Monday, March 28, 2016

Thought for the day...

I LOVE these little minons...they make my life happy!!

Interesting facts about temples...

Temples are more than stone and mortar.  They are built of faith and fasting, of trials and testimonies, and are sanctified by sacrifice and service.  From miracles big and small to selfless acts of service by Latter-day Saints, each of the 150 temples has a powerful story behind it.  I am going to be sharing them with you for the next couple of weeks.
Washington D.C. Temple saved by a Heaven-sent Watch Dog!!
In early 1973, leaders became concerned with security at the Washington D.C. Temple construction site.  One Saturday shortly after this concern arose, a stray German Shepherd appeared near the temple gates.  Residents in the area called animal control to pick up the dog, but when work began again the next Monday morning, it was still there.
Taking pity on the hungry animal, workers fed him and decided to keep him on the site.  Zacharias, as the workers named him, soon became an important part of the temple construction site's security.  After sleeping during the day, the dog regularly woke at 4 p.m. to watch the workers depart before making rounds on the property throughout the night.
On one occasion, Zacharias led a security guard to the temple president's office, where a fire had started, apparently caused by a mishap with welding equipment.  When the temple was completed, one of the workers took the trusted dog home with him.   The construction foremen said they believed that the German shepherd was sent by the Lord to help meet security needs at the temple site.

Sunday's lesson-Be Not Afraid, Only Believe

We can choose to believe!!!  It's a choice!!
We had a great discussion on Sunday about Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk from last General Conference.  It was given in the Priesthood Session.  But it applies to all of us!!

It starts out telling the story of Daniel. He was one of the best and brightest young men that had been captured at the time Babylon invaded Nineveh, Egypt's capital.  He was between 12-17 years old at the time.  He was forced from his home and marched 500 miles to a foreign city, and indoctrinated in the religion of his enemies...Daniel was raised to follow Christ.  He studied the words of the prophets, and he knew of God's interaction with man.  He was taught to abandon his beliefs, but he stayed true to his faith--in word and in deed.
Many of us know how it feels to defend an unpopular truth.  In the Internet slang of today, we talk about getting "flamed" by those who disagree with us.  But Daniel wasn't just risking public ridicule.  In Babylon, those who challenged the religious authorities understood what it means---figuratively and literally--to be "flamed."  Just ask Daniel's friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego..
Some people are just blessed with a believing heart--for them, faith seems to come as a gift from heaven.  But I imagine that Daniel was like many of us who have to work for our testimonies.  I'm confident that Daniel spent many hours on his knees praying, laying his questions and fears on the altar of faith, and waiting upon the Lord for understanding and wisdom.  He was blessed and he believed with no doubts.
King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.  A very troubling dream.  No one could interpret the dream.  Daniel prayed to be able to interpret it for the king.  He saw it in a vision.  You have to remember that Daniel had been bullied and persecuted for believing in his strange religion, but he went before the king and revealed to him the dream.  From that day on, Daniel became a trusted counselor to the king.  The boy who believed and lived his faith had become a man of God.  A prophet.  A prince of righteousness.


Do we stand loyal to God?
Do we practice what we preach, or are we Sunday Christians only?
Do our daily actions reflect clearly what we claim to believe?
Do we help the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted?
Do we just talk the talk, or do we enthusiastically walk the walk?

The ancient city of Babylon is in ruins.  Its splendor is long gone.  But Babylon's worldliness and wickedness live on..  Now it falls to us to live as believers in a world of disbelief.  The challenge is ours to daily practice the principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and to live true to God's commandments.  We will have to stay calm under peer pressure, not be impressed b popular trends or false prophets, disregard the ridicule of the ungodly, resist the temptations of the evil one, and overcome our own laziness.

I wish I could help everyone to understand this one simple fact:  We believe in God because of things we know with our heart and mind, not because of things we do not know.  Our spiritual experiences are sometimes too sacred to explain in worldly terms, but that doesn't mean they are not real.

If we make no effort to believe, we are like the man who unplugs a spotlight and then blames the spotlight for not giving any light.

Being cynical is easy.  Skepticism is easy---anyone can do it.  It is the faithful life that requires moral strength, dedication , and courage.  Those who hold fast to faith are far more impressive than those who give in to doubt when mysterious questions or concerns arise.

We have promises!!!
When we choose to believe, exercise faith unto repentance, and follow our Savior, Jesus Christ, we open our spiritual eyes to splendors we can scarcely imagine.  Thus our belief and faith will grow stronger, and we will see even more.

We will find PEACE!!
Have the courage to believe!!
Stand like Daniel...  
Thanks, Mandy, it was a great lesson!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thought of the day...

Yippee!!  I'm right there with ya!!!

PEANUTS..and the LDS connection!!

