There is a great article in this month's ensign entitled "Face the future with Faith & Hope." (Pg. 25)At the beginning it states: Always remember that Jesus Christ--the Creator of the universe, the architect of our salvation, and the head of this Church--IS IN CONTROL!! Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles quotes President Gordon B. Hinckley...President Hinckley described the world that today's young people are about to enter when he said: "We live in a season when fierce men do terrible and despicable things. We live in a season of war. We live in a season of arragance. We live in a season of wickedness, pornography, immorality. All of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah haunt our society. Our young people have never faced a greater challenge. We have never seen more clearly the lecherous face of evil. (WOW, what a statement!!)
We should not be surprised at these circumstances of our time because the scriptures and prophecies about our day testify of what will happen in the world if people turn their backs on God.
So...with that in mind--Elder Ballard shares this: (Actually speaking to the young adults) I urge you to make a commitment to yourself and to Heavenly Father to dedicate your life and to consecrate your time and talents to building up the Church of Jesus Christ in anticipation of the Savior's Second Coming. Let the motive of your thought and actions be to glorify God and to bless your fellowman. The purpose of my message is to help you envision your future. Have faith and hope for the bright futures you face.
This article deals with the youth but the message is applicable to us all. GREAT ARTICLE.
Great read!!
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