Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to be totally miserable, Part 3

Assume that moping will solve the problem...
Miserable people figure that if they lie around, and stew, and think, and nap, and remove themselves from the world, eventually their doing nothing will solve the problem.  Happy people know that misery exits when you enter the life of someone else and make a difference.  Ironically, one of the best ways to lift your spirits is to forget yourself and lift someone else's.  And, if you'd like a double dose of depression-destroying activity, do something for someone else anonymously.  There's a certain giggly giddiness that comes your way when you commit random acts of kindness and nobody knows who did it.  It's hard to keep frowning when you know someone else is smiling because of you.

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of it for another.  -Charles Dickens-

Passing of Bro. Vern Roundy

Sad News!!  Bro. Vern Roundy passed away this last friday.  We are going to miss him and want sweet Glenda to know how much we love her.  I had a chance to visit with her yesterday and she is an amazing lady.  Going through chemo herself, she still has a smile on her face and wanting to bear this challenge with courage and steadfastness.  We had the discussion about God not giving us or letting us have more than we can bear.  Wow!!  I think that Glenda has had about more than she can bear at this point, but we also talked about what that meant.
1 Corinthians 10:13--There hath no tempatation (trial) taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted (or tried) above that ye are able; but will with the temptation (trial) also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it.
If we will turn to the Lord, he will help us find ways to be delivered.  The tender mercies of the Lord surround us and are with us always. 
1 Nephi 1:20--But behold, I, Nephi will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, becuase of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.
Mosiah 24:14--And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their affictions.
These scriptures have given me great comfort in times of need. 
Please pray for the Roundy's.  Glenda and her family will need those blessings at this very sad and difficult time. 

Back again!!! Things to look forward to in March

Yea!!!  I'm Back!    So sorry that the blog has had a bit of a laspe in information.  I have been out of town for 10 days and am just getting back to real life.
March Schedule:
Temple Night--March 5th, 6:00 met at the church. 
We had a great turnout last month.  It is so great to attend the temple together as sisters.  There's just a special feeling when we rally together and unity as a team.
Also our March Birthday Party...It's going to be the 26th.  We are going to combine with our sister wards who all meet in our building.
Ten Virgins--A presentation of the parable.
Dinner will be served.  We should have a wonderful time together.  Please plan on coming!!
6:30 at our church. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Handout for the Saturday Relief Society Conference

Just wanted you to know that we have a handout in the roll for those of you that couldn't make the Women's Conference that was held at the Stake Center this past Saturday.  It was really great and those that attended commented that they learned a lot.  We had Sister Kathy Hansen try her best to condense 3 hours into a few pages.  Hope you take advantage of the knowledge that was shared.
Just a few quotes:
Sister Dixie Larkin, St. George Temple Matron
"I have seen that many times individuals have made great sacrifices to go to a distant temple.  But when a temple is built close by, within a short time, many do not visit it regularly.  I have a suggestion:  When a temple is conveniently nearby, small things may interrupt your plans to go to the temple.  Set specific goals, considering your circumstances, of when you can and will participate in temple ordinances.  Then do not allow anything to interfere with that plan."
Cindy Jones, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
In talking about depression she cited that babies can get mad, they can get sad or happy.  That means that emotions are something that we are born with and for physical and emotional wellness we need to feel pain and a range of emotions.  There is a difference between symptoms and disorders.  Symptoms are usually short lived and go away but when there symptoms persist that is unually a sign of a disorder such as depression.  
Get more information on the handout in the roll!!!

Funny quote I had to share

The only time a woman can change a man is when he is a baby!!!
(Just wondered if anyone agrees with this???)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Enduring WELL!!

It sure can feel like it some days!!!

Sorry...I wanted to give you the visual...but the picture won't turn so you have to look at this sideways!! 
 You can get the main idea though!!!
Great article in January's Ensign.  Pg. 14
(Do you ever wonder why there are so many articles on challenges!!!)
"We should not expect the Lord to remove our challenges just because we promise Him that we will always be faithful if He does.  Rather, we are to endure well, and then we will be blessed.
JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!!  As Nemo and Dory would put it...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This Wednesday--The 12th--Temple Night for ladies

Come with us!!
  Meet at the church at 6:00 p.m.  We will leave at 6:15 in time for the 7:20 session.  Be home around 10:00.  It's such a great experience being there as Relief Society Sisters.  Hope you can make it. 

