Monday, March 31, 2014
Glenda is out of the hospital
Glenda is out of the hospital and is now in Kolob. She is doing much better. She is still having treatments and will be there at Kolob for a while. She appreciates all that everyone has done for her. She is getting good care where she is and hopes to be home before long. Onward and Upward--as she indicates every time we see her. Get this done with and back to living!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
How to be totally miserable--Part 5
Always want More!!
Remember that in the end, surely God will be looking only for clean hands, not full ones--
Jeffrey R. Holland
The miserable think that what they have is never enough. Like the Little Mermaid, who owned no fewer than twenty thingamabobs, they say, "But who cares, no big deal, I want MORE." (How could you be miserable with twenty thingamabobs?) The miserable say, "If only I had one of those, I'd be happy." Actually, the more you have, the more you have to worry about---in other words, the more stuff you have, the more the stuff has you!! Even Hollywood stars who appear to "have it all" have nothing if they haven't learned how to be content. The only things we can take with us when we die are our character, our intelligence, and our relationships. Everything else falls apart.
Clothes attract moths, cars get rusty, and stuff gets stolen.
That's why Jesus said, "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" Matthew 6:20, New Testament.
A man is rich in proportation to the number of things which he can afford to let along.
Henry David Thoreau
R.S. Birthday Party!!
For those of you who missed it.
I am sorry, because it was so good!!
It was an amazing night with great food, great company, great talent, great program and great Spirit!! The food was so good and the program was something that helped us all feel the spirit and maybe even helped us re-evaluate our lives and see where we can improve. The oil in our lamps needs to be replenished daily through our dedication and partipation in doing good things. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make this evening happen. We ended the night with a beautiful wedding cake made by our very own Carisa Wood. It added so much to the evening and made us all feel like we were really attending a wedding feast. Thanks to the 19th ward and the Greens Lake ward for their willingness to participate with us and make our R.S. birthday party such a great event. There was great effort made by all.
And a BIG thank you to the ladies that performed in the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The music was amazing and the talent that was shared was greatly appreciated. They worked hard to make the evening so enjoyable. THANK YOU!! Carisa, Amber and Charity all participated from our ward and represented us with flying colors. Lots of beautiful voices and lots of beautiful sisters!!!
There will be pictures to come. They are being edited as we speak.
Recipe for Dill Dip and Fruit Dip
Dill Dip
1 1/2 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp. parsley flakes
1 TB. + 1 tsp. dill weed
1 TB. + 1 tsp. minced onion (dry)
1 TB. + 1 tsp. Seasoned salt (Lawry's)
Put all ingredients in a bowl and beat until smooth. Refrigerate.
Orange Peel Fruit Dip
1-8 oz. package cream cheese
1 small jar marshmallow cream
1 tsp. grated orange peel
We added strawberry jam for the strawberry taste. Add as much or as little as you like.
You could add any flavor you would like.
Recipe for Hummus
I had so many of you ask for the recipe for the hummus we had last night at our Birthday here it is.
1 can garbanzo beans (low sodium) drain half of the liquid
1-2 cloves garlic--squeeze in garlic press
2 TBS tahini (ground sesame seeds)
1/3 cup olive oil
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt to taste
Add all ingredients in a food processor and blend.
So good and so good for you!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
We have a new sister...
We have a new family that has moved into Sunset Ridge.
Kaylyn Thompson
and her 2 children have moved here from Milford.
Address: 1544 So. 625 West
Phone: 435-691-2426
We are so glad she is living in our ward. Take a minute and go introduce yourself.
Gus is 14 and a freshman at Cedar High School.
Charlcey is 7 and is loving East Elementary. She goes by the nickname of Charlie!!!
Kaylyn also has 2 older daughters attending Dixie State University in St. George and an older son attending his senior year at Milford High School.
They are a great family and YEAH, they are in our ward!!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Fast Sunday this week...also Women's broadcast on Saturday night
It will be Fast Sunday this week--the 30th, because it will be General Conference next week. Also we have the Women's broadcast on Saturday. 5:00 ice cream social then meeting after at 6:00 p.m. Stake Center.
Next temple night for the sisters
April 16th. We will be leaving the church at 6:15. We really would like to encourage all sisters to come with us. We are having a special fast for Sister Glenda Roundy and then will put her name in the temple. She was so appreciative of the idea when we talked to her. She said, "I need all the help I can get!!" Come support her!!
Lesson--Look Up, Carol Farnsworth
Article came from the General Conference Addresses in the November 2013 Ensign
"Look Up"
Elder Adrian Ochoa
Carol started out with a story that was shared at the beginning of the talk...
When I was eight, two cousins and I were sent to a nearby town to get groceries for the next 15 days. Looking back, I am amazed at how much confidence my grandmother and my aunt and uncle had in us. The morning skies were bright and shiny as we departed in our small caravan of three horses.
In the middle of the prairie, we had a brilliant idea that we should dismount and play marbles. So we did--for a long time. We were so absorbed in our game that we did not see the "signs of the times" above our heads as dark clouds covered the sky. By the time we realized what was happening, we didn't even have time to mount our horses. The heavy rain was hitting us so hard, and hail was hitting our faces, so we could not think of anything to do but unsaddle the horses and take cover under the saddle blankets.
