Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lesson for today and last week--Sorry you missed, if you did!!

Last week Melissa Goulding gave a great and inspiring lesson on the Holy Ghost. 
Chapter 14, Pg. 181 
"The Gift of the Holy Ghost"
There were many great ideas discussed but one thing that stood out to me was in section 5--
"It is my judgment that there are many members of this Church who have been baptized for the remission of their sins, and who have had hands laid upon their heads for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but who have never received the gift---that is, the manifestations of it.  Why????  Because they have never put themselves in order to receive these manifestations.  They have never humbled themselves.  They have never taken the steps that would prepare them for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  Therefore, they go through life without that knowledge; they are lacking in understanding."
We need to be worthy and doing the right things to have the gift and power of the Holy Ghost in our lives.  Also I think we need to be able to recognize the way in which the Spirit speaks to us.  It's different for everyone.  Don't get discouraged when others share experiences that you have never had.  The Holy Ghost may speak through song, or through thoughts, or through feelings of need. 
Melissa encouraged us to pray for the Holy Ghost to be with us each day.  It was a great lesson.
Thank you Melissa.  She is a new teacher just called and we so appreicate her preparation.


Carol Farnsworth gave the lesson today on the talk given by Elder Russell M. Nelson in last General Conference entitled
 "Let your Faith Show
What a great topic.  Day after day, on your path toward your eternal destiny, increase your faith.  Proclaim your faith!!  Let your faith show!
Some of the great quotes out of the talk: 
1.  Keeping divine commandments brings blessings, every time! 
Breaking divine commandments brings a loss of blessings, every time!!
2.  Truth is truth!!  It is not divisible, and any part of it cannot be set aside. 
3.  A way of life and a daily commitment of practicing your religion will help you exercise your faith.  You are letting your faith show. 
4.  Danger lurks when we try to divide ourselves with expressions such as "my private life" or even "my best behavior."  If one tries to segment his or her life into such separate compartments, one will never rise to the full stature of one's personal integrity. 
5.  Even if "everyone is doing it," wrong is never right.  Evil, error, and darkness will never be truth, even if popular. 
We need to let our faith show!!  In everything we do!!!
Thanks Carol.  Your lessons are amazing and the Spirit is always felt by all.  Read the article if you haven't already!!  Page 29 of the Conference Ensign.   

How to be totally miserable--Part 10

Worry about things you can't control
There are problems in the Middle East, the killer bees are migrating northward, there's not enough snowpack in the mountains, and your team is out of the playoffs.  This is a small list---if you want a bigger one, watch the evening news.  Keep a list of all the sad, dismal, sordid, and ugly events so you know exactly how depressed to be.  Then you can mope and worry and fret and be glum.  If you want to be miserable, worry about things over which you have no control.  Happy people do exactly the opposite.  Happy people do their part, do their best, then let go and let God do the rest.  They do what they can within their circle of influence.  This approach is the opposite of misery, since it will only lead to faith and optimism.
How who worries about calamities suffers them twice over!!!
-Og Mandino-

Just this very day!!

We met a new girl as of a couple of hours ago...newest member in the ward--Nikki Bybee that just moved in to 1522 in Sunset Ridge.  Her husband's name is Shawn and they have a darling little boy---Teagan who is 1.  Curly blond hair!!  YEAH!!!  We are excited for us to get to know her and hopefully she is excited to get to know us.  We are pretty great sisters in this Indian Hills Ward.  Go ladies!!  Be a good neighbor!!  Her phone # is:  668-9973  Email address:  Her and her husband are going to be going to school.  BUSY!! 

One more thing to correct...

On Sara Randalls email it should read:  Please make the correction.  SORRY!!!

More great news...

Thelma Kesl is a cute new lady that has moved into the blue house on Mountain View.  510 is her house number.  We are so excited to have her in our ward.  She is a good friend of Alice and so we know she is a great person.  Any friend of Alice's is a friend of ours.  We look forward to getting to know her too.  I did make a mistake on her email address.  The correct on is  Instead of a f after the l it is a s.  We are so excited to welcome her into our sisterhood of ladies in our ward.  It's a great place to be!!!

Another new Sister!!!

We have a another Adams family in the ward.  Her name is Melissa and they live in Sunset Ridge  1512 to be exact!!  Her husband's name is Tom.  They have 6 children ranging in age from 10-17.  They are just settling in so I hope you take the opportunity to introduce yourselves.  I'm sure they wouldn't mind a cookie or 2!!  Phone #:  590-1324  Email address: 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Picture roster is: COMING SOON!!!

Thanks for helping with the pictures and info. for our picture roster.  I think this is a great way to stay in touch with sisters in our ward.  At least you can put a name to a face.  There will be a quiz in the coming future.  So when you receive it, STUDY IT!!!  Just kidding.  I am excited to get it done!!!  Thanks for your cooperation.  I know pictures are miserable but worth it!!!

No church meetings on September 21st...