Lesson for Sunday, Feb. 9th--Rochelle Lunt

The Plan of Salvation
Teachings of Presidents of the Church
Joseph Fielding Smith, Pg. 59

Amazing lesson thanks to President Smith's teachings and Rochelle Lunt.  The spirit was so great and we learned so much from being there.
"Our Father in heaven established a plan of salvation for his spirit enable them to advance and progress until they obtain eternal life."
President Smith starts out with a story about his sister.  He was finishing a full-time mission in England at the time that he got the news that his sister Alice had passed away from a extended illnes.  His heart was sad but this was his comment...
"It is a dreadful blow to us all, he recorded in his journal.  I did not realize the seriousness of her illness although I knew she was sick.  I fully expected to meet her again with the rest of the family within a few weeks but the will of God be done.  We shall all meet again on the other side to enjoy the pleasures and blessings of each other's presence, where family ties will no more be broken, but where we shall all live to receive the blessings, and realize the tender mercies of our Father in heaven."
The lesson has 6 different areas that we discussed.
1.  In the premortal spirit world, we rejoice3d to learn of Heavenly Father's plan of Salvation.
2.  The Fall of Adam and Eve was part of Heavenly Father's plan.
3.  Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice to save us from the Fall and from our sins.
4.  Building on the foundation of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we work out our salvation during    mortality.
5.  All people will receive the blessing of resurrection through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
6.  The faithful will inherit eternal life with their families in the presence of Heavenly Father.
Several great quotes from the lesson:
The Fall of Adam and Eve "brought pain, it brought sorrow, it brought death; but it also brought blessings.
We need to remember that we shouted for joy at the prospect of coming to earth and gaining a physical body.  It was essential to our exaltation.
No man could do what Jesus Christ did for us.  He did not have to die, he could have refused.  He did it voluntarily.  He did it because it was a commandment from his Father.  He knew what the suffering was going to be; and yet, because of his love for us, he was willing to do it...
There are things we must do to build on the foundation of the atonement.  The plan of salvation consists of the following things:  We must have faith in Jesus Christ.  We must repent, we must be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost and endure to the end...(easier said than done!!)
We came here to be tested and proved by coming in contact with evil as well as the good.  The Father has permitted Satan and his hosts to tempt us, but by the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord and the commandments given throught revelation, we are prepared to make our choice.  This mortal probation is a brief period, just a short span linking the eternity past with the eternity future.  This is a period of tremendous importance....This life is the most vital period in our eternal existence.
Let us live so that we will be assured of our place, and so we will know, through the lives we live, that we shall enter into His presence and dwell with Him, receiving the fulness of the blessings that have been promised. 
Great lesson---We missed you if you won't there!!

Crock Pot Cinnamon Sugar Almonds--as promised!!

Crock Pot Cinnamon Sugar Almonds
1 1/2cups sugar
1 1/2 cups brown suage
3 TB. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. salt
1 egg white
2 tsp. vanilla
3 cups raw almonds
1/8-1/4 cup water
Combine sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt in bowl.  In another bowl, whisk egg white and vanilla until frothy.  Add almonds to egg mixture and stir to coat.  Add coated almonds to sugar mixture and toss to coat.  Spray slow cooker with cooking spray and add almonds.  Cook on low (lid on) for 3 1/2 hours, stirring every 20 minutes.  (Stirring is important)  At start of last hour, add 1/8 cup to 1/4 cup water to almonds and stir thoroughly.  You want the sugars to look slightly syrupy.  Finish cooking and then spread nuts onto wax paper or parchment, breaking up any large clumps, and allow to cool.  Store in airtight container. 
Given to us by Tasha Martineau!!!
Thanks Tasha!!