Horseless, wet, and cold, we continued our journey, now trying to move as fast as we could. As we approached our destination, we saw that the wide street that entered the town had flooded and was like a river heading toward us. Now our only choice was to drop our covers and climb the barbed-wire fence that surrounded the town. It was late at night when, tired and sore and soaked, we sought shelter in the first home we saw as we entered the town.
The good young family there dried us off, fed us delicious bean burritos, and then put us to bed in a room of our own. Soon we discovered that the room had a flat dirt floor, so we had another brilliant idea. We drew a circle on the floor and continued our marbles game until we collapsed to the floor in sleep.
As children we were just thinking about ourselves. We never thought about the loved ones who were desperately searching for us back home---if we had, we would have never delayed our journey in such a useless pursuit. And if we had been wiser, we would have looked at the sky, spotted the clouds forming, and accelerated our pace to stay ahead of the storm. Now that I have a little more experience, I always remind my self,
"Don't forget to look up."
We need to pay attention to the signs of our times. We live in the stormy, perilous days that Paul described:
2 Timothy 3:24. "Men shall be lovers of their own selves,....disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy....false accusers, incontinent,....lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
Carol also gave great quotes from a talk that Dallin H. Oaks gave called "Preparation for the Second Coming." May 2004. Look it up. It's great!!!
Carol also wrote on the board some things that the brethren have talked over and over to us about. Things that we need to be doing in our every day lives.
Temporal and physical: Food storage, finances, taking care of our physical bodies.
Spiritual: Attend chruch meetings, pray, read scriptures, beware of technology (limit it), setting goals, temple attendance, follow the prophets words, FHE, service, conquer addictions (facebook, cell phones, etc..) music, missionary work, reading Ensign.
These are a few that were mentioned...
It was talked about---being careful to limit your time on facebook and cell phones. When we are so involved with this kind of stuff, the spirit can't seem to find a way to communicate with us. We are too preoccupied. You will be amazed if you put time limits on yourself. We do it to our kids but what about us!!!
Moderation in ALL things!!
She ended with a story about her and her family in Germany. They got lost one night and thought they were going in the wrong direction while following the GPS system. So they ignored the GPS and headed the direction they thought they needed to go. GOT EVEN MORE LOST. So they decided to follow what the GPS told them to do. They arrived at their destination safely.
GPS---G-God, P--Protects, S--Safety
If we follow what God has instructed us to do. We will arrive safely!!!
Yes, there are signs of storms forming all around us. Let us look up and prepare ourselves. There is safety in a strong testimony. Let us cherish and strengthen our testimonies every day...
Ladies..this Relief Society Birthday Party is going to be one to remember. This Wednesday, March 26th at the Church!! There is going to be a dinner at 6:30 and program right after. Wedding cake and everything. Please plan to attend. There are lots of sisters that have put a lot of time and energy into practicing and singing wonderful songs. It will help you be motivated to be a better person. I PROMISE!! Please come and support the ladies in our ward and also the ladies in the other 2 wards in our building. We have great neighbors and friends. Thanks for your support!!
Just to let you know about Glenda
Glenda is still in the hospital. She is out of ICU... which is a great thing. She doesn't know how long she will be there, but hopefully not too long. She is in good spirits and says she looks forward to when all of this is over!! ABSOLUTELY!!! You can call her on her phone if you would like to check up on her. She would love the visit !!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Happy News...
Joy Woolsey is getting married!!!
We are so excited for her.
If you see her tell her Congrats!!!
More info to come....
News about Glenda
Just to let everyone know. Glenda is in the hospital. She is having some heart issues and a few other things. She is up-beat and trying her best to hang in there. She is a great example of smiling through your trials. Please keep her in your prayers. She needs all she can get.
We have a new baby!!
Emily and Jared Porter had a cute little baby boy today. 7 lbs. 13 ozs. His name is Charles. Mom and baby are doing great. Yeah!! We love these babies. Jared was pretty excited about being a new dad. Congratulations to the Porters.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Lesson by Tanleigh Wilks--Chapter 6, The Significance of the Sacrament
Tanleigh Wilks is an amazing teacher and I wished all of you could have been there to hear this lesson. We are so blessed to have such great instructors for all of us to listen to and learn from. I looked around and wished I could have seen everyone of you there. I hate for you to miss out on such great teaching. "The partaking of these emblems consitiutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances in the Church."
President Joseph Fielding Smith--In my judgment the sacrament meeting is the most sacred, the most holy, of all the meetings of the Church. When I reflect upon the gathering of the Savior and his apostles on that memorable night when he introduced the sacrament, when I think of that solemn occasion my heart is filled with wonderment and my feelings are touched. I consider that gathering one of the most solemn and wonderful since the beginning of time.
The partaking of the sacrement (the breat and water) constitutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances in the Church, an ordinance which has replaced the slaying and eating of the paschal lamb which symbolized the sacrifice upon the cross of our Redeemer.
The person who absents himself from a sacrament meeting week after week and month after month, and nothin prevents him from coming, is not loyal to the truth. He does not love it. If he did, he would be present to partake of these emblems--just a little piece of bread, a little cup of water. He would want to do that to show his love for the truth and his loyal service to the Son of God.