The creator of Charlie Brown and Peanuts 
let his faith fuel every decision in his life---that's why he so often shared his values with the nation through his comic strips.  But did you know the famous cartoonist also had a touching connection to the LDS Church?

Charles Schulz's faith and relationship with his daughter took on a new dimension when she decided to join the LDS Church.
His daughter joined the church because of a boyfriend.  She loved what she heard and was taught by him.  Although she didn't marry him she loved that she was introduced to the gospel.  She served a mission and while serving her father always sent her comic strips in her letter.  He was completely supportive and even talked at her farewell.  Charles was a christian man, but not really affiliating with a specific church.  He believed and taught good things.  He taught through his comic strips many of the gospel principles even though he wasn't a member of the LDS faith.  He even included scripture. 
"I remember my dad said, 'Your church is either true or it's a hoax.  And I think it's a hoax.'  I remember at the time thinking how profound that was, that he could put things so simply--just like he could put something that would normally take four paragraphs to explain into four simple frames in a comic."
Years later, long after her father's passing, she heard those same words echoed over the pulpit at general conference.  "Each of us has to face the matter--either the Church is true, or it is a fraud.  There is no middle ground," President Hinckley said in the April 2003 conference.
"I about fell off the couch," she recalls. "I had heard that before.  It was a weird, eerie feeling.  But I knew they were both right.  The only difference between what my dad said and President Hinckley siad was the President Hinckley knew the truth."
The Christmas she was away from her father while serving her mission, he wrote...
"Don't be sad that we're away from each other; let us rejoice in our love of Christ." 
"We were just talking about stuff and he said to me, 'Americans want decency.  They want decent entertainment.  And I've always believed that.  I always felt that if I ever did anything crude or raunchy, that God would literally strike the fingers off my hand.' This is the man people say didn't believe in God!!...
"Think about if every single person in any form of entertainment believed that---that if they ever did anything crude or raunchy, God would strike the fingers off their hands?  That's a pretty big way to lay down the pen each morning!"  Charles M. Schulz knew from where his talent came.  And he always styed true to the source of that talent!!  He died February 12, 2000...

  What an inspiring story.  I don't know about you, but I love to learn about other people's stories and what they were really like and who they really are.  

Making faith Connections...

A Mormon, a born-again Christian, and a Buddhist walk into an elementary school...sure, it sounds like the start of a bad joke, but really it is the story of my first day in fourth grade.  I became fast friends with them--two girls who shared my sense of humor and taste in books.  As the year progressed and I spent more time at my friends' houses, I discovered that we had something else in common--families with a strong commitment to our faith traditions.

On the surface, our home lives were very different.  I spent three hours each Sunday at church, while my Buddhist friend and her family would go on hikes and meditate.  At the time, my exposure to spiritual music was mostly LDS hymns, so I remember being surprised by the Christian rock music myh born-again friend exposed me to.  The three of us would talk about our religious differences from time to time, but mostly we just loved being around each other and respected what the others held sacred.
I love my friends of other faiths.  I love learning what they believe and how they connect to the divine.  I loved reading the story of an LDS congregation in California that offered to share their stake center when a Jewish synagogue burned down.
What started as an act of charity led to significant blessings for both communities, not the least of which are new friendships, deeper understanding, and mutual respect.
Making faith connections with our neighbors is instrumental in building strong communities, but what about within our own families?  Did you know Charles M. Schulz, creator of the world-famous Peanuts comic strip, has a daughter who became a Latter-day Saint.  Schulz was himself a religious man, though not a member of any organized religion.  His devotion to God showed in his comic strip and guided his private life.  And although he did not share his daughter's views on the restored gospel, Schulz was still a proud and supportive father who rejoiced in the points of faith they shared. 
Whether with our own family members, neighbors,or friends, finding common ground is a beautiful way to strengthen relationships and promote good in the world.  And one of the best ways to share what is sacred and good in the word is to share the light and love that we receive in holy temples.  
All I can say is "I love to see the temple!"
Erin Hallstrom
Associate Publisher LDS living...

A couple of new sisters!!!

We had the Wilson's move to Parowan, which we hate to see our friends go, BUT we have a new wonderful family that moved into their place.  
Stephanie Lamoureux and her husband Michael.  They have 4 cute little kids.  James 6, Lily 4, Rose 2, and Luke who is 10 months.
Just so you know...their address is 1478 in Sunset Ridge.  Treats are encouraged.  Not by them but by me!!  They are here to go to school.  They moved from a very small town in Texas and are so glad to be here.  We are so glad to have them!!!

We also have Mandy and Sandy's mom living with them at the LaMarca's house.  Her name is Shauna Wickes.  We look forward to getting to know her.  

So glad for new people!!!

It was a great PARTY!!

