Great lesson by Carol Farnsworth
Protection from Pornography--a Christ-Focused Home--Linda S. Reeves,
Second Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency.
If you missed this lesson, I am sorry. It was so great. Very informative and a great eye opener!!
Just a few stats---
47% of families in the U.S. reported that pornography is a problem in their home.Average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old.
Every second $3,075,000 is spent on pornography on the internet.
One third of Porn viewers are women
56% of divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.
Porn sites get more visitors than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined!!!
Very alarming statistics!!
It is a PLAGUE in our society today. Our church is on top of this problem and we need to get on board with it.
Things we can do as parents to protect our families--
1. Read scriptures with our children
2. Have consistant Family Home Evenings
3. Study "For the Strength of Youth" with our children
4. Be pro-active
5. Pray with our children
Then if--we probably should say when pornography or other challenges do strike our families, we can petition the Lord for help and expect great guidance from the Spirit, knowing that we have done what our Father has asked us to do.
Please go to the Ensign and read this article.
May, Conference edition Page 15. It gives us great examples and insights as to how we can help our families be strong and stay strong against the adversary!!!
Thanks Carol for always inspiring us and helping us understand what the brethren want us to know.
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