As we come to church each week and show to our Savior that we are fighting the fight and doing the best we can and taking the sacrament, we can and will receive blessings. It's Satan that wants us to get discouraged, telling us we are not worthy, we have made too many mistakes to even try. THAT IS SATAN!! He wants us to stay home. He wants us to get down on ourselves.
Read the Sacrament prayers--remind yourselves what we are taking upon us as we partake. Also read the promises that are given too. (D&C 20:77)
Tanleigh referred to a talk by Brad Wilcox that she so loves. It had such great insight about the Atonement and the Sacrament. May of the stories are in the book he wrote--The Continuous Atonement. GREAT BOOK...One of my favorites.
We are learning heaven not earning it. There is NO way we can repay our Savior for all He has done for us. NO WAY!! But we need to realize that he doesn't expect us to pay it back. He expects us to except the gift and then use it. Use the Atonement in our lives.
Tanleigh told of a story about a college student who sought a better understanding of the Atonement. "I know," she said, "I have to do my part and then Christ does the rest, but the problem is that I can't even do my part." SHe then went on to list the many things she shoud be doing, but wasn't. "I know Christ can fill the gap between my best efforts and perfection, but who fills the gap between the way I am and my best efforts?"
Brother Wilcox pulled out apaper and drew two dots on it---one at the bottom and the other at the top. "Here is God," I said, labeling the top dot. "And here we are," I said, indicating the bottom dot. How much of this ditance does Jesus fill and how much is our part?" he started to mark a line at the halfway point and then thought better and marked a line much lower. I said, "Wrong." "Is the line highter?" she asked. "No," I responded. "The truth is, there is no line. Christ has already filled the whole distance." "Right!" Like I don't hae to do anything? "Oh, no. You have plenty to do, but it is not to fill this gap. Jesus filled the gap that stands between us and God. It is done. We are all going to go back to God's presence. Now the question is how long we hope to stay there. That is what is determined by our boedience to Jesus.
It is our privilege to thoughtfully consider the covenant we make when we partake of the sacrament. The word privilege was actually "Duty" but Tanleigh wanted to change it. Because it is a privilege to be able to covenant with the Lord during the sacrament.
This was such a wonderful lesson. Thanks Tanleigh. There was much more discussed but we just wanted you to get the main idea. If you weren't there, we missed you!!!
Lesson by Rochelle Lunt--March 9th
Faith and Repentance--
We are so blessed to have such great teachers in R.S. If you miss a lesson, you miss out. Each one is so inspirational and makes us want to do better. And that's all we can ask for is to try to do better every day. Do better than we did yesterday.
Chapter 5--"What we need in the Church, as well as out of it, is repentance.. We need more faith and more determination to serve the Lord." President Joseph Fielding Smith.
President Smith in his travels was encourage to tell the saints that now is the day of repentance and to remember their covenants, the promises they have made with the Lord, to keep his commandments, and follow the teachings and the instructions of the elders of Israel, the prophets of God.
President Smith told a congregation why he spoke with a warning voice. "Who is your friend, or who loves you the most? The person who tells you all is well in Aion, that pros[perity is around the corner or the person who warns you of the calamities and difficulties that are promised unless the rpinciples of the gospel are lived? I want you to know that I love the members of the Chruch, and I do not want one of them to point an accusing finger at me when we pass beyond the veil of mortal existence and say, "If you had only warned me I would not be in this predicament."
1. The first principle of the gospel is FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ.
By faith we come to God. It we did not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, if we had no faith in Him or in His atonement, we would not be inclined to pay any heed to His commandments.
2. Faith means action.
Faith is the moving cause of all action. Read James 2:26 The mere desire to obtain faith will not bring faith any more than the desire to be skilled in music or painting will bring proficiency in these things withou intelligent action. There is where our trouble comes.
Rochelle talked about a story that she had read about someone that did something that they thought they could never do!! The book--The Faith Experiement. Great story.
She also referred to the article in the most recent Ensign on the Faith and Fortitude of Women in the Old Testament. Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, and Deborah. Great examples of faith and determination. With each story comes with a lesson and What Can I do? It would be great to read it. Lots of thought.
3. Repentance is the second principle of the gospel and is essential to our salvation and exaltation.
Read 2 Nephi 28:7-9. There is no place in Zion for the wilful sinner. There is a place for the repentant sinner, for the man who turns away from iniquity and seeks for life eternal and the light of the Gospel. We need repentance, and we need to be told to repent!!
4. In the principle of repentacne , ther mercy of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is made manifest.
What a dreadful thing it would be if there were no forgivness of sin and no means for the remission of sin for those who are hubly repentant!! We can only imagine in part the horror that would overtake us, if we had to endure the punishment of our transgressions forever and ever withou the hope of any relief. How is the relief obtained? By whom may it be obtained?
5. Repentance includes sincere sorrow for sins and complete turning from sin.
It includes a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
Repentance is a gift of God. Our conscience and the scriptures tell us what to live by--and they tell us what habits we should change for our eternal welfare and progress.
