After swimming a short while, I called to my wife, asking if I was close to the sandbar. Her response was, "You have gone way past it." Unbeknownst to me I was trapped in a riptide and was being pulled rapidly out to sea.
I was unsure what to do. The only thing I could think of was to turn around and swim back toward shore. That was exactly the wrong thing to do. I felt helpless. Forces beyond my control were pulling me farther out to sea. What made matters worse was that my wife, trusting my decision, had followed me.
I thought there was a high likelihood I would not survive and that I, because of my decision, would also cause my wife's death. After great effort and what i believe was divine intervention, our feet somehow touched the sandy bottom and we were able to walk safely back to our friends and daughter.
Trifle Not with Sacred Things--By Elder Larry S Kacher
There are many currents in this earthly life---some safe and others not. President Spencer W. Kimball taught that there are powerful forces in our own lives much like the unseen currents of the ocean. These forces are real. We should never ignore them!!!
The decisions we make in this life greatly affect the course of our eternal life. There are both seen and unseen forces that influence our choices!!
Questions and challenges are posed to all of us at different times. The brethren are always encouraging us to question because that's how we learn.
Questions and doubts are different. Remember that!! Doubting is different than wanting questions answered. Brother Kacher was baptized in college after moving to Provo, Utah. Questions and challenges were posed by friends and family. He makes this comment..."I had a choice to make. Some of their questions created doubt and uncertainty. The choice was an important one. Where would I turn for answers? There were many who wanted to convince me of the error of my ways---"riptides" determined to pull me away from the peaceful current that had become a wonderful source of happiness. I learned very clearly the principle that there is "opposition in all things" and the importance of acting for myself and not forsaking my agency to others."
How would I address the uncertainty they created? Rather than allow them to destroy the peace and happiness that had come into my life, I chose to set them aside for a season, trusting that in the Lord's time, He would reveal all thing.
Does this mean there is no room for honest inquiry?
Think of young Joseph Smith...Did he inquire as to his questions?
The question is not, "Is there room for honest, sincere inquiry?' but rather, "Where do I turn for truth when questions do arise?" "Will I be wise enough to hold fast to what I know to be true in spite of a few question I might have?"
Testify there is a divine source---One who knows all things, the end from the beginning. All thing are present before Him. The scriptures testify that He does :not walk in crooked paths...neither doth he vary from that which he hath said."
And ALWAYS remember that on this mortal journey we must never think that our choices affect only us.
Do our choices matter?
Elder Kacher says---"From time to time I have an image that haunts me. What if that September day, while relaxing on the beach of the Indian Ocean, I had said to my daughter Nellie, "Yes, go ahead. Swim out to the sandbar." Or if she too had followed by example and had been unable to swim back? What if I had to live life knowing that mu example resulted in her being pulled by a riptide out to sea, never to return?
Are the currents we choose to follow important?
Do our examples matter?
Are my decision firmly planted in the rich soil of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
How to ride out a riptide!!!
1. Don't Panic
2. Don't try to swim against the riptide
3. Swim parallel to the shore
4. Go with the flow
Carisa compared these steps to helping us with challenges and questions in our lives.
1. Don't panic--Trust in God, He will NOT let you down!!
2. Don't try to swim against the riptide--Focus on the positive. Try your best to hang in there til help comes!!
3. Swim parallel to the shore---Identify and change negatives, and REPENT. CHANGE!!
4. Go with the flow--Associate with hopeful people and environments
President Henry B. Erying...
Heavenly Father has perfect foresight, knows each of us, and knows our future. He knows what difficulties we will pass through. He sent His Son to suffer so that He would know how to succor us in all our trials. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS!!!
Great lesson. Thanks Carisa!!! We missed you if you weren't there.
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