Here are some of the highlights...
 Our LOVELY M.C's...
 Competition is stiff, pressure...
 Love that face!!
 Let them eat cake!!  Go Sheredith..
 Happy Terri..
 Pasta was amazing!!!
 Bread Sticks even better!!
 Salad bar had tons to choose from...
 Look at that cake!!!  Thanks Mandy and Sandy!!
 Amazing smiles!!
 Rochelle, thanks for a great evening!!  Great thought!!
 Committee member taking pictures!!  Thanks Kaylyn..
 She looks so great in pink, don't ya think?
 GO team...
 GO other team!!
 Crystal hard at work!!  Thanks committee member!!
 Cute Berenice..
 Committee hard at work, again!!
 No candles allowed in building--Kathy so wanted to blow some out!!
It is a party, you know!!
 Go M.C's!!
 Cute Daisy!!
 Thanks for the entertainment!!  It was fantastic..
 Cute smiles, good friends..
 Cute ladies..
 This is Erin trying to hide behind the table decorations...
 Sara's sweet new baby...  Cute smile!!
 Trixie and Sandy..such fun ladies...
 Look at that cake!!
Cute group shot..
Love this lady!!
Thanks to our wonderful committee that worked so hard to help us have a great evening.  We had a great turnout and the food was so yummy.  Thanks for coming.  We have a great time when we can get together as sisters and enjoy each other's company and laugh a lot!!   

Friday, March 11, 2016

Recovering the Nauvoo Temple Plans

When the reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple was announced in 1999, it was an exciting event.  But even more exciting was the fact that the plans for the original Nauvoo Temple were accessible, allowing the temple to more closely and accurately resemble its historic predecessor.
The plans, however, were not always available to the Church.
Sandy Griffin Hardy, the great-great-grand-daughter of the original Nauvoo Temple architect, William Weeks, shared the story of their discovery:
In 1948, Mr.and Mrs. Leslie Griffin-who were not members of the Church-developed a friendship with two missionaries who had been out knocking on door.  Mr. Griffiin told Elder Thacker and Elder Gifford that he was a grandson of William Weeks.  During one of their final visits before Elder Thacker returned home to Utah, Mr. Griffin went to the back of his house and returned with a roll of papers held by a rubber band.  He gifted the papers to Elder Thacker, instructing him to give them to Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.
"These are the original architect's drawings for the Nauvoo Temple," he explained.  "They have been in my family for 100 years, handed down from my grandfather, William Weeks."
Those yellowed but readable plans were delivered to Church historian A. William Lund, who kindly sent a letter of appreciation to Mr. Griffin!!!
Wow!  What a story!!

One more...great advice!!

Thought for the day...

My thoughts exactly!!!  

Facts and figures about names---

151,600+--Different surnames in the United States
898--Letters in the longest name of a person living today
3/10--Official Middle Name Pride Day
1595--Year "What in a name? was penned by Shakespeare
20%--People who don't have middle names
11%--People who have at least two middle names

M. Russell Ballard

"We are living in a world saturated with all kinds of voices.  Perhaps now, more than ever, we have a major responsibility as Latter-day Saints to define ourselves, instead of letting others define us."

The Ballard Family Temple Miracle

Shortly after the Logan Utah Temple dedication in May 1884, 
the young daughter of Bishop Henry Ballard of the Logan Second Ward handed him a newspaper from Newbury, Berkshire, England, printed only three days earlier.  Though it was at the time impossible for it to have traveled so far in such a short span of time, two strangers had given it to her with strict instructions to give it only to her father.
Bishop Ballard found that the newspaper contained a story with the names of 60 people and their accompanying birth and death dates.  The next day, Bishop Ballard sought an explanation from temple President Marriner W. Merrill.
President Merrill told him, Brother Ballard, someone on the other side is anxious for their work to be done and they knew that you would do it if this paper got into your hands."  Bishop Ballard made certain the temple work was completed and later learned that most of the people names in the newspaper were related to the Ballard family.
More than a half-century later, M. Russell Ballard, the great-grandson of Bishop Ballard, was serving a mission in England and made a visit to the newspaper office.
"I visited the Newbury Weekly News," he records, "and verified that the newspaper had never been postdated or mailed out early.  I held the issue of 15 May 1884 in my hands and photographed it.  There is no mortal way that, in 1884, it could have reached Logan from Newbury within three days."