6. The time to repent is NOW!!
7. We owe it to the world to raise a voice of warning!! We do owe it to the world to raise a voice of warning, and especially to the members of the Church D&C 88:81
GREAT LESSON!! WE ALL NEEDED TO HEAR IT!! Thanks Rochelle for doing such a great job!!!
We are so blessed to have such great teachers in R.S. If you miss a lesson, you miss out. Each one is so inspirational and makes us want to do better. And that's all we can ask for is to try to do better every day. Do better than we did yesterday.
Chapter 5--"What we need in the Church, as well as out of it, is repentance.. We need more faith and more determination to serve the Lord." President Joseph Fielding Smith.
President Smith in his travels was encourage to tell the saints that now is the day of repentance and to remember their covenants, the promises they have made with the Lord, to keep his commandments, and follow the teachings and the instructions of the elders of Israel, the prophets of God.
President Smith told a congregation why he spoke with a warning voice. "Who is your friend, or who loves you the most? The person who tells you all is well in Aion, that pros[perity is around the corner or the person who warns you of the calamities and difficulties that are promised unless the rpinciples of the gospel are lived? I want you to know that I love the members of the Chruch, and I do not want one of them to point an accusing finger at me when we pass beyond the veil of mortal existence and say, "If you had only warned me I would not be in this predicament."
1. The first principle of the gospel is FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ.
By faith we come to God. It we did not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, if we had no faith in Him or in His atonement, we would not be inclined to pay any heed to His commandments.
2. Faith means action.
Faith is the moving cause of all action. Read James 2:26 The mere desire to obtain faith will not bring faith any more than the desire to be skilled in music or painting will bring proficiency in these things withou intelligent action. There is where our trouble comes.
Rochelle talked about a story that she had read about someone that did something that they thought they could never do!! The book--The Faith Experiement. Great story.
She also referred to the article in the most recent Ensign on the Faith and Fortitude of Women in the Old Testament. Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, and Deborah. Great examples of faith and determination. With each story comes with a lesson and What Can I do? It would be great to read it. Lots of thought.
3. Repentance is the second principle of the gospel and is essential to our salvation and exaltation.
Read 2 Nephi 28:7-9. There is no place in Zion for the wilful sinner. There is a place for the repentant sinner, for the man who turns away from iniquity and seeks for life eternal and the light of the Gospel. We need repentance, and we need to be told to repent!!
4. In the principle of repentacne , ther mercy of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is made manifest.
What a dreadful thing it would be if there were no forgivness of sin and no means for the remission of sin for those who are hubly repentant!! We can only imagine in part the horror that would overtake us, if we had to endure the punishment of our transgressions forever and ever withou the hope of any relief. How is the relief obtained? By whom may it be obtained?
5. Repentance includes sincere sorrow for sins and complete turning from sin.
It includes a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
Repentance is a gift of God. Our conscience and the scriptures tell us what to live by--and they tell us what habits we should change for our eternal welfare and progress.
6. The time to repent is NOW!!
7. We owe it to the world to raise a voice of warning!! We do owe it to the world to raise a voice of warning, and especially to the members of the Church D&C 88:81
GREAT LESSON!! WE ALL NEEDED TO HEAR IT!! Thanks Rochelle for doing such a great job!!!
About the cannery
The cannery is now open again here in Cedar. It is NOT open for canning. It is open to be able to purchage items from there. I asked the bishop about a price list or even what is available there. The answer: It changes all the time. So there is no price list or list as to what is sold there. You just have to go there and see what they have. It will be different from week to week.
Hours: Tuesday--4-7
Wednesday--10-2 and 4-7
Also every 2nd Saturday from 9-12
Announcements for the week
*Birthdays for this week---Anitra Bradfield--Saturday the 22nd. If you see her wish her happy aging!!!
*We are still doing meals for Glenda Roundy. Thanks so much for signing up. We have the month of March full. We may need it for April but we will keep you posted.
*REMEMBER to encourage your husbands to do their HOME TEACHING!! I promise it will bless your life and the lives of our children. Who doesn't want blessings!!! Please send them out the door or help in any way you can. We want everyone in our ward to feel needed and loved. Thanks sisters!!
*Relief Society Birthday Party--YEAH!! It's on the 26th of March. 6:30 on Wednesday. Please mark it on your calendars. It is going to be an amazing night with food and a wonderful program. The ladies that are participating have put lots of work into preparing. Come out and support.
*We are still doing meals for Glenda Roundy. Thanks so much for signing up. We have the month of March full. We may need it for April but we will keep you posted.
*REMEMBER to encourage your husbands to do their HOME TEACHING!! I promise it will bless your life and the lives of our children. Who doesn't want blessings!!! Please send them out the door or help in any way you can. We want everyone in our ward to feel needed and loved. Thanks sisters!!
*Relief Society Birthday Party--YEAH!! It's on the 26th of March. 6:30 on Wednesday. Please mark it on your calendars. It is going to be an amazing night with food and a wonderful program. The ladies that are participating have put lots of work into preparing. Come out and support.
*Food drive this week. The scouts will be bringing bags around. They need to be out on the curb by 8:00 a.m. next Saturday full of food. We appreciate your support in this too. Food is a great way we can be of service.
