief Society for the month of June.  Pizza, Pajames, Treats, Popcorn, Movie and the whole works.  We are excited!!  It will be at the Emery's house and we expect a great time. 
There will be games, food, and great company.
Please bring a blanket or chair to sit on.
Also please bring your favorite treat to share!!! 
There will be lots of eating and visiting. 
No Nursery...
so Please ask early for husbands to stay home. 
Date:  June 20th
Time:  7:30
Movie:  9:30
"The Ultimate Gift"
If you haven't seen it, bring some kleenex!!! 
Please come and bring your neighbor!!!

Temple night tomorrow!!!

We will be having our Temple night for the ladies tomorrow night--Wednesday, June 4th.  Come join us.  It's a great way to spend the night together. 

They're BACK!!!

Carma Lee and Aaron and Lavona Montgomery are home.  Along with their 3 cute kids.  We have been looking so forward to their return.  Carma has had some improvements done to her home and they are all going to be living with her.  Welcome back.  We're so glad to have the whole family.  YEA!!!                                                              

It's been awhile!!!!

I am so behind!!  I have been out of town for a week and have so much to catch up on.  Here we go:
We have a new baby!!  Caren Cantu, that lives in Sunset Ridge has her daughter living with her.  Robin.  Robin had a little baby girl on May 26th.  Her name is Kendyl and she weighed 6 lbs 11 ozs.  If you get a chance drop by and congratulate them.  They are thrilled!!  And she is CUTE!!!