How to be totally miserable, Part 2

Whenever he thought about it, he felt terrible.  And so, at last, he came to a fateful decision.  He decided not to think about it.
-John Roger and Peter McWIlliams-
Everyone can be discontented if he ignores his blessings and looks only at his burdens
-Thomas S. Monson-
How to be totally miserable--by John Bytheway
In order to be miserable, you're going to have to spend a lot of time thinking about your problems.  Sure, there are lots of much more interesting things to think about, like your plans, your goals, your dreams---and, like the song says, when you are worried and you can't sleep, you might even count your blessing instead of sheep.  But that will only lead to excitment, anticipation, and gratitude.  The happiest people think their thoughts according to a plan, and in order to be miserable, you've got to have a plan too--plan to ignore all your wonderful opportunities and ponder only your problems.  People eventually become what they think about, so to be miserable, think about your problems, your failures, and your disappointments until you become nothing but a lumbering blob of depression with legs.  (Rest assured, however, that if you become a walking problem, someone is going to come along and try to solve you.)

Giving to Christ all year round--February

Gratitude--The gift of Gratitude is one that our Savior so appreciates from each of us. 
February is the month for GRATITUDE!!!
"I sat at my desk with a pen in hand and a stack of blank note cards.  I paused.  How could I write these?  How could I say what was in my heart?  I had completed the first phases of my surgeries and treatments for breast cancer--and I was alive.  I wanted to write thank-you notes to each of my doctors to thank them for helping to save my life and put my body back together after the ravages of cancer. Instead, I just sat there and wept.  How could I say, "Thank you for saving me"? How could I say, "Thank you for the day you just patted my hand and told me everything would be OK"?  How could I tell them, "Thank you for my life, for caring about me, for helping God cure me"?  Words were not nearly enough.  They didn't come close.
 I feel the same way at Christmastime.  During the holiday season, I often like to sit in my living room in the quiet of the evening and enjoy the soft glow of the Christmas tree.  I'm surrounded by nativity sets from around the world--all celebrating the birth of our Savior.
I think of Him, and my heart swells with gratitude.  Thoughts and words just bubble up from my heart as I whisper prayers of feeling and thanks.  How do I tell Him what is in my heart?  "Oh, thank you, Lord, for saving me!"  How do I say, "Thank you for the time you came to me in the dark of the night, when I was so sad and alone, and filled me with love"?  How do I tell Him, "Thank you for my life, for caring about me, for rescuing me"?  Words are not nearly enough.  They don't come close.  I am so gateful that He sees my heart, for my heart is full of thanks and praising for Him."
Gratitude is a place of peace. 
When we are grateful, we are content with what we have!!!
Gratitude is a place of hope. 
It's a place where we are thankful for the past and the present, and our thanks serves as a foundation for a future that is filled with hope and promise.
Gratitude is a wonderful place to be!!!
Please take some time and sit quietly and ponder the thankfulness you feel for your Redeemer.
Then express your gratitude. 
Personal Scripture Study--Read and ponder Luke 1:46-55, Alma 36:3-28 and 1 Samuel 1:11-2:21.
FHE--Sing--I feel my Savior's Love, Story--Have each family member share a story illustrating a gospel principle he or she is thankful for.  Game--I Spy..describe something they see in the room that they're thankful for.  You could also do a scavenger hunt with older kids. 
We need to show Gratitude all year round!! 
From the Book--12 gifts for Christ--Merrilee Boyack  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sara Randall's phone #...

Sorry, I gave out the wrong phone # for Sara Randall.  I gave her husbands..and I'm sure he doesn't want your report!!  Ha Ha!!!  If she is your V.T. supervisor you need to report to this number not the one I gave you...
It is:  435-531-2733

Let the games begin!!!