*INDEXING--ladies...We are so excited to learn how to do this. Another great way to serve. We are going to be teaching it in our Combined R.S. and Priesthood class on the 30th of this month. We are also going to be having a night activity on it too. We are going to be challenging the youth as sisters in our R.S. to see if we can out do them in numbers. This is going to be great fun. Please plan to get involved. It's awesome and fun too.
*Women's broadcast on the 29th. It will be at the Stake Center. 5:00 Sunday bar for all the ladies and then 6:00 broadcast. I'm sure we will receive great counsel. This is the first ever in the history of the church so come be a part of a new era. All girls invited from age 8 and up.
*The Sister Missionaries want to serve. If there is anything that you think they would be ok to be involved in, please let me know. I will get in touch with them.
*Next Weeks Lesson---"Look Up" on page 102 in the Last Conference Ensign. Great talk which will be given by Carol Farnsworth. Looking forward to it.
We have new babies in our ward. Sara Randall had her twins. A boy, Joshua and a girl, Avery. They were both over 6 lbs and doing great. Sara is quite a trooper. She is busy with her new babies along with 3 other little screaming, rambunctious children. If you get a chance, drop something by or just give her a call. She would probably love the visit, although she doesn't really have much time. Maybe texting would be better. That way she can answer when she can.
Kaylyn Stapley also had her little boy. So cute!! He was born on the 9th of March and weighed 7 lbs. 11 ozs. His name is Kypton. Kaylyn and baby are doing great. We wish both moms good babies, sleep at night and lots of happy diaper changes. Keep smiling!! It's worth it!!!
Kaylyn Stapley also had her little boy. So cute!! He was born on the 9th of March and weighed 7 lbs. 11 ozs. His name is Kypton. Kaylyn and baby are doing great. We wish both moms good babies, sleep at night and lots of happy diaper changes. Keep smiling!! It's worth it!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Giving to Christ all year round--March
The Gift of Merrilee Boyack
When I think of obedience, I think of skiing. Sometimes, one of my skis will just slowly drift off the straight track. it doesn't take too long for that to become dangerous and painful!! One time I was skiing in deep powder and let one ski drift. Soon I found myself rolling head over heels down a mountain. Other times, a ski can catch a sharp edge in the snow and jump off the track. Both examples are very serious, and a good skier tries to fix the problem immediately.
Obedience is like that. Sometimes we get a little casual, a little lazy, and we allow a small disobedience to creep into our lives and we start to drift. Sometimes we commit a clear sin that jolts our spiritual progress off track. Both are dangerous. Both need constant vigilance to prevent them from happening.
We might keep most of our beharior in good order, going forward and staying on track, but we know that there may be one thing, or perhaps a few things, in our lives that is not in control. Sometimes we resist the efforts of the Spirit to correct us and stubbornly hang on to that particular sin or behavior. We know it's wrong, but we're just so resistant to change!!
Obedience is a great blessing to us. The Lord looks on us and says, "You can be happier. You can be better. Here's how!" He repeatedly give us commandments--simple, straightforward, and clear commandments---and then promises us that He will bless us and we will be happier, we will be better.
Personal Scripture Study: Read Luke 1 about Mary and Elisabeth and their obedience to the Lord.
Family Devotional: Read about Nephi's obedience in 1 Nephi 3-5. Discuss not only how Nephi was blessed for his obedience, but how future generations were blessed because of his actions. Try to memorize as a family 1 Nephi 3:7
Family Home Evening: Invite family members to share experiences of when they were obedient. Parents could talk about serving a mission or being sealed in the temple. Children could talk about a time when they did what they were told. As a family, discuss how each person feels when he or she was obedient and what blessings came as a result. (As a parent, you may also relate an experience when maybe you weren't obedient. Share the outcome and what you learned) You can also play Shepherd Simon Says with smaller children. Play just like the game Simon Says. You may want to dress up like a shepherd. Kids can learn to follow the shepherd. Learn to be obedient to what is asked.
When I think of obedience, I think of skiing. Sometimes, one of my skis will just slowly drift off the straight track. it doesn't take too long for that to become dangerous and painful!! One time I was skiing in deep powder and let one ski drift. Soon I found myself rolling head over heels down a mountain. Other times, a ski can catch a sharp edge in the snow and jump off the track. Both examples are very serious, and a good skier tries to fix the problem immediately.
Obedience is like that. Sometimes we get a little casual, a little lazy, and we allow a small disobedience to creep into our lives and we start to drift. Sometimes we commit a clear sin that jolts our spiritual progress off track. Both are dangerous. Both need constant vigilance to prevent them from happening.
We might keep most of our beharior in good order, going forward and staying on track, but we know that there may be one thing, or perhaps a few things, in our lives that is not in control. Sometimes we resist the efforts of the Spirit to correct us and stubbornly hang on to that particular sin or behavior. We know it's wrong, but we're just so resistant to change!!
Obedience is a great blessing to us. The Lord looks on us and says, "You can be happier. You can be better. Here's how!" He repeatedly give us commandments--simple, straightforward, and clear commandments---and then promises us that He will bless us and we will be happier, we will be better.
Personal Scripture Study: Read Luke 1 about Mary and Elisabeth and their obedience to the Lord.
