We had such a great lesson on Sunday. Lisa Jones brought a chocolate chip cookie for each one of us and explained that she is a huge chocolate lover!! She loves it so much that she wanted to share it with us. Great analogy for the importance of us loving the gospel so much that we can't wait to share it with others!!!
We had a great discussion on how we can spread the gospel to our neighbors, friends, and loved ones. Strangers too.
Being good mom's and teaching your children the principles and teachings of the gospel is one way you can be successful in spreading the gospel. They need to have firm testimonies so they can grow and have families of their own. That's how the chain stays connected. No generation gaps.
I thought this comment from the lesson was amazing:
"I fully believe that in the near future we will see some of the greatest advancements in spreading the gospel to all nations that have ever taken place in this dispensation or any previous dispensation. I am sure that we will be able to look back in retrospect...and record as Luke did, 'And the word of God increased'"
Howard W. Hunter, 1979
I'm sure he had no idea what is taking place today with technology. But the Lord did!!
Another quote: Based upon ancient and modern revelation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gladly teaches and declares the Christian doctrine that all en and women are brothers and sisters, not only by blood relationship from common mortal progenitors but also as literal spirit children of an Eternal Father...
We are all brothers and sisters!!!
We must love all people!!
Imagine a father with many sons, each having different temperaments, aptitudes, and spiritual traits. Does he love one son less than another? Perhaps the son who is least spiritually inclined has the father's attention, prayers, and pleadings more than the others. Does that mean he loves the others less? Do you imagine our Heavenly Father loving one nationality of his offspring more exclusively than others?
We are in the work of saving souls, of inviting people to come unto Christ!!
President Hunter brings up such a great point...
We can overcome all obstacles to share the gospel!!
As the walls in Eastern Europe and many other parts of the world come tumbling down, the corresponding need for more missionaries to fulfill the divine commission to take the gospel to all the earth will certainly go up!! Are we ready to meet that contingency?
Perhaps some of us need to take stock to determine whether "wall" that we have built in our own minds need to come down.
How about the "comfort wall" that seems to prevent many couples and singles from going on a mission?
How about the "financial wall" of debt?
How about the "grandchildren wall", or the "health wall,"
or the "lack of self-confidence wall," or the "self-satisfied wall," or the "transgressions wall."
or the walls of fear, doubt, or complacency?
Does anyone really doubt for a minute that with the help of the Lord he or she could bring those walls crashing down?
There is NO GREATER CALLING in this life!!
Heavenly Father can and will reassures us that we can overcome all obstacles if we will but ask!!!
Thanks Lisa...
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