Helen Keller's Temple Square Visit

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart."
In 1936, the American Printing House for the Blind printed a seven-volume Braille edition of the Book of Mormon.
Four years later, on march 11, 1941, President Heber J. Grant presented Helen Keller with a copy of this new edition.  The Deseret News reports that she 'expressed her pleasure at the gift and read from the text with rapidity."
The next day, Keller visited the Tabernacle on Temple Square.  After answering question about being deaf and blind and learning to read, type, and talk, Keller had a question of her own.
Famous Mormon poet Emma Lou Thayne recalls being at the Tabernacle when Helen Keller asked for President Grant:
"There was a flurry of getting up from the front row, and President Grant walked up the stairs to the stand.  She reached out her hand and he took it.  "I would like, she said, to hear your organ play your famous song---about your pioneers.  I would like to remember hearing it here."
Keller placed her hand on the organ while the organist, Alexander Schreiner, played "Come, Come, Ye Saints."  Feeling only the vibrations from the magnificent instrument, she stood there in front of the congregation, and the tears flowed.
-LDS Living-

Great lesson on Sunday--Choices

We were traveling with family and friends in the south of Oman.  We decided to relax on the beach along the coast of the Indian Ocean.  Soon after our arrival, our 16-year-old daughter, Nellie, asked if she could swim out to what she thought was a sandbar.  Noticing the choppy water, i told her that I would go first, thinking there might be dangerous currents.

After swimming a short while, I called to my wife, asking if I was close to the sandbar.  Her response was, "You have gone way past it."  Unbeknownst to me I was trapped in a riptide and was being pulled rapidly out to sea.

I was unsure what to do.  The only thing I could think of was to turn around and swim back toward shore.  That was exactly the wrong thing to do.  I felt helpless.  Forces beyond my control were pulling me farther out to sea.  What made matters worse was that my wife, trusting my decision, had followed me.

I thought there was a high likelihood I would not survive and that I, because of my decision, would also cause my wife's death.  After great effort and what i believe was divine intervention, our feet somehow touched the sandy bottom and we were able to walk safely back to our friends and daughter.
Trifle Not with Sacred Things--By Elder Larry S Kacher 

There are many currents in this earthly life---some safe and others not. President Spencer W. Kimball taught that there are powerful forces in our own lives much like the unseen currents of the ocean.  These forces are real.  We should never ignore them!!!
The decisions we make in this life greatly affect the course of our eternal life.  There are both seen and unseen forces that influence our choices!!
Questions and challenges are posed to all of us at different times.  The brethren are always encouraging us to question because that's how we learn.  
Questions and doubts are different.  Remember that!!  Doubting is different than wanting questions answered.  Brother Kacher was baptized in college after moving to Provo, Utah.  Questions and challenges were posed by friends and family.  He makes this comment..."I had a choice to make.  Some of their questions created doubt and uncertainty.  The choice was an important one.  Where would I turn for answers?  There were many who wanted to convince me of the error of my ways---"riptides" determined to pull me away from the peaceful current that had become a wonderful source of happiness.  I learned very clearly the principle that there is "opposition in all things" and the importance of acting for myself and not forsaking my agency to others." 
How would I address the uncertainty they created?  Rather than allow them to destroy the peace and happiness that had come into my life, I chose to set them aside for a season, trusting that in the Lord's time, He would reveal all thing.
Does this mean there is no room for honest inquiry?
Think of young Joseph Smith...Did he inquire as to his questions?
The question is not, "Is there room for honest, sincere inquiry?' but rather, "Where do I turn for truth when questions do arise?"  "Will I be wise enough to hold fast to what I know to be true in spite of a few question I might have?"
Testify there is a divine source---One who knows all things, the end from the beginning.  All thing are present before Him.  The scriptures testify that He does :not walk in crooked paths...neither doth he vary from that which he hath said."
And ALWAYS remember that on this mortal journey we must never think that our choices affect only us.  
Do our choices matter?
Elder Kacher says---"From time to time I have an image that haunts me.  What if that September day, while relaxing on the beach of the Indian Ocean, I had said to my daughter Nellie, "Yes, go ahead.  Swim out to the sandbar."  Or if she too had followed by example and had been unable to swim back?  What if I had to live life knowing that mu example resulted in her being pulled by a riptide out to sea, never to return? 
Are the currents we choose to follow important?
Do our examples matter?
Are my decision firmly planted in the rich soil of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
How to ride out a riptide!!!
1.  Don't Panic
2.  Don't try to swim against the riptide
3.  Swim parallel to the shore
4.  Go with the flow
Carisa compared these steps to helping us with challenges and questions in our lives.
1.  Don't panic--Trust in God, He will NOT let you down!!
2.  Don't try to swim against the riptide--Focus on the positive.  Try your best to hang in there til help comes!!
3.  Swim parallel to the shore---Identify and change negatives, and REPENT.  CHANGE!!
4.  Go with the flow--Associate with hopeful people and environments  
President Henry B. Erying...
Heavenly Father has perfect foresight, knows each of us, and knows our future.  He knows what difficulties we will pass through.  He sent His Son to suffer so that He would know how to succor us in all our trials.  PLEASE REMEMBER THIS!!!
Great lesson.  Thanks Carisa!!!  We missed you if you weren't there.