Family Devotional: Read about Nephi's obedience in 1 Nephi 3-5. Discuss not only how Nephi was blessed for his obedience, but how future generations were blessed because of his actions. Try to memorize as a family 1 Nephi 3:7
Family Home Evening: Invite family members to share experiences of when they were obedient. Parents could talk about serving a mission or being sealed in the temple. Children could talk about a time when they did what they were told. As a family, discuss how each person feels when he or she was obedient and what blessings came as a result. (As a parent, you may also relate an experience when maybe you weren't obedient. Share the outcome and what you learned) You can also play Shepherd Simon Says with smaller children. Play just like the game Simon Says. You may want to dress up like a shepherd. Kids can learn to follow the shepherd. Learn to be obedient to what is asked.
Johnson Family Favorite Recipe..Sweet and Sour Chicken
My kids love this recipe and want it every time they come home. Hopefully it will be something you will want to fix.
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
(I like to use tenders so the chicken pieces are smaller)
2 eggs, beaten
corn starch in bowl
Dip chicken in beaten egg. Roll in corn starch. Then brown in frying pan and place in baking dish.
Continue by mixing the sauce:
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 TBS. ketchup
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup vinegar
2 TBS. soy sauce
1/2 cup chicken broth
Mix all ingredients together. Keep stirring as you pour over chicken. (Sometimes the sugar settles at the bottom of the bowl) Bake at 350 for about an hour. Maybe a little more. Just make sure that it is bubbling when done. This recipe is so good and I hope you will try it.
We serve it over rice.
Amazing article--Maintaining an Eternal Perspective...
When I read this article it reminded me of so many of us. It is so hard, dealing with everyday life to keep an eternal perspective. Things get in the way. I love the fact that we can get counsel from our leaders on how to do better and try harder every single day.
I just had a sweet little neice who lost her second baby at birth to a strange and freak set of circimstances. Beautiful 8 lb. baby boy that was perfect in every way. It's so hard to keep that eternal perspective when your heart is completely broken or when you can't seem to see how you will make it til tomorrow.
Life is hard...but I am so grateful that we have the gospel to get us through really tough things. The great eternal perspective that we can and should have is sometimes the only thing that gets us through. But it's easy to lose sight of it when trying to keep our heads above water.
The article by Elder Dale G. Renlund is such a good reminder to us all of not falling into Satan's trap of looking only for the negative and not the positive.
"When our day-to-day challenges loom before us, it is natural to focus on the here and now. But when we do, we may make poor choices, become depressed, or experience hopelessness. Because of this human tendency, prophets have admonished us to remember the eternal perspective. Only then can we successfully navigate mortality."
Elder Dale G. Renlund tells of a man that came to a hospital in Salt Lake with severe heart disease. Needed a heart transplant. Went on a mechanical pump to maintain his life. He finally got a heart transplant. It failed. Went back on pumps. Got a chance to receive another heart. Did very well and was scheduled to go home. As the doctor entered his room the day before he was to go home, he noticed that Mr. Brown was very angry and upset. The doctor asked what was wrong? With clenched teeth, he replied, "The oatmeal isn't hot, and the milk isn't cold!!"
Think of it! Ten days before, Mr. Brown was near death. Now he was complaining about the hospital food. For that moment he had lost sight of the bigger picture--of where he had been and of the future he now had. He would go on to live 18 years with an excellent quality of life and die of something unrelated to his heart.
WOW...we need to remember our Savior and the great opportunities we are able to take part in everyday of our lives. ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE!! Look for it and try to keep it!!
Read the article on page 56 of the March Ensign. You will be well feed!!
I just had a sweet little neice who lost her second baby at birth to a strange and freak set of circimstances. Beautiful 8 lb. baby boy that was perfect in every way. It's so hard to keep that eternal perspective when your heart is completely broken or when you can't seem to see how you will make it til tomorrow.
Life is hard...but I am so grateful that we have the gospel to get us through really tough things. The great eternal perspective that we can and should have is sometimes the only thing that gets us through. But it's easy to lose sight of it when trying to keep our heads above water.
The article by Elder Dale G. Renlund is such a good reminder to us all of not falling into Satan's trap of looking only for the negative and not the positive.
"When our day-to-day challenges loom before us, it is natural to focus on the here and now. But when we do, we may make poor choices, become depressed, or experience hopelessness. Because of this human tendency, prophets have admonished us to remember the eternal perspective. Only then can we successfully navigate mortality."
Elder Dale G. Renlund tells of a man that came to a hospital in Salt Lake with severe heart disease. Needed a heart transplant. Went on a mechanical pump to maintain his life. He finally got a heart transplant. It failed. Went back on pumps. Got a chance to receive another heart. Did very well and was scheduled to go home. As the doctor entered his room the day before he was to go home, he noticed that Mr. Brown was very angry and upset. The doctor asked what was wrong? With clenched teeth, he replied, "The oatmeal isn't hot, and the milk isn't cold!!"
Think of it! Ten days before, Mr. Brown was near death. Now he was complaining about the hospital food. For that moment he had lost sight of the bigger picture--of where he had been and of the future he now had. He would go on to live 18 years with an excellent quality of life and die of something unrelated to his heart.
