The bishop asked us as a presidency about a month ago to submit some goasl for our very own Relief Society this year. We thought it a good idea to involve all of you in the process, since you are the ones that will help achieve those goals. We came up with 3 goals that we would like all of us to work on for this upcoming year. Remember our SMART GOALS that we discussed last week. We need them to be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and with a time line. So here they are:
1. To develop a closer relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
2. To create a more unified force among our sisters.
3. To do our Visiting Teaching for the right reasons.
After reviewing these goasl we felt that they really all tied together. If we develop a closer relationship with our Savior, we will want to do our visiting teaching for the right reasons. And if we are not one we are not His!!
We discussed all three goals and decided that we would come up with at least 1 thing that we could all work on to improve on in each of these areas.
Suggestions: #1--Memorize a scripture a month, read scriptures daily, pray with real intent, have meanful FHE, write in your journal, start a journal, take time to be quiet, ponder, think about the Savior, attend church every week, magnify your calling, play good music in your home, read and discuss conference talks, break a bad habit, bear your testimony, join the choir, sing all hymns and pay attention to the words, write down why you are a mormon. We want you to pick your own goal and work on it for at least 3 months. See where we get!!
We talked about Unity and what it means to each of us. What creates unity and what doesn't!! We encourage each of you to attend our activities and come get to know your sisters in our ward. We will plan each activity with a specific goal in mind. YOU!!
We also talked about visiting teaching and what it means to each of us. It is such a great way to follow our Savior's example and reach out to the one. Sister Beck makes the comment that visiting teaching becomes the Lord's work when our focus is centered on people rather than on percentages. We can never say--my visiting teaching is done!! In reality, visiting teaching is never finished. It is more a way of life than a task. Faithfully serving as a visiting teacher is evidence of our discipleship. We demonstrate our faith and follow a pattern established by the Lord as we report on our assignments every month.
Let's all work on this together this year. We are excited to be able to accomplish this as the Indian Hills Relief Society sisters. We love you and wish good things for you. We pray for you and will always be here to help and support in any way we can.
Deb, Kathy, Carisa and Jerrolyn