Monday, January 26, 2015

Thought for the day..


Living the Gospel Joyful--Deiter F. Uchtdorf

Please go to your November Ensign and turn to page 120.  This lesson was amazing.  Carol did such a great job.  I think that President Uchtdorf always has such encouraging things to tell the sisters.  I think he knows the struggles, the heartache, but the potential and the power that sisters have in the gospel.  I think he really gets us ladies!! 
President Uchtdorf starts out the lesson giving tribute to the women in his life.  His grandmother, his mother and his wife.  He also thanked the sister that invited his grandmother to church for the very first time.
He then helps us remember who we are.  Daughters of God.
Here are a few quotes from his talk
It is important to remember that being a daughter of eternal parents is not a distinction you earned or you will ever lose.  You will always and forever remain a daughter of God.
He not only knows what is best for you; He also anxiously wants you to choose what is best for you!!
We need to accept that the commandments of God aren't just a long list of good ideas.  They aren't life hacks from an Internet blog or motivational quotes from a Pinterest board.  They are divine counsel, based on eternal truths, given to bring peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.
Those who see attendance at Church meetings as a personal way to increase their love of God, find peace, uplift others, seek the Spirit, and renew their commitment to follow Jesus Christ will find a far richer experience than those who simply put in their time sitting in a pew.  Sisters, it's important that we attend our Sunday meetings.
Remember---YOU ARE LOVED. God is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits.  He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles.  He is aware that you reach up to Him in heartfelt and hopeful prayer.  He knows of the times you have held onto the fading light and believed even in the midst of growing darkness.  He knows of your suffering.  He knows of your remorse for the times you have fallen short of failed.  And still He loves you.  WOW!!!

Ladies...please read this article.  You will not be sorry you did.  Thanks Carol!!!  Your lesson was so greatly appreciated!!!

Always Pray!!

Melissa Goulding gave a great lesson on Prayer.  Chapter 2 in Teachings of Presidents of the Church.  It  always amazes to me that we have had how many lessons on prayer?  At least a million but every time I learn something different.  The brethren know that we need to continually work on our family prayers and personal prayers.
"All through my life the counsel to depend on prayer has een prized above almost any other advice I have received. It has become an integral part of me, an anchor, a constant source of strength, and the basis for my knowledge of things divine."  President Ezra Taft Benson...
President Benson gives 5 ways to improve our communication with our Heavenly Father:
1.  We should pray frequently.  At least two or three times each day.
2.  We should find an appropriate place where we can meditate and pray.
3.  We should prepare ourselves for prayer.  Think about what you're going to say!!
4.  Our prayers should be meaningful and pertinent.  Any of us would become offended if a friend said the same words to us each day, treating the conversation as a chore!!
5.  After making a request through prayer, we have a responsibility to assist in its being granted.  We should listen.  Perhaps while we are on our knees, the Lord wants to counsel us.
We need to always remember that there is POWER in PRAYER.  All things are possible through prayer.  Prayer will open doors, prayer will remove barriers, prayer will ease pressures, prayer will give inner peace and comfort during times of strain and stress and difficulty.  Thank God for prayer!!!
Thanks Melissa for a great lesson.  There was great discussion and lots of feelings shared.  Thanks for all the participation sisters!!! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thought for the day...

Go for it's really true!!

A potato for the teacher...

I learned that I don't have to give grand gestures of service every time. 
 A small gesture of love is just as nice!!
By Bonny Dahlsrud
January Ensign, 2015

     As an elementary schoolteacher of more than 25 years, I have received a lot of interesting things from my young students.  Silly notes, drawn pictures, and imaginative crafts are common gifts.  Last year, however, was the first time I had ever received a potato.
    "A potato for the teacher," young Emma said proudly when she came to my desk, "because I didn't have an apple."  It was a medium-sized potato, scrubbed clean, and beautiful as far as potatoes go.  I thanked her and placed it on my desk.  I saw Emma's large blue eyes shine with pride whenever she looked at it throughout the day.
     After school, when I was working at my desk, I couldn't help but regard the potato with a tender smile.  Children see things so simply, and with that common potato, Emma taught me something important.  I left it on my desk for over a week because it served as a reminder to me.
     As a visiting teacher and a sister in my ward, I wanted to serve others, but I was always waiting for an "apple" before I took time to help.  If I was busy and couldn't make an extra casserole or if I wanted to give a special flower but didn't get to the floral shop, I ignored the still, small voice of the Spirit whispering of someone who needed my service.
     "I'll do something this weekend, when I have time," I would convince myself.  "Nobody needs me today."
But what if someone really did need me?  What if I hadn't ignored the promptings to visit an elderly neighbor or the young widow who had just lost her husband?  Could I have helped or served, even with what I could offer then---a "potato"?
     I learned a great lesson from Emma that I am trying hard to put into practice.  If I don't have an apple, I give a potato instead, and I do it now.  I don't wait to make a casserole or my special lemon cream pie, I buy a box of cookies instead.  I don't often get to the florist, but I can drop in for a chat without the flower.    A homemade card would be great, but so would a quick phone call.  It doesn't have to be a grand gesture of service every time.  A small gesture of love is just as nice.
     I have the potato at home now, but I don't think I'll ever eat it.  It serves as a constant reminder to serve when I'm prompted.  I give what I can now instead of waiting until later.  A potato for the teacher really was the nicest gift.

