Monday, March 24, 2014

Lesson--Look Up, Carol Farnsworth

Article came from the General Conference Addresses in the November 2013 Ensign
"Look Up"
Elder Adrian Ochoa
Carol started out with a story that was shared at the beginning of the talk...
When I was eight, two cousins and I were sent to a nearby town to get groceries for the next 15 days.  Looking back, I am amazed at how much confidence my grandmother and my aunt and uncle had in us.  The morning skies were bright and shiny as we departed in our small caravan of three horses.
In the middle of the prairie, we had a brilliant idea that we should dismount and play marbles.  So we did--for a long time.  We were so absorbed in our game that we did not see the "signs of the times" above our heads as dark clouds covered the sky.  By the time we realized what was happening, we didn't even have time to mount our horses.  The heavy rain was hitting us so hard, and hail was hitting our faces, so we could not think of anything to do but unsaddle the horses and take cover under the saddle blankets.
Horseless, wet, and cold, we continued our journey, now trying to move as fast as we could.  As we approached our destination, we saw that the wide street that entered the town had flooded and was like a river heading toward us.  Now our only choice was to drop our covers and climb the barbed-wire fence that surrounded the town.  It was late at night when, tired and sore and soaked, we sought shelter in the first home we saw as we entered the town.
The good young family there dried us off, fed us delicious bean burritos, and then put us to bed in a room of our own.  Soon we discovered that the room had a flat dirt floor, so we had another brilliant idea.  We drew a circle on the floor and continued our marbles game until we collapsed to the floor in sleep.
As children we were just thinking about ourselves.  We never thought about the loved ones who were desperately searching for us back home---if we had, we would have never delayed our journey in such a useless pursuit.  And if we had been wiser, we would have looked at the sky, spotted the clouds forming, and accelerated our pace to stay ahead of the storm.  Now that I have a little more experience, I always remind my self,
"Don't forget to look up."
We need to pay attention to the signs of our times.  We live in the stormy, perilous days that Paul described: 
2 Timothy 3:24.  "Men shall be lovers of their own selves,....disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy....false accusers, incontinent,....lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
Carol also gave great quotes from a talk that Dallin H. Oaks gave called "Preparation for the Second Coming."  May 2004.  Look it up.  It's great!!!
Carol also wrote on the board some things that the brethren have talked over and over to us about.   Things that we need to be doing in our every day lives.
Temporal and physical:  Food storage, finances, taking care of our physical bodies.
Spiritual:  Attend chruch meetings, pray, read scriptures, beware of technology (limit it), setting goals, temple attendance, follow the prophets words, FHE, service, conquer addictions (facebook, cell phones, etc..) music, missionary work, reading Ensign.
These are a few that were mentioned...
It was talked about---being careful to limit your time on facebook and cell phones.  When we are so involved with this kind of stuff, the spirit can't seem to find a way to communicate with us.  We are too preoccupied.  You will be amazed if you put time limits on yourself.  We do it to our kids but what about us!!!
Moderation in ALL things!!
She ended with a story about her and her family in Germany.  They got lost one night and thought they were going in the wrong direction while following the GPS system.  So they ignored the GPS and headed the direction they thought they needed to go.  GOT EVEN MORE LOST.  So they decided to follow what the GPS told them to do. They arrived at their destination safely. 
GPS---G-God, P--Protects, S--Safety
If we follow what God has instructed us to do.  We will arrive safely!!!
Yes, there are signs of storms forming all around us.  Let us look up and prepare ourselves.  There is safety in a strong testimony.  Let us cherish and strengthen our testimonies every day... 

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