Monday, September 29, 2014


Mary Ellen Edmunds---(LOVE HER!!)  She says:  I can remember a Sunday School teacher telling me once that I wasn't very spiritual.  Looking back, I think she was probably concerned because I had trouble sitting quietly through a whole lesson.  At the time, I didn't know what she meant.  But it didn't sound like a compliment, so I went home and thought about it.  I figured that maybe spirituality meant being quiet, especially on Sundays.  I wanted to be spiritual, but I needed to know what it meant.
SInce that time, I have contunued my search to understand spirituality and make it more a part of my character.  One day I read Elder Bruce R. McConkie's statement that "no other talent exceeds spirituality."  This idea, that spirituality is a talent, put my search in perspective.  There's probably nothing magical about achieving spirituality.  More likely, we develop it much as we develop other talents---through hard work, difficult decisions, critical choices, enduring through hard times, trying again, not giving up.
Foremost in my mind, spirituality implies DOING!!  That makes it difficult for me because I'd much rather sit in a comfortable place and think about it, or discuss it, or read a book about it.  But spirituality is God's asking---his inviting--and our responding--our doing.  It's getting on with it without waiting around for more details.
How is action an integral part of spirituality?  We do things because we want to demonstrate to our Heavenly Father that we really mean what we say.  That we meant it when we made baptismal covenants with him.  That we mean it when we have the privilege of entering a holy temple and making other covenants.  That we mean it when, in our quietest, most private moments with him, we ask for his help and make additional promises.
Joe J. Christensen--Regardless of our age or stage in life, one of the genuine needs we all have in order to live happier and to be more successful is to increase our own spirituality.  If you can respond more positively each time you ask yourself the following 10 questions, you will be increasing in spirituality.  You will be happier, and in those things that matter most in life, you will be more successful.  That is a promise!!!
1.  Do I read scriptures daily?  We are commanded to "feast upon the words of Christ" and not just nibble!!  (2 Nephi 32:3)
2.  Do I really pray and not just say prayers?  Am I really communicating and not just repeating trite expressions?  (Alma 34:17-27)
3.  Is my fasting meaningful?  Do I do more than just go hungry?  (D&C 59:13-23)
4.  Do I go to bed early and get up early?  If you do, your body and mind will become rested, and then in the quiet of those early-morning hours, you will receive more flashes of insight and inspiration than at any other time of the day--Pres. Harold B. Lee  (D&C 88:124)
5.  Am I essentially a happy person?  SMILE!!  Force it if you have to.  Count your blessings!!  (D&C 31:3)
6.  Do I work hard?  Laziness and spirituality don't go together. The most spiritual people known are also some of the hardest-working people too.  Work hard!!  (D&C 4:2)
7.  Am I more concerned about how than where I serve?  Remember that even the Savior performed the humblest acts of service.  (John 13:12-17)
8.  Do I love everyone--even enemies?  People who love people have an easier time being spiritual.  (John 13:34-35)
9.  Do I strive for oneness with others as well as within myself, between my ideal and actual self?  In order to become one, we need to engage in the process of the "at-one-ment."  If we are moving in that positive direction, the Spirit will be with us.  (D&C 38:27)
10.  Do I share my testimony with others?  When we are bearing testimony of truth, the power of the Holy Ghost confirms that truth within our hearts.  Even if others don't choose to accept truths, we are nevertheless helped spiritually.  (D&C 33:7-10)
May we lift and love and nourish and smile.  May we visit and share and sing and serve until joy fills our souls to overflowing. 

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