Sunday, February 9, 2014

Giving to Christ all year round--February

Gratitude--The gift of Gratitude is one that our Savior so appreciates from each of us. 
February is the month for GRATITUDE!!!
"I sat at my desk with a pen in hand and a stack of blank note cards.  I paused.  How could I write these?  How could I say what was in my heart?  I had completed the first phases of my surgeries and treatments for breast cancer--and I was alive.  I wanted to write thank-you notes to each of my doctors to thank them for helping to save my life and put my body back together after the ravages of cancer. Instead, I just sat there and wept.  How could I say, "Thank you for saving me"? How could I say, "Thank you for the day you just patted my hand and told me everything would be OK"?  How could I tell them, "Thank you for my life, for caring about me, for helping God cure me"?  Words were not nearly enough.  They didn't come close.
 I feel the same way at Christmastime.  During the holiday season, I often like to sit in my living room in the quiet of the evening and enjoy the soft glow of the Christmas tree.  I'm surrounded by nativity sets from around the world--all celebrating the birth of our Savior.
I think of Him, and my heart swells with gratitude.  Thoughts and words just bubble up from my heart as I whisper prayers of feeling and thanks.  How do I tell Him what is in my heart?  "Oh, thank you, Lord, for saving me!"  How do I say, "Thank you for the time you came to me in the dark of the night, when I was so sad and alone, and filled me with love"?  How do I tell Him, "Thank you for my life, for caring about me, for rescuing me"?  Words are not nearly enough.  They don't come close.  I am so gateful that He sees my heart, for my heart is full of thanks and praising for Him."
Gratitude is a place of peace. 
When we are grateful, we are content with what we have!!!
Gratitude is a place of hope. 
It's a place where we are thankful for the past and the present, and our thanks serves as a foundation for a future that is filled with hope and promise.
Gratitude is a wonderful place to be!!!
Please take some time and sit quietly and ponder the thankfulness you feel for your Redeemer.
Then express your gratitude. 
Personal Scripture Study--Read and ponder Luke 1:46-55, Alma 36:3-28 and 1 Samuel 1:11-2:21.
FHE--Sing--I feel my Savior's Love, Story--Have each family member share a story illustrating a gospel principle he or she is thankful for.  Game--I Spy..describe something they see in the room that they're thankful for.  You could also do a scavenger hunt with older kids. 
We need to show Gratitude all year round!! 
From the Book--12 gifts for Christ--Merrilee Boyack  

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