Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goals for Indian Hills Relief Society--2015

After our survey a couple of weeks ago..and by the way, thanks for responding, we came up with 3 different goals that you felt were important to you, and also to us as a presidency in our Relief Society.  2015---we're ready!!  We have put a lot of thought and prayer into these and hopefully will serve us well as we work together in becoming more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
1,  We want to continue to work on UNITY in our Relief Society.  That was one of our last years goals and it seems that many sisters want to continue to work on it this coming year.  We pray as a presidency that every sister feels included and wanted and needed.  If not, then we need to keep trying.  We need to remember that it's a two way street and there needs to be effort on all parts.  If we want to be unified then we need to be the solution not the problem.  We need to reach out.  And then to those that are being reached to, they need to come join!!  It's a joint effort.  And thank you to all of you that continue to REACH!!  That's who we are.  We love, support, teach, lift, and NEVER give up!!

2.  We want to do our VISITING TEACHING for the right reasons!!  This was also one that we choose for last year.  We want to help all of us understand that it's a privilege to be a friend and represent our Savior in such a way.  It is a sacred duty that come from our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
D&C 81:5--"Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hand down, and strengthen the feeble knees."
D&C 58:27--"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness."

3.  We want to work on LIFTING, not dwelling on the negative in our lives.  We need to remember that the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and about others do not come from our Heavenly Father.  They come from Satan.  And he is very happy and pleased when we surrender to those thoughts.

Now how are we going to achieve these awesome goals?  Oh....we have our plans!!  And we will be discussing them in our meetings.

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