Sunday, July 27, 2014

How to be totally miserable--Part 10

Worry about things you can't control
There are problems in the Middle East, the killer bees are migrating northward, there's not enough snowpack in the mountains, and your team is out of the playoffs.  This is a small list---if you want a bigger one, watch the evening news.  Keep a list of all the sad, dismal, sordid, and ugly events so you know exactly how depressed to be.  Then you can mope and worry and fret and be glum.  If you want to be miserable, worry about things over which you have no control.  Happy people do exactly the opposite.  Happy people do their part, do their best, then let go and let God do the rest.  They do what they can within their circle of influence.  This approach is the opposite of misery, since it will only lead to faith and optimism.
How who worries about calamities suffers them twice over!!!
-Og Mandino-

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