What a fun night we had last night!!! 
Thank you so much for coming. 
We had a great turnout thanks to all of you!!!  The food was great and the company was even better.  It's so fun to just get together and laugh and spend time with each other.
Thank you to all the committee members for all their work.  They put in much time and worry making sure we enjoy being together on our Night Activities.  And thanks to all of you for the food and good laughs. 
We know some of you couldn't be with us so here is a recap!!
Cute Sister Sandy Brady gave us our opening prayer, thank you Sandy.  Then we ate our Salads, Soups and Desserts, which by the way were amazing and everyone wants recipes--especially of the desserts. Those of you that brought them need to get me your recipes so I can get them out to everyone via this blog.  You can email them to me or text them. or 435-590-5917. 
After we ate we had a little discussion on Visiting Teaching.  By the way, thanks to all of you for doing such a great job at Visiting Teaching.  You are all doing the Lord's work and doing great at it.  We want everyone in our ward to feel wanted and needed and loved.  That's the purpose of Visiting Teaching.  It's also helping us with our goals this year.
I read a quote once, which I really wished I would have kept or remembered where it came from, but it talks about testimonies of others. 
"We can either strengthen or weaken someone else's testimony by the way we fulfill our callings."  They judge the church, right or wrong, by the way we serve.  They gain a testimony themselves of service by the way we serve. 
My greatest fear is that someone will have negative thoughts or feelings about the church, or our Savior, by something I do or say. 
We gave a handout to each one there and I just wanted to include a couple of the quotes...
"As your Relief Society presidency we want to thank you for all your service.  We know that the ladies in our ward are in good hands and that you take your calling as a Visiting Teacher seriously.  We want to help you in any way we can.  Each sister and each circumstance is different.  The council from our Stake leaders is to teach at the highest level that your sisters will allow.  Be sensitive to their situations, their desires, and their wants and needs." 
"When we do our best, the Lord will do the rest.  (I truly believe this!!!) And remember, this is HIS work, and if YOU are willing, HE will use you as a tool to accomplish HIS work!!"  
This handout is available in the roll..
It gives some new things you can try or just simply things you can do to keep your love alive for your Visiting Teaching.
We also handed out your visiting teaching supervisors and your routes with your ladies and their birthdays. 
We then had a torch run to start our games..First leg--Michelle Hampton, second leg--Janielle Watson, third leg--Gina Cutler, and final leg--Charity Kerr.  It was gruling but they made it.  Charity announced with the lighting of the torch--"Let the games begin"  and so they did!!!
We played blindfold word games, we played pictionary, we played song games!!  It was so fun. 
Fun to see just how talented we all are!!!
Thanks for coming....we love you all!!
Our lovely game host for the evenng!!

Many soups to choose from...

Favorite table of the night!!

Our strong and handsome nursery leaders!!
(I can say that because the middle one is mine!!)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New ladies in our ward!!!

We have a couple of new ladies in our ward.  We are so excited to have them join us. 
Amber McKenna and her 4 children have moved into 1490 South 625 West.  She is awesome and I hope you take the time to get to know her.  She works and goes to school too.  She has a 16 year old, Emelie, 14, Rachel, 12, Erin and 9, Peter.  YEA!!!  We have youth!!!  They really are a great family.  Welcome to our ward!!!
Phone #: 851-3432   Email: 
We also have a family, the Young's, that have lived in our ward before and now they are back.  We are so glad!!! 
Bryson and Erin Young. 
They have moved into 1530 South 625 West. We welcome you too.   More info to come later!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lesson from this last week-The Whole Armor of God

The Whole Armor of God
Great lesson from Kathy Hansen!!
Gordon B. Hinckley
We live in a season when fierce men do terrible and despicable things.  We live in a season of war.  We live in a season of arrogance.  We live in a season of wickedness, pornography, immorality.  All of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah haunt our soicety.  Our young people have never faced a greater challenge.  We have never seen more clearly the lecherous face of evil.
What then can we do to protect ourselves and our families?
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Harold B. Lee
We have the four parts of the body that are the most vulnerable to the pwers of darkness. 
The loins, typifying virtue, chastity. 
The heart typifying our conduct.
Our feet, our goals or objectives in life
Our head, our thoughts
D&C 27:15-18--Take upon you my whoel armour!!
Our loins need to be girt about with truth--Truth--Knowledge of things as they are, things as they were and things as they are to come.
Our heart needs to be protected by having on the breastplate of righteousness.
Righteousness--Bible dictionary--See also God, Godiness, Good works, Holiness, Honesty, Integrity, Judgment, Truth, Uprightness, Walking with God.
Our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Our heads--Helmet of Salvation
What is salvation?  Salvation is to be saved.  Saved from what?  Saved from death and saved from sin. 
We also need the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

"Life can be discouraging, and it isn't always fair.  But with faith nd an eternal perspective, we can make it through the hard times.  We tend to think that we are the only ones with problems; in reality, everyone has problems, even President Hinckley.  He said--"My life has been rich because it has been filled with problems to solve and associations to savor."  Gordon B. Hinckley
Examine your armor.  Is there an unguarded or unprotected place?  Determine now to add whatever part is missing.  No matter how lacking in parts your armor may be, always remember that it is within your power to make the necessary adjustments to complete your armor.