And may I add my two cents...Since my hip surgery 3 weeks ago, I can personally add my testimony to this story.  I have so appreciated those that have taken the time to visit.  Those that have brought meals and really cheered up my day.  With surgery like this, for the first 3 or 4 weeks you really wonder if you made the right decision.  I have had a few crying sessions, a few pouting sessions, a few frustrated moments, and a few down right sad days.  Jim has really tried to keep me cheered up but when he goes to work for 10 hours a day, the days gets long.  I know he appreciates all you sweet sisters that have taken a bit of the burden away from him.  (He's pooped when he gets home at night)
 I know that there are those in our ward that are going through hard times.  I know that there are opportunities out there sisters where we can make a difference.  And from my experience of these last 3 weeks, I know you don't need an "apple" you just need a potato!!!  Make that call, drop by to say you're thinking about them.  It just takes a minute.  And it makes all the difference in the world!!  I can promise that!!  Thank you for your love and concern.      

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We're going to the temple tonight!!

Please meet at the church at 5:30.  We are going to try to make the 6:40 session.  That way we can get home earlier!!  

Thought for the day...

It's always OUR choice!!

Sorry I'm behind!!

Since my surgery right after Christmas I have not been up to much.  So sorry...Boy, I thought I would just breeze right through it but NOT so.  Patience is a virtue and I know that the Lord knows that I need to be patient with the healing process and's not going so well.  I thought I would be doing this...
 But it's more like this...
  Sorry I'm so slow, but things are going to be better soon.  Please...let them be better soon!!!

Another great lesson on Sunday!! Rochelle, Chapter 1

The Great Commandment---Love the Lord
"When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives."
What a great saying!!  Things will work out or they will not be of importance.  
Heavenly Father knows just how to take care of us, if we will be TRUST!!
The lessons this year are from the life of Ezra Taft Benson.  He was an outstanding prophet who knew what was important and then made sure he put that first in his life.  I hope you take the opportunity to read about his life in the manual.  If you don't have a manual then just let me know.  I will get you one!!!

 One of the greatest tests that we face in this life--Obedience to God???
True or False??
It's TRUE for me!!
The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it.  

Story:  When President Benson thinks of charity, he thinks of his father and the day he was called on his mission.  He says--"I suppose some in the world might say that his acceptance of that call was proof he did not really love his family.  To leave seven children and an expectant wife at home alone for two years, how could that be true love?  But my father knew a greater vision of love.  He knew that all things shall work together for good to them that love God.  He knew that the best thing he could do for his family was to obey God."  WOW!!  Think about that!!  And then try to put yourself in his wife's shoes.  
Love this statement:
To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all-consuming and all-encompassing.  It is no lukewarm endeavor.  It is total commitment of our very being--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually--to a love of the Lord. 
Daily...constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable.  One of the trials of life is that we do not usually receive immediately the full blessing for righteousness or the full cursing for wickedness.  That it will come is certain, but ofttimes there is a waiting period that occurs.
Great lesson---Thanks Rochelle!!  Always glad to hear from her.  
Ladies---Obedience is the key!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

So true....

It's NEVER ending!!!

Lessons for the past 2 weeks!!

Sorry I didn't get Carol's lesson on here before I headed off to have hip surgery.  But here it is along with Kathy's for this past week.  Both excellent lessons and we missed you if you weren't there.  Actually, I hope I was missed on Sunday!!  Couldn't make it but wished I would have!!!   (It's always nice to be MISSED!!)