WOW...we need to remember our Savior and the great opportunities we are able to take part in everyday of our lives. ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE!! Look for it and try to keep it!!
Read the article on page 56 of the March Ensign. You will be well feed!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
How to be totally miserable--Part 4
It's foolish to take offense when none is intended.
It's even more foolish to take offense if it is intended.
Miserable people take offense. If you say something, it offends them. If you don't say something, it offends them. They're mad when someone tries to help, and they're mad when someone doesn't. They're even offended when someone is trying to make amends! They're offended if someone apologizes too late, too quickly, or not enough. The happiest people in the world refuse to be offended by everyone and everything. That's just too much work. They forgive quickly because they know they need forgiveness from others.
As the saying goes---
We should be too big to take offense, and too noble to give it!!
Abraham Lincoln
Drink more water!!
Reasons to drink more water:
1. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Your body is composed of 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. To keep these in balance you need to drink enough water.
2. Water can help control calories. If you choose to drink water or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier and more filling, this will help you trim calories intake. Food with high water content tends to look larger its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, oatmeal and beans.
3. Water helps energize muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising too. When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer.
4. Water helps keep skin looking good. Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. DRINK MORE WATER!!! Helps you look healthier.
5. Water helps your kidneys. Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate. If you chronically drink too little, you may be at higher risk for kidney stones.
6. Water helps maintain normal bowel function---And we all want that!!! Adequate fluid and fiber is the perfect combination, because he fluid pumps up the fiber and acts like a broom to keep your bowel functioning properly!!
If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:
Have a beverage with every snack and meal
Choose beverages you enjoy, you're likely to drink more liquids of you like the way they taste.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration.
Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for water!!!
1. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Your body is composed of 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. To keep these in balance you need to drink enough water.
2. Water can help control calories. If you choose to drink water or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier and more filling, this will help you trim calories intake. Food with high water content tends to look larger its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, oatmeal and beans.
3. Water helps energize muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising too. When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer.
4. Water helps keep skin looking good. Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. DRINK MORE WATER!!! Helps you look healthier.
5. Water helps your kidneys. Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate. If you chronically drink too little, you may be at higher risk for kidney stones.
6. Water helps maintain normal bowel function---And we all want that!!! Adequate fluid and fiber is the perfect combination, because he fluid pumps up the fiber and acts like a broom to keep your bowel functioning properly!!
If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:
Have a beverage with every snack and meal
Choose beverages you enjoy, you're likely to drink more liquids of you like the way they taste.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration.
Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for water!!!
Monday, March 10, 2014
Great lesson By Carol Farnsworth
Drawing Closer to God--By Elder Terence M. Vinson of the Seventy
"Our Savior wants us to really love Him to the point that we want to align our will with His. We can then feel His love and know His glory. Then He can bless us as He wants to. This happened to Nephi, the son of Helaman, who reached the stage wherer the Lord trusted him implicitly and, because of that, was able to bless him with all that he asked."
Carol put 3 questions on the board--Survey style
1. Have you ever had a trial that has pushed you to your limits?2. Have you ever had a true miracle that averted disaster or immediately changed the course of events?
3. Have you ever had a tiny miracle from the soft touch of the Holy Ghost?
Most of the ladies there could answer yes to all of these questions.
Carol quoted from a story she found in the Deseret News that was originally on a blog by Kayla Lemmon.
"God will give you more than you can handle: I guarantee it."
There is a certain phrase I've come to really dislike. All my life, I've heard this phrase whenever I go through a rough patch. And by rough patch, I mean a prickly, gnarly patch that leaves me bleeding to near death. You're probably familiar with those kinds of PATCHES.God will never give you more than you can handle is the prase I'm referring to. It's a sweet sentiment, really. The people who say it are speaking from caring and concerned hearts. I wanted to know where that phrase was that people kept repeating to me in church and at work and over the phone. So I turned to the scriptures...
"It never mentions anywhere in the scriptures that the Lord won't give you more than you can handle. The Lord speaks of Him giving us an escape from temptations so that it's not too much to bear. But when it comes to pain, trials, heartache, and burdens--not once does it say it won't be more than we can bear. Instead, it beautifully says this instead: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me...for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)
"You might be shrunken with sadnes or drowning in debt. You might be overwhelmingly angry at someone at church or aching under the pressures of raising children or maybe the inability to have them. You might be dealing with a terminal disease and you still have young children. And chances are you might need your Redeemer to find you on the path and take up that heavy cross you're dragging. Besides, even he tells us that he's more equipped to carry it, so why not hand it over?
Many times we think we can do it on our own. I'm strong. I am tough. But we can't We need our Savior. We sometimes don't know what needing him means until we have no other choice. He really is the only one who can make it bearble when life is simply anything but.
I think it is so important that we are reminded of this often. We need to lay our burdens at the Lord's feet and let Him help us. IS it easy...NO!! But our burdens can become lighter if we will just submit ourselves to our Savior. Thanks Carol for a WONDERFUL lesson. We are so grateful for the great teachers we have in our Relief Society!!! Huge Blessings!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
The Lord's Standard of MORALITY!!