It will be the re-dedication of the Ogden Temple.  We will have more information to you as soon as we know what the times are.  Just wanted you to be able to calendar it.  Never to early to be organized!!!

Temple Day for the ladies

We will be having a temple day for the ladies on August 6th---(Always first Wednesday of the month)  We are looking forward to it because we missed this last month.  CALENDAR!!!!  Put it in big letters!!!!  Meet at church between 6 and 6:15.  Love being in the temple with our ward sisters.  Just like family!!!

Stake Conference

Since you may want to sing in the choir I will let you know when Stake Conference is.
It is August 16th and 17th.  Exciting to be able to go listen to our leaders.  Put it on your calendar!!

Singing in Stake Conference

For those of you that want to sing in the choir in Stake Conference, I just talked to Sister McNabb who is the Stake Music Director.  She said that President Orton wants the practices at 6:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings at the Stake Center.  And yes, they will be every Sunday until Stake Conference.  There will only be 3 practices all together.  So try not to miss if you can.  It should be fun to participate.  They really want to have a big choir for the Visiting Authority.  Thanks for you willingness. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Lesson on the 13th--Rochelle Lunt--Chapter 13, Baptism

I have mentioned it before, but we are so blessed to have such great teachers in Relief Society!!  It's also interesting to me that we have probably had numerous lessons, talks and articles on Baptism but each time we discuss these topics I learn something new.  I hope you do the same. 
"Baptism is literally...a transplanting, or resurrection from one life to another---the life of sin to the life of spiritual life."
One of the things that stood out to me is this:
(1)  It is in the similitude of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and of all others who recieved the resurrection.
(2)  Baptism is also a birth and in the similitude of the birth of a child into this word.
Little children who have not reached the years of accountability do not need baptism because they are redeemed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
We make COVENANTS when we are baptized.  And we are able to renew those covenants each time we partake of the Sacrament.  What a great blessing. 
Great lesson.  Thanks for being there.  We love seeing you each Sunday.  We worry about you if you're not there.  Thank you Rochelle.   

VIsiting Teaching!!!

There will be some changes in our visiting teaching----AGAIN!!  Thanks for being so willing to do your part and keeping a smile on your face when changes come.  It's always good to get to know all the ladies in our ward. 

New ladies, YEAH!!!

Kim Harris--1504 South 625 West--435-230-3549
Her husband's name is Ricky and they are such a awesome famly.  Ricky is going to school and has about 2 more years til finished. We are so excited to have them in our ward.  They have 4 cute kids.  Kassi, Tyler, Reese, and Libby. Be sure to introduce yourselves!!  It's nice to have new friends.
Katie Snedeger--1477 South 625 West--435-896-7860
Her husband's name is Zack and they have 3 darling girls.  Gracie, Ava and Emree.  Her husband is going to school and they are happy to be here. We are thankful to have such great families move into our ward.  We pray for faithful members to move in so we need to reach out!!!  WELCOME!!!

How to be totally miserabl--Part 9

Don't set goals!!
If you're trying to be miserable, it's important you don't have any goals.  No school goals, personal goals, spiritual goals, family goals.  With nothing to shoot for, your life is shot.  Your only objective each day should be to inhale, exhale, and pump blood.  Don't read anything informative, don't listen to anything useful; don't do anything productive.  If you start achieving goals, you might start to feel a sense of accomplishment; then you might want to set another goal, and as soon as that happens, your miserable mornings are through.  To maintain your misery, the idea of crossing off your achievements should never cross your mind.
People who say that life is not worthwhile are really saying that they themselves have no personal goals which are worthwhile.  Get yourself a goal worth working for.  Better still, get yourself a project.  Always have something ahead of you to
"look forward to"---to work for and hope for.  Maxwell Maltz

Lesson on the 6th--Kathy Hansen

The Joy of the Gospel---
Questions:  Have you truly ever been lost???
Kathy related a personal story about when she was young.  She was a professional gymnast most of her growing up years.  She actually was in line for the olympics but got injured.  You can only imagine the time she spent as a young girl going to practices and spending every waking minute eating and drinking gymnastics.  When she got injured she had all that extra time with nothing to do.  She had no path, no goals, That's when she said she felt like she was lost. Really lost.  She was raised in another religion.  She went to church but didn't really even know what she was going for.  There was a BIG hole in her life.   The missionaries found her and she found the Lord.   She said that that's when she really found true joy in her life.
It was a great lesson.  The gospel really can and does bring true joy in our lives.  The HOPE of the Atonement is an amazing thing.  We are so blessed to have that hope.  To have the knowledge that we can repent and become one with our Savior.  What a real blessing!!!
We missed you if you weren't there.  It was a great lesson.'s been awhile!!!

I'm sorry that it's been such a long time since I posted.  We have been out of town and then we've been busy working on the 24th of July float.  Can't believe it!!  Happy 4th!!  And now it's almost the 24th.  I'll try to catch up here!!!