Carol--Loving others and Living with Differences--November Ensign, Dallin H. Oaks, pg. 25.
Great question....Why is it so difficult to have Christlike love for one another?
I think this is something to ponder and really think about. 
Elder Oaks suggests that it's hard because we must live among those who do not share our beliefs and values and covenant obligations.  We are to live IN the world but not be OF the world. 
Easy to Say...Hard to DO!!
The Savior has commanded us many times--"For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.  Behold, this doctrine, that such things should be done away." (3 Nephi 11:28-30.
 He has asked ALL of us to eliminate contention our of our lives!!!
We must never compromise our standards and beliefs.  We must not surrender our positions or our values.  There is no middle ground in the contest between truth and error.  We need to be firm in the truth.
Elder Oaks states:  We as Latter Day Saints should love all people, be good listeners, and show concern for others sincere beliefs.  Though we may disagree, we should not be disagreeable.
We need to teach out children, even encourage them to be kind to everyone.  They are such great examples of what we really should act like.  They are some of our best missionaries.  Strong teachings in the home will encourage them to be good people and good missionaries. 
Also remember that in families, there will inevitably be differences.  We can show, if we follow the Savior's example, loving-kindness and still be firm in the truth.
Good luck out there!!!  This is a great talk and Carol did a great job as usual!!!  Thanks you from all of us sisters.
As I mentioned before...I wasn't there on Sunday so when I talked to Kathy she said she didn't have time to read a couple of quotes that she really wanted to.  So here they are.

"Love of God, love of our fellow beings, and keeping the commandments are three interdependent things in the sense that we cannot claim to do one of them without also doing the other two; and when we raise our level of performance in one area, it automatically helps us to do better in the other two. 
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not grievous. 
Sometimes it seems grievous to try to live the commandments.  But if we really trust that God would not ask us to live any commandment that would not ultimately bring complete joy, would we not then find joy even in the difficult struggle to obey?  Thus his commandments, though no easy, would not be grievous.  However, it seems that many times we lose sight of the fact that the commandments are guides to lead us to joy.  If it grieves me to keep one of God's commandments, then I am not trusting him.

"Now, the atonement of the Christ is the most basic and fundamental doctrine of the gospel, and it is the least understood of all our revealed truths.  Many of us have a superficial knowledge and rely upon the Lord and His goodness to see us through the trials and perils of life.  But if we are to have faith like Enoch and Elijah we must believe what they believed, know what they knew, and live as they lived."
Thank you Kathy for a great lesson.  Keeping the commandments is not easy but so worth it!!!  We just have to keep an eternal perspective!!!    

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goals for Indian Hills Relief Society--2015

After our survey a couple of weeks ago..and by the way, thanks for responding, we came up with 3 different goals that you felt were important to you, and also to us as a presidency in our Relief Society.  2015---we're ready!!  We have put a lot of thought and prayer into these and hopefully will serve us well as we work together in becoming more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
1,  We want to continue to work on UNITY in our Relief Society.  That was one of our last years goals and it seems that many sisters want to continue to work on it this coming year.  We pray as a presidency that every sister feels included and wanted and needed.  If not, then we need to keep trying.  We need to remember that it's a two way street and there needs to be effort on all parts.  If we want to be unified then we need to be the solution not the problem.  We need to reach out.  And then to those that are being reached to, they need to come join!!  It's a joint effort.  And thank you to all of you that continue to REACH!!  That's who we are.  We love, support, teach, lift, and NEVER give up!!

2.  We want to do our VISITING TEACHING for the right reasons!!  This was also one that we choose for last year.  We want to help all of us understand that it's a privilege to be a friend and represent our Savior in such a way.  It is a sacred duty that come from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
D&C 81:5--"Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hand down, and strengthen the feeble knees."
D&C 58:27--"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness."

3.  We want to work on LIFTING, not dwelling on the negative in our lives.  We need to remember that the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and about others do not come from our Heavenly Father.  They come from Satan.  And he is very happy and pleased when we surrender to those thoughts.

Now how are we going to achieve these awesome goals?  Oh....we have our plans!!  And we will be discussing them in our meetings.

Found some awesome quotes!! Go Pinterest!!

I think we all need to be positive about ourselves and realize that we do a lot of good...everyday.
We need to just keep trying!!


 I'm so sorry about not posting for so long.  When the holidays hit everything else goes right out the window. I don't know about you but when the kids come, other things take a back seat. (As it should be!!)
 I so hope that all of you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.  
Wow.  Time seems to fly by faster than ever.  When I was young it seemed that between Christmas's it was FOREVER!!  But now, it's January, then June, then December.  Relief Society has been so great this past year.  I hope you have learned as much as we have.  Thank you for being patient, being supportive, and most of all, being loving and kind to us and to each other.
This past year our Visiting Teaching was amazing!!  Pat yourselves on the back!!
But...we can work hard in encouraging our sisters to come and join us on Sunday!!  
We need EVERYONE!!  
Invite your friends, invite your neighbors.  BE'll never know til you try!!!     
We love all of you and pray that 2015 will be a happy and successful years for us all.