Commitment and Conversion
Richard G. Scott: Each of us has observed how some individuals go through life consistently doing the right things. They seem happy, even enthusiastic about life. When difficult choices are to be made, they seem to invariably make the right ones, even though there were enticing alternatives available to them. We know that they are subject to temptation, but they seem oblivious to it. Likewise, we have observed how others are not so valiant in the decisions they make. In a powerfully spiritual environment, they resolve to do better, to change their course of life, to set aside debilitating habits. They are very sincere in their determination to change, yet they are soon bakc doing the same things they resolved to abandon.
What do you think is the difference?
A German proverb says: Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once, they diminish day by day. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have committed to walk in the path of discipleship. We have committed to follow the example of our Savior. Imagine how the world will be blessed and transformed for good when all members of the Lord's Church live up to their true potential---converted in the depth of their souls and committed to building the kingdom of God.There is a difference between testimony and conversion. We need to work hard everyday to be truly converted to our Savior and His teachings!!!
Brother..I'm committed!!!
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