In this month's Ensign this is a great article by Elder Tad T. Callister. I challenge you to read it. He pretty much spells out what the Lord's standards are for all of us when it comes to Morality. There are some pretty touchy subjects but I know that these articles are written and approved by church leaders and are modern day scripture for us to read and abide by. I so appreciate these words of wisdom and I don't think that we can be reminded enough about the dangers of Satan. He is real, and he is out there!!! Here is just one quote-
---Tentacles of the Adversary---
Satan is like an octopus trying to capture us. If one tentacle does not work, he will try another and another until he finds one that takes hold.
Please read this article. It gives us great direction!!!
Page 45
Page 45
New Semiannual General Women's meeting!!
This March you can be a part of perhaps the largest gathering of women, young women, and girls in the world---the new semiannual general women's meeting. You're invited to accept the First Presidency's invitation to "gather in a spirit of worldwide sisterhood" to enjoy messages from a member of the First Presidcney and the general presidents of the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary organizations. This meeting combines and replaces the general Relief Society and general Young Women meetings. And for the first time, girls eight years of age and older will be invited to attend. This history-making gathering will be broadcast on March 29th at 6:00 p.m. to meetinghouses worldwide and will be availale online for those who can't come to a meetinghouse.
This comes from the back of the March Ensign
Friday, March 7, 2014
Ten Virgins Program and Birthday Dinner...March 26th, 6:30
Please, please, please mark the 26th of March for our Birthday Dinner and program on your calendar. We are having it with the other wards in our building and it is going to be a very nice evening. There is lots of work going into this and so we would so appreciate your support!!! Free (and not have to be prepared by you) dinner and the program is going to be amazing. You won't want to miss it!!!
Recycling??? Save your glass!!
We have decided that on the night we go to the temple as sisters, we will be taking a load of glass to be recycled. So save your glass. There is no place here in Cedar that recycles glass. Our goal is to be more eco friendly!!!
Lesson from last Sunday...Service by Carisa Wood
Why Service:
"We live in a time when sacrifice is definitely out of fashion, when the outside forces that taught our ancestors the need for unselfish cooperative service have diminished. Someone has called this the "me" generation---a selfish time when everyone seems to be asking, what's in it for me? The values of the world wrongly teach that "its all about me." That corrupting attitude produces no change and no growth. It is contrary to eternal progress toward the destiny God has identified in His great plan for His children. The plan of the gospel of Jesus Christ lifts us above our selfish desires and teaches us that this life is all about what we can become."
-Dallin H. Oaks-
Mosiah 2:17--When ye are in the service of your fellow
beings ye are only in the service of your God.
"We are commanded to serve one another. The first commandment is to love God. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself!!"
President Gordon B. Hinckley--"No man can be a true Latter-day Saint who is unneighborly, who does not reach out to assist and help others. It is inherent in the very nature of the gospel that we do so...we cannot live unto ourselves." Service is to be given unselfishly, with no thought of personal gain or reward. It is to be given as needed, not when convenient.
Great blessings come from Service
Service changes people. It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us. It gets us looking outward instead of inward. Service helps us establish true values and priorities by distinguishing between the worth of material things that pass, and those things of lasting, even eternal value. It helps us teach our children good things!!! Wise parents will provide service opportunities in the home for their chldren from an early age. Growing up with this tradition will blossom into community service and Church service.
Service helps overcome selfishness and sin, and it helps to recompense for sin.
Service helps generate love and appreciation.
Service channels our desires and energies into righteous activity.
Service helps us cleanse ourselves and become purified and sanctified.
Service is a great way to show gratitude to the Savior.
Righteous service brings us nearer to Christ.
Service increases spirituality.
Great lesson.. Thanks Carisa
In our Relief Society we want to find ways to serve. We will be developing things we can do as sisters to strengthen our unity and service!!!
Service is the game!!
We also have a new lady that has moved into our area. Her name is Linda West and she lives on the circle that Bro. Jeffery lives on. 400 West Circle. Her house # is 1199. I think it has been a college house in the past. She is a cute lady that has moved here from Oklahoma (I think) and is here all by herself. No family around. She is about 65 years old (I'm guessiing) and wants so badly to meet people and make friends. She is not a member which doesn't make any difference and was so happy when we dropped by. PLEASE make an effort and introduce yourself. She would love it. We need to open up our arms and hearts and make her feel welcome. All of you are AWESOME!!! I know we can make her feel at home.
Good opportunity to serve!!
Cute Glenda needs our help. We have a sign-up going around for a dinner meal on a paper plate, (guess we could say a disposable dinner) that we can take each night to her. Whatever you cook, she will be happy with. Please take it between 5-6 p.m. The meal is important but the VISIT is more important. She needs us!!! She has another round of chemo after this one and then they will evaluate her progress. There will be surgery involved in the future. So she needs all the support we can give her at this point. She is so easy to visit with. She always has a smile. Thanks for your willingness to serve. The sign-up is in the roll. THANKS!!!
New sister in the ward... YEAH!!
We have a new sister that moved into Sunset Ridge. Cari Lynn Fischer. We are so excited about her being in our ward. We WELCOME her!! Please take the time to introduce yourself. We all know how hard it is to move to a new place and a new ward.
Cari Fischer
1530 So. 625 West
Husband: Casten
Children: Kayden 5, Austin 6 weeks
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