Friday, March 7, 2014

Lesson from last Sunday...Service by Carisa Wood

Why Service:
"We live in a time when sacrifice is definitely out of fashion, when the outside forces that taught our ancestors the need for unselfish cooperative service have diminished.  Someone has called this the "me" generation---a selfish time when everyone seems to be asking, what's in it for me?  The values of the world wrongly teach that "its all about me."  That corrupting attitude produces no change and no growth.  It is contrary to eternal progress toward the destiny God has identified in His great plan for His children.  The plan of the gospel of Jesus Christ lifts us above our selfish desires and teaches us that this life is all about what we can become."
-Dallin H. Oaks-
Mosiah 2:17--When ye are in the service of your fellow
beings ye are only in the service of your God.
"We are commanded to serve one another.  The first commandment is to love God.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself!!"
President Gordon B. Hinckley--"No man can be a true Latter-day Saint who is unneighborly, who does not reach out to assist and help others.  It is inherent in the very nature of the gospel that we do so...we cannot live unto ourselves."  Service is to be given unselfishly, with no thought of personal gain or reward.  It is to be given as needed, not when convenient.
Great blessings come from Service
Service changes people.  It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us.  It gets us looking outward instead of inward.  Service helps us establish true values and priorities by distinguishing between the worth of material things that pass, and those things of lasting, even eternal value.  It helps us teach our children good things!!!  Wise parents will provide service opportunities in the home for their chldren from an early age.  Growing up with this tradition will blossom into community service and Church service. 
Service helps overcome selfishness and sin, and it helps to recompense for sin. 
Service helps generate love and appreciation.
Service channels our desires and energies into righteous activity.
Service helps us cleanse ourselves and become purified and sanctified.
Service is a great way to show gratitude to the Savior.
Righteous service brings us nearer to Christ.
Service increases spirituality.
Great lesson..  Thanks Carisa   
In our Relief Society we want to find ways to serve.  We will be developing things we can do as sisters to strengthen our unity and service!!!

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