Thursday, January 22, 2015

A potato for the teacher...

I learned that I don't have to give grand gestures of service every time. 
 A small gesture of love is just as nice!!
By Bonny Dahlsrud
January Ensign, 2015

     As an elementary schoolteacher of more than 25 years, I have received a lot of interesting things from my young students.  Silly notes, drawn pictures, and imaginative crafts are common gifts.  Last year, however, was the first time I had ever received a potato.
    "A potato for the teacher," young Emma said proudly when she came to my desk, "because I didn't have an apple."  It was a medium-sized potato, scrubbed clean, and beautiful as far as potatoes go.  I thanked her and placed it on my desk.  I saw Emma's large blue eyes shine with pride whenever she looked at it throughout the day.
     After school, when I was working at my desk, I couldn't help but regard the potato with a tender smile.  Children see things so simply, and with that common potato, Emma taught me something important.  I left it on my desk for over a week because it served as a reminder to me.
     As a visiting teacher and a sister in my ward, I wanted to serve others, but I was always waiting for an "apple" before I took time to help.  If I was busy and couldn't make an extra casserole or if I wanted to give a special flower but didn't get to the floral shop, I ignored the still, small voice of the Spirit whispering of someone who needed my service.
     "I'll do something this weekend, when I have time," I would convince myself.  "Nobody needs me today."
But what if someone really did need me?  What if I hadn't ignored the promptings to visit an elderly neighbor or the young widow who had just lost her husband?  Could I have helped or served, even with what I could offer then---a "potato"?
     I learned a great lesson from Emma that I am trying hard to put into practice.  If I don't have an apple, I give a potato instead, and I do it now.  I don't wait to make a casserole or my special lemon cream pie, I buy a box of cookies instead.  I don't often get to the florist, but I can drop in for a chat without the flower.    A homemade card would be great, but so would a quick phone call.  It doesn't have to be a grand gesture of service every time.  A small gesture of love is just as nice.
     I have the potato at home now, but I don't think I'll ever eat it.  It serves as a constant reminder to serve when I'm prompted.  I give what I can now instead of waiting until later.  A potato for the teacher really was the nicest gift.

And may I add my two cents...Since my hip surgery 3 weeks ago, I can personally add my testimony to this story.  I have so appreciated those that have taken the time to visit.  Those that have brought meals and really cheered up my day.  With surgery like this, for the first 3 or 4 weeks you really wonder if you made the right decision.  I have had a few crying sessions, a few pouting sessions, a few frustrated moments, and a few down right sad days.  Jim has really tried to keep me cheered up but when he goes to work for 10 hours a day, the days gets long.  I know he appreciates all you sweet sisters that have taken a bit of the burden away from him.  (He's pooped when he gets home at night)
 I know that there are those in our ward that are going through hard times.  I know that there are opportunities out there sisters where we can make a difference.  And from my experience of these last 3 weeks, I know you don't need an "apple" you just need a potato!!!  Make that call, drop by to say you're thinking about them.  It just takes a minute.  And it makes all the difference in the world!!  I can promise that!!  Thank you for your love and concern.      

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